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No Trajectory Lines in Map View [Indicators Like PE/AP are Still Showing]


Bug Report

Reported Version: v0.1.4 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes 
OS: Windows | CPU: Intel i5-10300H | GPU: Gtx 1650 Ti | RAM16gb


After updating to, I logged on to find that I am unable to see trajectories for any of my crafts while in map view.  I was previously able to on 0.1.3. and most other previous versions. It is clear the trajectories are there, but having no lines makes interplanetary missions almost impossible. Thank you for reviewing and hopefully fixing soon!


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Reported Version: v0.1.4 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes 
OS: Windows 10 | CPU: AMD Ryzen 3 3200G | GPU: GTX 1050 TI | RAM16 GB


Seems to be the "Landed" bug from KSP 1 all over again, trajectory lines just dont show up when looking at map view, cant make any maneuvers or do anything


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Edited by Anth12
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Just now, MasterChef117 said:

As a potential workaround to any affected by this bug, I rebooted the game and found my orbital line back. (If all else fails, you could attempt the old save-editing trick)

That's useful information. Thank you.

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10 minutes ago, DADDYTYRONE said:

To add on, I have created a new game save and all trajectories are missing, including all planets and moons. If another screen shot/ post is needed please let me know, thanks.

I appreciate your efforts.
Is there anyway you could supply a bugged save file?

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33 minutes ago, Socraticat said:

Should I make a separate report, or should I just start looking for these threads and link my relevant info and save files?

Thanks for the save file. It is triggering both bugs for me.
Could you do a bug report for both?
Then I will merge them into the existing ones. That way your additional information will hopefully get the developers attention better than just a comment.

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5 hours ago, Dandoesstuff said:

i'm pretty sure there's a mod called "community fixes" that has a fix for this?

I think that's a new bug. It doesn't seem to be the Landed bug that still exist in some instance, because in this new bug is affecting other craft and the AP/PE is still there. 

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Pro tip for anyone using Dropbox to distribute files: If you set the &dl=0 to &dl=1 then it will be a 1 click download. No opening a new page.

Edit: Also, although the file says 'logs' in it, there's no KSP log or Unity player.log

Those could be more helpful than the dxdiag that was in there. Probably a lot of exceptions in there . Just a hunch.

Edited by Starwaster
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3 hours ago, Starwaster said:

Pro tip for anyone using Dropbox to distribute files: If you set the &dl=0 to &dl=1 then it will be a 1 click download. No opening a new page.

Edit: Also, although the file says 'logs' in it, there's no KSP log or Unity player.log

Those could be more helpful than the dxdiag that was in there. Probably a lot of exceptions in there . Just a hunch.

Cool. Thanks. If I see a dropbox link or make one myself I will change them.

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Yeah, this bug also appears to affect the trajectory lines of the celestial bodies too. I had to eyeball several of my interplanetary missions. I first encountered this bug during my Starfield mission (The weekly challenge)...

I guess the horrifying abomination I made was just too much for the game.

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I keep running into this bug after I get to orbit and undock my two crafts. I will control one of them and by the time that I go back to the other it is marked as landed and has no trajectory lines. I am not closing the game or anything in between, only switching craft. I as soon as I switch craft the other one is marked as landed. Unfortunately restarting wont fix this so I just have to jump back a few saves.

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Reported Version: v0.1.4 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes 
OS: Windows 11 | CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 5600X 6-Core Processor 3.70 GHz | GPU: AMD 6800 XT | RAM32 GB


Main Issue:
Absolutely all orbital lines of all craft and bodies in the Kerbolar system will disappear, but the PE and AP markers will still show around them correctly, and previously made maneuver nodes also shows. Forgot to test if able to make new nodes, but seems rather hard to do so. This is present in map view and in the tracking station.

Gameplay issues:
Causes maneuvering in orbit to be hard, and docking to be impossible. 

Theory on cause:

Seems to be linked to quickload. Quickload and quicksave does not work. Last time it happened for me, craft was in "recoverable" state after landed at the KSC runway. 

Theory on how to reproduce:

  • Launch craft to orbit
  • Quicksave when circularized
  • Deorbit and land at Kerbin
  • When landed and craft is recovarable, quickload


Game restart, and loading of both quicksave and autosave solves the problem. 
You might not be able to get the bug from loading of my save file on a different computer.

Specs (from AMD Adrenalin):



Images of bug:






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Edited by Sylvi Fisthaug
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This happens a lot and I'm amazed at the "cannot reliably reproduce" in the latest kerb. Build a ship with a docked lander attached to it, e.g. in a cargo bay.

Fly to Duna, undock lander and pilot to surface. You now have two ships. If you actually land, the lander will go to landed state but so will the mothership it undocked from. You will not see trajectory lines for the mothership. Tracking station will show mothership in orbit as being in landed state. Tried changing situation in JSON of save file away from landed did not seem to work.

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10 hours ago, mrjsonkerbal said:

This happens a lot and I'm amazed at the "cannot reliably reproduce" in the latest kerb. Build a ship with a docked lander attached to it, e.g. in a cargo bay.

Fly to Duna, undock lander and pilot to surface. You now have two ships. If you actually land, the lander will go to landed state but so will the mothership it undocked from. You will not see trajectory lines for the mothership. Tracking station will show mothership in orbit as being in landed state. Tried changing situation in JSON of save file away from landed did not seem to work.

If its limited to only one craft then its not the same issue. This bug report is for every trajectory that is missing including planets. 

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