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Hats off to 0.1.5 for achieving something positive


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1 hour ago, Periple said:

KSP2’s VAB is a much better design, however it does still have many rough edges and lacks refinements. I do find it overall much easier and more efficient even in its current state, although it did take me a while to un-learn KSP1.

Well so was KSP1 VAB back in its early days. I'm sure they're aware it needs some polish but considering the overall state of the game right now, it's definitely not a priority. It works, and it's all that matters. And it already received a bit of bugsquashing.

39 minutes ago, Scarecrow71 said:

At least let us re-map the controls if we wish.  That way everyone has the control scheme in the VAB that they prefer.

I have no doubt it's gonna come. Yet again, it's further down the list than more pressing issues.

11 minutes ago, Scarecrow71 said:

That's where my frustration starts.  You have to hold MMB to scroll up/down in the VAB, and I almost always inadvertently do this while over a part.  So that centers the camera AND the root on that part...which then messes up symmetry.

See above about polishing the experience, that camera focus on dragging will disappear... Eventually.

But I've never seen my ship changing the root part while holding MMB over it so I'm not sure what happens in your game. 

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7 minutes ago, Superfluous J said:

This was not orbital decay. This was orbital modification. I'm talking I click the ship in orbit, see it's in orbit, change to it and it's on a crash course with the planet.

I got this once too, orbit fluctuating all over the place and eventually craft got flung into interstellar space at a significant fraction of c.

Couldn’t reproduce though, everything normal on all other flights. The Kraken was really mad at that one! :joy:

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11 minutes ago, Superfluous J said:

I'll have to experiment with this. In ksp1 I never minded testing parts in different craft files and using sub assemblies but I can see how it could be nice.

If you know subassemblies, then it's even better because you don't have to save them separately and you don't need an already existing craft to attach them to it. Just pick whatever part you need, drop in the free space and boom, you can start building there.

But, and there's a big but, careful with saving, that's what gets most people. Make sure to name the WORKSPACE while saving, not just vehicle if you plan to use it again, because it will overwrite whatever was there before. The vehicle name only matters when you're launching directly from launchpad/runway for whatever reason. You save the workspace, you load the workspace, you merge the workspace, you launch the vehicle.

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29 minutes ago, Superfluous J said:

This was not orbital decay. This was orbital modification. I'm talking I click the ship in orbit, see it's in orbit, change to it and it's on a crash course with the planet.

That actually defines the bug.

There were variants (or perhaps differing ways of explaining the same phenomena) but essentially, you get a craft into orbit (know that it has a set PE and AP both in space) then go do something else.  When you return to the ship now you discover there is no orbit and you're on a steep dive to the planetary body.


IIRC there was some talk about this occurring whenever said orbit was below a certain altitude (a generous one; like 50km for Minmus or something).  

Needless to say, it was widely reported and bemoaned months ago.

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The bug you're talking about that changes the orbit is probably the phantom forces created by landing legs (and landing gears):

So you can experience different levels of phantom forces if you reload/undock/timewarp while having landing legs on your craft or when you deploy landing legs.

For me those are the worst bugs that still exist in the game.

Edited by Spicat
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For me it's one of the best. I was/am able to land with a percentage of fuel I'd normally use because each coming out of warp with extended legs would slow the craft down. Instead of 300m/s, I'd be going at 130 before turning on the engines for touchdown.

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9 minutes ago, The Aziz said:

For me it's one of the best. I was/am able to land with a percentage of fuel I'd normally use because each coming out of warp with extended legs would slow the craft down. Instead of 300m/s, I'd be going at 130 before turning on the engines for touchdown.

That's a way of seeing the glass half full, lol.

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On 10/28/2023 at 8:40 PM, Superfluous J said:

I have exactly one minute of playing time on Steam. It will likely remain as such forever.

The posts and topics in the forum are enough of a sign for me to know we've hit some form of milestone.

Maybe a pre-milestone?  0.2 is where things are likely to start taking off - 1.5 is just a pretty good indication that the game is getting into solid enough shape that For Science! is likely to be decent.

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22 hours ago, Periple said:

Broken is a bit strong but it was illogical and clunky, not a masterpiece of UI design. It does have the benefit of many years of tweaking which made it usable you got the hang of it.

This for me was one of the strong points of KSP1's UI.  Far from perfect, but battle tested enough that it did everything you needed it to in a relatively accessible way.

19 hours ago, Spicat said:

The bug you're talking about that changes the orbit is probably the phantom forces created by landing legs (and landing gears):

So you can experience different levels of phantom forces if you reload/undock/timewarp while having landing legs on your craft or when you deploy landing legs.

For me those are the worst bugs that still exist in the game.

that explains why my attempts to put rovers into planes has been a dead bust then?

All things considered though, as much as I was considering waiting for 0.2.0 for getting back in to the game, patch 5 seems genuinely worth a try out.

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