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Kethane Pack 0.9.2 - New cinematic trailer! - 1.0 compatibility update


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  Imca said:
I had an idea for career mode.

Would it be possible to have kethane you brought back on recovered craft count twords your science?

Science is abundant as is, theres enough science out there to fill out 12 R&D trees, this would not be something anyone likes.

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  Slye_Fox said:
I'm having troubles getting this mod to work.

Every time i try the run the game with it installed, I get to "Squad/Spaces/PodCockpit/model" and the game stops loading, even the loading background eventually goes away so it's just black.

I have got it installed correctly, the kethane folder was extracted from the zip into '\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\'.

And it is only kethane (and possibly KAS) that does this, because I actually made a full clean install & ran the game to see it it worked (it did) then installed kethane & am getting this problem.

I never had this problem with 7.7 & 0.21


ten char.

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I'm having problems backing out of Tracking Center with this mod installed. When I got in to view planet and back out to select another building, the back button doesn't work or the ESC key either. Is anyone else having this problem?

I can back out if previously the grid overlay is off when I come in, but if its ticked on, I can't back out.

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Found the problem, it some how pulls in module manager and when I am in the Tracking Center it allows me to select Kethane or ice in Kethane window. That is when I know I can't back out. I have to close out game. I am even tried it with the new module manager 1.4, even though that one is specific for one mod at a time, Kethane still finds module manager and uses it.

  therealcrow999 said:
I'm having problems backing out of Tracking Center with this mod installed. When I got in to view planet and back out to select another building, the back button doesn't work or the ESC key either. Is anyone else having this problem?

I can back out if previously the grid overlay is off when I come in, but if its ticked on, I can't back out.

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My drills are deploying and retracting over and over. Regardless of the state I set them in. At first I thoguht it was an animation bug since they did it in the hanger and while flying, but now I'm unable to drill since they retract and deploy constantly.

Any suggestions on how to fix that?

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  douglasg14b said:
My drills are deploying and retracting over and over. Regardless of the state I set them in. At first I thoguht it was an animation bug since they did it in the hanger and while flying, but now I'm unable to drill since they retract and deploy constantly.

Any suggestions on how to fix that?

This is what you want i believe:

  Majiir said:
Whoops. It looks like Keptin changed the animation names without telling me. Open the part config (GameData/Kethane/Parts/kethane_heavyDrill/part.cfg) and find these lines:

name = KethaneDrillAnimator
DeployAnimation = heavyDrill_deploy
DrillAnimation = heavyDrill_drilling

Change the animation names so it looks like this:

name = KethaneDrillAnimator
DeployAnimation = idle
DrillAnimation = idle0

I'll have this patched in the next update, but I want to wait a bit before pushing out a hotfix.

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About Kethane ore not showing up where the map indicates.

Some users have had the problem of Kethane deposits not working when they transferred their saves over to 0.22 and updated to Kethane v8.0. I scanned for deposits back in 0.21 and the same exact hexagons show up now in 0.22. Problem is, I am not mining any kethane when I land and start drilling. The ship is set up correctly to do so and I'm getting enough power.

A few have suggested going into the .cfg file, edit the persistent file and reset the desposit locations to solve the issue. Could someone show me how to do that? I know where to go to edit persistent.cfg but I do not know what to type from there AND/OR where to type the command.

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Thanks! :)

P.S. I'm not an expert programmer so who ever decides to help, please be simple! I'm using Notepad ++ to edit the .cfg.

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  BC-303 said:
About Kethane ore not showing up where the map indicates.

Some users have had the problem of Kethane deposits not working when they transferred their saves over to 0.22 and updated to Kethane v8.0. I scanned for deposits back in 0.21 and the same exact hexagons show up now in 0.22. Problem is, I am not mining any kethane when I land and start drilling. The ship is set up correctly to do so and I'm getting enough power.

A few have suggested going into the .cfg file, edit the persistent file and reset the desposit locations to solve the issue. Could someone show me how to do that? I know where to go to edit persistent.cfg but I do not know what to type from there AND/OR where to type the command.

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Thanks! :)

P.S. I'm not an expert programmer so who ever decides to help, please be simple! I'm using Notepad ++ to edit the .cfg.

Im going to try, but im not sure its going to work, worth the try though.

First and most important is to make a backup copy of the "persistent.sfs" file, place it somewhere else as well to avoid any accidental loss.

Now after you open it, do a search for the word SCENARIO

It should find some declerations followed by data inside brackets {}, not many like 3 or 4 cases of SCENARIO.

You only need one, it has a "name =" line under it with the following value --> name = KethaneData

What you want to do is to delete the entire contents from the start of that particular SCENARIO word, all the way down to the last " } " symbol up until a new declaration starts, for example either a new "SCENARIO { .." , or something else like "FLIGHTSTATE {" . Those usually have CAPS in their names, so using that along with the already nice formating of the code, you can distinguish what to delete.

All the lines inside that you want to delete, are usually similar, and use familiar terms, so you should understand what they are doing.

So you should start delete from:

name = KethaneData[/B] ...

all the way until the next first CAPS declaration, example:

Deposit = 14042217.5182226
version = 0.22.0 ...

Hope i made sence lol.. ah and btw if you just remove the plugin, load the game, exit the game, and reinstall the plugin wont it reset itself?

Anyway i hope i helped.

Edited by Thourion
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  woolfoma said:
quick question, if Kethane is KH4. Does that make it a HydroKarbon :D

Considering that Kethane can be manufactured into oxidizer, fuel, monoprop and xenon I highly doubt it is a methane analogy. C-H reactions just don't provide the oomph to drive a rocket.

If we ignore the xenon as a trace element it needs to be something that contains a strong oxidizer. So I'd guess it is water or some kind of carboxylic acid (if the oxidizer is oxygen) or some more exotic substance if we use fluor of chlorine as oxidizer. Chlorine trifluoride is actually a greenish yellow color when liquid, so that fits the kethane color. Also fits the kerbal mindset as John D. Clark sums up:

It is, of course, extremely toxic, but that's the least of the problem. It is hypergolic with every known fuel, and so rapidly hypergolic that no ignition delay has ever been measured. It is also hypergolic with such things as cloth, wood, and test engineers, not to mention asbestos, sand, and water  with which it reacts explosively. It can be kept in some of the ordinary structural metals  steel, copper, aluminum, etc.  because of the formation of a thin film of insoluble metal fluoride which protects the bulk of the metal, just as the invisible coat of oxide on aluminum keeps it from burning up in the atmosphere. If, however, this coat is melted or scrubbed off, and has no chance to reform, the operator is confronted with the problem of coping with a metal-fluorine fire. For dealing with this situation, I have always recommended a good pair of running shoes.
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