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Kethane Pack 0.9.2 - New cinematic trailer! - 1.0 compatibility update


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The 24 drills and two converters suck up 230 units of power in total, those big panels in full light provide 200 each. It was that or 500 RTG's lol. Thinking about making an actual nuclear reactor with its own model and fuel requirement and a bunch of other really heavy parts that would need to be removed and replaced based on your save game time not on how many units of power it puts out.

That is a sexy setup!

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why so many drills? not sure if its workin in 0.20, but in 0.19 drilling would work during time warp. At first I was kinda building toward the same thing, but its a pain to feed a lot of drills, and converters too. I ended up using a 4 drill rig with a single 2.5m converter and just runnin on x10 or x50 warp.

again, not sure if this will work in 0.20...kethane wont work for me in 0.20

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The kethane mod is nearly fixed, I still play in .19.1 till that and KAS are done. Reason for this setup is I'm trying to get away from using time warp all together, and this thing running at full tilt fills the fuel tank as fast in real time almost as fast as 4 drills and 1 converter fill it at 10x. I'm running many many missions at a time now and alarm clock would go crazy if I went too fast :)

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yea, everyone says its fixed, but I cant seem to get stuff to work more than 10% of the time.....think something else is messin with it...haven't found what yet

Im guessin ya go for deposits close to northpole with that rig first? hehe

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Actually I use equatorial deposits due to the cost of getting fuel from a polar site into space. That's why I have 2 arrays, even if each is running at 50% it's enough. Plus the actual fuel tank farm that it will be hooked up to will have some power generation abilities, probably 4 of these at different angles. This was built to fit inside a mk4 cargo bay.

And about being fixed. The official update for The two I mentioned are expected this week

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I Will be loving it, it got released while I was already on my way to work! Haven't used it yet

Although I think I'm still going to look into making my own mk4 bay doors that open up top like all the other ones. It's for space after all, don't need the ramp and could use the extra space underneath.

Edited by HoY
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I would like to add a new resource to the converter, can I just type in an entry such as the one below or do I have to somehow reference the file that the resource is in?



name = KethaneConverter

TargetResource = Deuterium

ConversionEfficiency = 0.075

KethaneConsumption = 3

PowerConsumption = 3


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So how do i get my old deposits maps to show up in 0.20 with the current fixes ? i copied my old files to \GameData\Kethane\Plugins\PluginData\MMI_Kethane and they all got overwritten on the first try, so i guess i'm at the right place...

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Hey guys.

I'm currently using the patch posted earlier in this forum to get this thing running with 0.20. While I was testing a new Miner design I encountered this issue- http://puu.sh/32OJT/aba3b293d4.jpg

The converter won't work at all. I don't know if this is a glitch or due to my placement of the converter, as this is my first time using them. Any help would be appreciated.

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Umm, You do know that for the convertor to work it must either be attached to the fuel tanks to be filled, or have Fuel Lines leading FROM the fuel tanks to the convertors???

I did not, no. Better my shoddy engineering over a glitch, though. Thanks for the heads up. :)

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Still might be a glitch, but it's always good to be armed to the teeth with knowledge!! Try the fuel lines or the placement, if it still doesn't work, then you might need more experienced help, I only really started dabbling with it just before .20 came out. I haven't played KSP since while waiting for the KAS mod to be updated.......

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Hey guys.

I'm currently using the patch posted earlier in this forum to get this thing running with 0.20. While I was testing a new Miner design I encountered this issue- http://puu.sh/32OJT/aba3b293d4.jpg

The converter won't work at all. I don't know if this is a glitch or due to my placement of the converter, as this is my first time using them. Any help would be appreciated.

What's the adapter between the tank and the converter ?

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Still might be a glitch, but it's always good to be armed to the teeth with knowledge!! Try the fuel lines or the placement, if it still doesn't work, then you might need more experienced help, I only really started dabbling with it just before .20 came out. I haven't played KSP since while waiting for the KAS mod to be updated.......



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Are there any reasons to use the larger kethane detector other than detection range? I don't have trouble getting close enough to use the smaller one, and the ping time seems a non-issue.

It has a shorter scan interval

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