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"OneOscar" Zero-G Club (KSP1 Fan Club)

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Welcome to the "OneOscar" Zero-G Club!

 This is a standardized craft build to test your piloting skills at their smallest and most stylish limits, in the OG KSP spirit!

Everyone is welcome to join in the fun! "OneOscar" Biplanes make a wonderful addition to any aircraft collectors hangar!

The challenge is simple: Become a Member of the "OneOscar" Zero-G ClubTM

How to become a member:

Build or Download a "OneOscar" biplane, then use it to complete, or compete in, another forum.kerbal community challenge. Suggestions are:

Join your chosen community challenge with your "OneOscar" and be sure to brag about your cool spin or super cool feat! Let them know which variant of "OneOscar" you ride so they can look at you in awe. Once you've completed that, submit a screenshot of your "OneOscar" with the addition of a link to your external challenge submission in this thread to complete membership.  (to get the link to your external post, click on the three dots at the top of your submission). Optionally, just post in this "OneOscar" thread if you are uncomfortable posting elsewhere; we still know you are a true fan.

Additional Rules:

  • Be Excellent to Each other
  • The "OneOscar" Craft you choose to fly for membership must follow the following criteria:
    • It uses a single Oscar tank
    • It uses Elevon 4 as its only wing type
    • It must be a biplane in the spirit of "OneOscar" Branding
  • This is a standardized craft build.  The idea is to show your skill with this particular arrangement of parts.

Pick up the craft here<-Link


Other Club Compliance Guidelines and Specifications:


OneOscar name guide

  • All OneOscar vehicle Formal Name must start with the name "OneOscar".
  • All OneOscar vehicle names must be surrounded by quotes.
  • All OneOscar vehicles are eligible for an Informal Name after completing a challenge. The name is given during the challenge submission.

First Suffix:

  • FG, Fixed Gear in front
  • SG, Steerable Gear in front (No Brakes)

(All one OneOscars are single "rear gear")


  • Lite,    No vertical stabilizer
  • Super Lite,    Lite without inline stabilizer and battery
  • W,    Wide. Above 0.04 Span (not above 0.06 Span) (ineligible for Lite categories); 5W and 6W
  • XL,    the related cousin to the "OneOscar" utilizing the xs methane tank. (ineligible for Lite categories)
  • S, Spark Engine; Some atmospheres require engine modification.
  • 2x, Another anomaly in the "OneOscar" family modded with a second Oscar tank
  • E, With the second to smallest battery (the round one; at the end of designation, but behind "+"; ineligible for Lite categories)
  • +,   With an extra inline stabilizer (the + is always at the end of designation; ineligible for Lite categories)



  • "OneOscar FG" is a standard "OneOscar" build. All OneOscars will either be FG or SG first.
  • "OneOscar FGXL6W+" would be the largest in category. XL should precede W in this arrangement.
  • The OneOscar in the tutorial is a White and Red Accented "OneOscar FG"

Other Rules for Club Membership:

  1. Follow Site-wide rules
  2. Represent the club well; please refrain from being rude with your Club Membership. The goal is to eventually build a community of small flight enthusiasts. "Be excellent to each other!"- Bill and Ted
  3. Please keep posts in this thread on topic (OneOscar and challenge related).

Watch a video of the build process here



Sample Submission (KSP2 "OneOscar" Fan Club; Same process)



I completed Azgar's "Lightest to the Island Airfield"!

I used my "OneOscar FGXL+" for the first submission, and a "OneOscar SG Lite" for the second!





Members will be eligible to wear earned Flair in their Signature. 

  • All members automatically earn the "OneOscar" Coin. 
  • "OneOscar" Club challenge coins can be earned once you are a member.
  • Coins are optional. The real joy will be the OneOscar in your arsenal.

Other membership perks:


Being a "OneOscar" Enthusiast is a reward in and of itself. The joy of piloting one of these mighty steeds is no less than absolute bliss. Once when describing his excitement after completing challenges in a "OneOscar", well unknown Engineer Ken had this to say: "It's an incredible feeling of power! And easy too! Like riding a bike, but the bike is a tiger, and the tiger has wings!"

Beyond the joy of piloting one of Kerbin's most unique tiny aircaft, your membership will signify you as a certified awesome Pilot Extraordinaire.  Membership alone requires a minimum amount of skill based on the rubric of the aircraft; In a "OneOscar" challenge you will be compared against skill alone, and not craft (to a large extent).

As you gain experience through attaining "OneOscar" Fan Club Badges, you will have proof available that you are "Certified Awesome Trick Pilot". Not only will you gain skill and prestige, but also knowledge. By experimenting with the basic "OneOscar FG" model and its many variations, you will become more adept at configuring your aircraft for different situations and become even better known across the forums as a fountain of knowledge among tinkerers, toyers, and stunt-jockeys.

Once you've completed the initial challenge your name will be added to the club database* at the bottom of this post and you will be eligible to earn Club Badges! (Badges are an honor system reward. Take one from the screen and resize it on Postimages — free image hosting / image upload for your signature)

Membership Roster:

@Socraticat "OneOscar" FG 5/17/23
@Watermel00n "OneOscar" FG and "OneOscar" FGC 6/7/23



Edited by Socraticat
Updated Membership Roster
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Additional Rules:

  • Be Excellent to Each other
  • The "OneOscar" Craft you choose to fly for membership must follow the following criteria:
    • It uses a single Oscar tank
    • It uses Elevon 4 as its only wing type
    • It must be a biplane in the spirit of "OneOscar" Branding
  • This is a standardized craft build.  The idea is to show your skill with this particular arrangement of parts.


