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Kethane Pack 0.9.2 - New cinematic trailer! - 1.0 compatibility update


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...Kethane to the tile on which the KSC is located..
That's a good idea. Currently, I fly to a local deposit on the west coast. I don't want to install any more mods, or I would use hyperedit. But it would be so much simpler, more fun, and basically just "polished" to have a test site at KSC. But until then, those workarounds are not so bad.
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Anyone else having a small problem with the Kethane options not actually showing up in the toolbar mod? I have the option to add Kethane to the toolbar but it never actually appears so I'm locked out of the controls. I have the toolbar file in my Kethane files too, and no problems with anything else on the toolbar. Any pointers?

Also sorry if this should have gone over to the toolbar mod, it just seems exclusive to Kethane's compatibility.

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Anyone else having a small problem with the Kethane options not actually showing up in the toolbar mod? I have the option to add Kethane to the toolbar but it never actually appears so I'm locked out of the controls. I have the toolbar file in my Kethane files too, and no problems with anything else on the toolbar. Any pointers?

Also sorry if this should have gone over to the toolbar mod, it just seems exclusive to Kethane's compatibility.

The controls don't show-up in flight mode. Only in the tracking center and in map view.

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How feasible would it be to make a RAPIER-style version of the Zero Bypass Turbine? It's a great concept as an engine but so niche (really only necessary and of use on Eve and, if you like flying really low, Duna) that it's an incredible amount of effort to put a ship with Kintakes in a position where they can really use them. Collecting, storing and transporting Kethane is a significant undertaking and more than enough of a balanced offset for having an optimal SSTO engine that will get me from Kerbin to, well, depending on the ship, build and design, just about anywhere - at which point I can use drills and scanners to find fuel and refuel my craft - if I can land safely, etc.

That would be awesome. Currently though I'd be better off just using rapiers and nukes and putting a medium converter on, drilling for Kethane, converting it into fuel (that both the rapiers and nukes can use) and moving on from there.

Having Kethane stored in a vehicle you can roll out to the runway and fuel up a new ship is a significant undertaking on its own. Having a good reason to would be awesome.

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This may sound cheat-y but please hear me out, as well as having a large Kethane deposit at KSC, why not allow us to have tanks filled with Kethane at launch? some might say:

"well that defeats the object of having to mine it"

Wrong, the player "could" launch a rocket filled with 30,000 units of Kethane if they wanted....but they still have to get the damn thing off the ground...

sending a Kethane tanker filled to the brim with 10's of thousands of units of Kethane even to the Mún would be FAR from easy with that huge mass....

It would still be the core of the game to find and process it, just allowing ships to start with it adds so many more possibilities and flexibility...

As far as RP, balance immersion or thing like that goes then how come Kerbals can manage to get HUNDREDS of thousands of units of rocket/jet fuel from some "unseen fuel industry" on kerbin...then why shouldn't there exist an "Invisible Kethane Supply" company too?

Having Kethane deposits on Kerbal makes sense for extended atmospheric flight but I still feel we should be able to launch with tanks filled with Kethane, it has mass, its quite heavy, and its not "free" to start with it if you have to burn more fuel to get it somewhere instead of it arriving empty to be filled later.

I personally have removed the tag making the tanks empty (My procedural parts mod honours the default Kethane mod's way and keeps them empty) but I like starting with rockets filled with raw Ore and Kethane, which gets processed as the vessel travels (similar to the way the ship works in the first Alien movie, ship is towing a HUGE factory processing the ore autonomously as it flies).

Ike is quite a ways away, and my Kethane probes might as well have something to do on the way :P lol

Edited by Eggman360
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Is the scanning supposed to keep going while not using that active vehicle?

Theoretically it should. Mine does not. I have to keep that vehicle active until its done.

Takes forever as you can only scan 1 hex at a time. I keep it low but run out of power.


Edited by David H
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Is the scanning supposed to keep going while not using that active vehicle?

Theoretically it should. Mine does not. I have to keep that vehicle active until its done.

Takes forever as you can only scan 1 hex at a time. I keep it low but run out of power.

As far as I know you must keep the ship active for it to keep scanning, if you use the larger stack scanner I believe you can scan faster at lower altitudes as it has a faster time between scans that the smaller does.

The larger one also has a longer range too.

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This may sound cheat-y but please hear me out, as well as having a large Kethane deposit at KSC, why not allow us to have tanks filled with Kethane at launch? some might say:

"well that defeats the object of having to mine it"

Wrong, the player "could" launch a rocket filled with 30,000 units of Kethane if they wanted....but they still have to get the damn thing off the ground...

sending a Kethane tanker filled to the brim with 10's of thousands of units of Kethane even to the Mún would be FAR from easy with that huge mass....

It would still be the core of the game to find and process it, just allowing ships to start with it adds so many more possibilities and flexibility...

As far as RP, balance immersion or thing like that goes then how come Kerbals can manage to get HUNDREDS of thousands of units of rocket/jet fuel from some "unseen fuel industry" on kerbin...then why shouldn't there exist an "Invisible Kethane Supply" company too?

Having Kethane deposits on Kerbal makes sense for extended atmospheric flight but I still feel we should be able to launch with tanks filled with Kethane, it has mass, its quite heavy, and its not "free" to start with it if you have to burn more fuel to get it somewhere instead of it arriving empty to be filled later.

I personally have removed the tag making the tanks empty (My procedural parts mod honours the default Kethane mod's way and keeps them empty) but I like starting with rockets filled with raw Ore and Kethane, which gets processed as the vessel travels (similar to the way the ship works in the first Alien movie, ship is towing a HUGE factory processing the ore autonomously as it flies).

