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I made a WORKING Space Elevator in KSP

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When the first time I watch Wandering Earth 2, I was astonished by that space elevator. I watched some fake space elevator video on bilibili (example).

Then I watched a true one


This one does work, but it's toooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo slow.

Then I made a truly work one.

It's faster but it stuck at 100km.

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i tried something like this using kerbal constructs and a climbing part. just couldnt get the traction to climb vertically for very long or very fast. also i had my tether in 2km segments and only installed them to 50km. needless to say i had alignment issues. 

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I try the rail using KK, but it does not work well. there are two problems exist.

If using straight rail to GSO, the optimization of the game will produce a small displacement. But this fatal displacement will  cause the elevator hitting the rail and destruct it.

If placing rail indirectly, the rail upon 100km will shiver mysteriously. it will destruct the elevator when docking to the space part rail.

maybe I need to improve the mesh 

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