Other Club Compliance Guidelines and Specifications:



OneOscar name guide

  • All OneOscar vehicle Formal Name must start with the name "OneOscar".
  • All OneOscar vehicle names must be surrounded by quotes.
  • All OneOscar vehicles are eligible for an Informal Name after completing a challenge. The name is given during the challenge submission.

First Suffix:

  • FG, Fixed Gear in front
  • SG, Steerable Gear in front (No Brakes)

(All one OneOscars are single "rear gear")


  • Lite,    No vertical stabilizer
  • Super Lite,    Lite without inline stabilizer and battery
  • W,    Wide. Above 0.04 Span (not above 0.06 Span) (ineligible for Lite categories); 5W and 6W
  • XL,    the related cousin to the "OneOscar" utilizing the xs methane tank. (ineligible for Lite categories)
  • S, Spark Engine; Some atmospheres require engine modification.
  • 2x, Another anomaly in the "OneOscar" family modded with a second Oscar tank
  • E, With the second to smallest battery (the round one; at the end of designation, but behind "+"; ineligible for Lite categories)
  • +,   With an extra inline stabilizer (the + is always at the end of designation; ineligible for Lite categories)



  • "OneOscar FG" is a standard "OneOscar" build. All OneOscars will either be FG or SG first.
  • "OneOscar FGXL6W+" would be the largest in category. XL should precede W in this arrangement.
  • The OneOscar in the tutorial is a White and Red Accented "OneOscar FG"

Other Rules for Club Membership:

  1. Follow Site-wide rules
  2. Represent the club well; please refrain from being rude with your Club Membership. The goal is to eventually build a community of small flight enthusiasts. "Be excellent to each other!"- Bill and Ted
  3. Please keep posts in this thread on topic (OneOscar and challenge related).

I'll have a video of the build process within 24 hours. I did some laundry, so now I can sit and edit.

Update: Video of Build has been uploaded to Topic

Edited by Socraticat
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  • 3 weeks later...
On 6/4/2023 at 7:35 PM, Watermel00n said:

Introducing OneOscar SGXL6W, or as I like to call it, The "Oscarliner"!

Let me begin by saying I very much appreciate your enthusiasm.  

Let me follow up with an explanation of what a "OneOscar" is: A "OneOscar" Biplane is a craft that is at first rooted to, or contains at least one (and very rarely more) than one, "Oscar-B" fuel Tank. The flagship "OneOscar", the standardized FG model, is a Biplane with limited fuel capabilities. Variations of the vessel are usually centered around adaptations to the wing size and supplementary engine attachments. There have been a handful of "Misnomered" "OneOscar" vessels that had two oscars, or one xs methane tank, but none yet have had a cockpit, let alone a full cargo bay.

There has been a trip to minimus that loaded a "OneOscar" FG into a cargo bay, but that was a delivery vessel. If that's what this is, it should be designated as a "OneOscar" DV (Delivery Vessel) Oscarliner.

The main concerns I have with your vessel as is are:

  1. There is no "Oscar-B" Fuel tank in the parts list- this is only a disqualification for your submission if other concerns cannot be met
  2. The vessel is not a Biplane
  3. The vessel is not small
  4. The vessel does not have a grumble seat
  5. The vessel is not [stock] (a visual mod prevents me from loading your craft; It's a me problem, not a you problem- gimme some more screenshots if you update your post/craft etc)

We thank you for your interest in the "OneOscar" Zero-G Club. We look forward to seeing you again!

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5 hours ago, Socraticat said:

Let me begin by saying I very much appreciate your enthusiasm.  

Let me follow up with an explanation of what a "OneOscar" is: A "OneOscar" Biplane is a craft that is at first rooted to, or contains at least one (and very rarely more) than one, "Oscar-B" fuel Tank. The flagship "OneOscar", the standardized FG model, is a Biplane with limited fuel capabilities. Variations of the vessel are usually centered around adaptations to the wing size and supplementary engine attachments. There have been a handful of "Misnomered" "OneOscar" vessels that had two oscars, or one xs methane tank, but none yet have had a cockpit, let alone a full cargo bay.

There has been a trip to minimus that loaded a "OneOscar" FG into a cargo bay, but that was a delivery vessel. If that's what this is, it should be designated as a "OneOscar" DV (Delivery Vessel) Oscarliner.

The main concerns I have with your vessel as is are:

  1. There is no "Oscar-B" Fuel tank in the parts list- this is only a disqualification for your submission if other concerns cannot be met
  2. The vessel is not a Biplane
  3. The vessel is not small
  4. The vessel does not have a grumble seat
  5. The vessel is not [stock] (a visual mod prevents me from loading your craft; It's a me problem, not a you problem- gimme some more screenshots if you update your post/craft etc)

We thank you for your interest in the "OneOscar" Zero-G Club. We look forward to seeing you again!

Ahh, sorry, maybe I did not read the rules properly. Thanks for the challenge anyways!

The visual mod I was using is Restock and Restock plus. I didn't think it would cause any problems.

Thanks for the explanation. Maybe I'll try this challenge again next time!

Edited by Watermel00n
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Okay, I've built some more conventional craft.


KerbalX: https://kerbalx.com/Watermel00n/OneOscar-FG

I recommend you to adjust the settings on the back stabiliser because it can be a bit sensitive.


And a canard version (idk if its allowed)




I don't know if I designated it correctly, but this is probably the most fun I've had in a small plane yet.


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