Ike is quite a ways away, and my Kethane probes might as well have something to do on the way :P lol

I believe this has been suggested, heard out and rejected by Majiir many times now... (As one of the longest running mods I've ever seen, I doubt it wasn't suggested before) Even I don't vote for it. I understand the point but still... "Find it, Mine it, Burn it"

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Or have a big tank on the Launch Pad where you deposit it all. Like Space X!

"They say Space X has big balls - it's true" -Elon Musk :P

I've got a Kerbin-based kethane-mining lander that takes it back to KSC. Then I have a big rover that I keep off the runway and roll up to refuel with. Like this -


Still say a Kethane RAPIER would kick the usefulness of the whole Kethane mod up a notch. Currently the Kethane engine is only good for atmospheric flight on Eve. Everywhere else RAPIER/LV-Ns are far more useful.

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This may sound cheat-y but please hear me out, as well as having a large Kethane deposit at KSC, why not allow us to have tanks filled with Kethane at launch? some might say:

"well that defeats the object of having to mine it"

Wrong, the player "could" launch a rocket filled with 30,000 units of Kethane if they wanted....but they still have to get the damn thing off the ground...


basically there is one method of doing that.

take an awful lot of kerbals and send them up into space and then waitnonostop them...

but honestly, that is extremely inkermane...

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I'm have some pretty major problems with The Latest release. Launched one probe and at first everything worked fine however after launching a second one the grid overlay went all haywire like in the picture, now it happens on all vessels.

Mods im using:

Kethane 0.8.5


Engineering Redux (0.235 .dlls)

B9 0.235 Patched

KW 0.235 Patched

Enhanced Nav Ball

City Lights and Clouds


Kerbal Alarm Clock

I've searched this thread and seen other people have the same problem but I have found no solution other than reading it's not a problem caused by Kethane Mod. Has anyone figured this out?


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I'm have some pretty major problems with The Latest release. Launched one probe and at first everything worked fine however after launching a second one the grid overlay went all haywire like in the picture, now it happens on all vessels.

Mods im using:

Kethane 0.8.5


Engineering Redux (0.235 .dlls)

B9 0.235 Patched

KW 0.235 Patched

Enhanced Nav Ball

City Lights and Clouds


Kerbal Alarm Clock

I've searched this thread and seen other people have the same problem but I have found no solution other than reading it's not a problem caused by Kethane Mod. Has anyone figured this out?


Yup, I have the same issue. You can see my thread here:


From what I understood, this issue supposedly was already fixed some time ago and the last complain about this dated August 2013 I think.

You could try confirming that it's the same issue by opening the debug during the game (alt+F12), go to tracking station with grids off, focus on the celestial body with the troubled grid, activate the grid and see if an "exception" error pops up in the debug.

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Sorry if its been asked before, but is there a way to change the colors in the Kethane overlay? I use the clouds mod, and the white grid blends into the clouds. I'd like to change it to black.

In the Kethane\Resources folder there is a kethane.cfg file which has these two lines you will want to tweak:

  ColorFull = 0.08235294, 0.6901961, 0.1019608
ColorEmpty = 0.1858824, 0.3105883, 0.1929412

I assume they are red, green, blue values between 0 and 1.

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Yup, I have the same issue. You can see my thread here:


From what I understood, this issue supposedly was already fixed some time ago and the last complain about this dated August 2013 I think.

You could try confirming that it's the same issue by opening the debug during the game (alt+F12), go to tracking station with grids off, focus on the celestial body with the troubled grid, activate the grid and see if an "exception" error pops up in the debug.

Ya, "It's already Fixed" is the general consensus of what I read as well, obviously this is not the case. Just to be sure I was on the same page as others who were not having the issue I tried a new save with only kethane installed and got the same results, tried a fresh install of KSP and went through and updated all my mods with the latest patches and im still having the same issue. I'll bump your thread, here's my debug...


It seems Im having some issues with toolbar as well. I'm not using toolbar so could this just be kethane and interstellar looking for something that is not there?

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Yes, Interstellar and Kethane have the toolbar incorporated in them, so I guess they'll show an error that the toolbar mod is missing. I don't think it will affect the mods, though. I use the toolbar mod, so with or without it, it won't affect the outcome of the bugged grid.

Other than that, looks like we are on the same boat here. I'm just hoping to have a response from Majiir.

Just out of curiosity, what's you Operating System, handy_solo?

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Windows7 64bit

i7 @ 3.3ghz

12gb ddr3 ram

Asus Radeon 5850

Ok, that's kind of relief to me. I say this because my PC is a XP and its way less powerful than yours and, I supose, less powerful than the majority, if not all the PCs of the community. So I started speculating that since no one had the same issue as me, it must be because I have an old OS that's quickly falling into disuse for obvious reasons.

So I'm kind of relieved that better PC's are also having issues with the mod.

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Daunting: Consider dual-booting with Ubuntu. Ubuntu has oodles better performance than any recent version of Windows, is more stable, and on top of it all, will let you use 64-bit KSP (assuming you had a 64-bit processor). Even if the 64-bit KSP isn't an option and your hardware really is that old, still consider it. Windows XP, Vista, and 7, all have significant amounts of overhead that further reduce the amount of memory 32-bit applications can use before they crash (the theoretical limit is around 4GB, but Windows bloat reduces this to under 3.4). You'll get a fair bit more out of your PC with Ubuntu than XP, especially where KSP is concerned.

Yes I know the memory thing is more complicated but for the purposes of running KSP, I think I gave a good approximation of the difference. Things being equal, you'll probably get an extra 0.5GB of RAM to work with just by using a Linux OS over Windows.

Edited by phoenix_ca
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