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Patch v0.1.4.0 Patch Timing Update


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I'd hope for ~12-1pm for the launch time, local to them. Dropping out a patch right end of day is a bold move, better to have a few hours in case you need an emergency hotfix/rollback, especially when you've already had one game breaker try and make it out. But there's never a 'best' time to patch, just a lot of 'good enough' :P

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On 8/28/2023 at 7:34 PM, RayneCloud said:

The delay in communication here on the forums, and the focus on other platforms first again, as well as not hearing from Nate for nearly two months is very disappointing  and disconcerting. Also, the fact that we're now  nearing 6 months post launch and we're still no closer to any understanding of science mode, new parts, and the rest of promised features has actually made even me question what's going on. This isn't a good luck, 6 months later and we've still not seen a fully delivered major update. This is just, really disappointing. Instead of a Q&A, can we please have a more concrete more full update from Nate please @Dakota?

Welcome to the party.

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