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Where's My Crew Capsule? [v0.0.4 for KSP2 v0.2.0.0]


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Sounds fun.  I'm curious about the new missions.  From what I've seen this seems to be the first mod to add new missions to KSP2.  I'm guessing it's mostly to reshuffle the start so the early unmanned parts make sense.  Or have they been sprinkled throughout the entire progression of the game?

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  • 3 weeks later...

I re-started an exploration campaign about 10 days ago with this mod and it's been a refreshing way to play through. I feel like the added missions and tech tree modifications show some real thought about realistic progression.

Will there be future updates? I have some feedback based on my playtime:

- I would love to see missions continue to be added that guide me through realistic thoughtful progression much like the ones added so far. Particularly, the updated tech tree becomes much more challenging to work through after tier 1, as there is tech hidden behind a progression wall, but the stock mission set doesn't really account for how hard I need to work for better components. Don't get me wrong, I like the added challenge, but I also like the extra pat on the back for doing something like establishing my first orbit around Duna, or collecting its first atmosphere sample and returning it. Those will be major milestones when I get there, considering the added tech tree challenge. The missions you've added are great.

- I really like the modifications to the tech tree and would love to see further refinement, and even better if the tree continued to be refined to match added missions that consider progression beyond tier 1.

- Missions to further incentivize exploring tech paths that one might not spend a lot of time on. You nailed it with probes in tier 1 and really simulated realistic progression. Rovers, Space Planes, Space Stations, and if they mature, maybe some missions associated with a matured CommNext type mod, providing a path for establishing relay comms across the planets.

Thanks again, I've really enjoyed and hope to see this mod continue to progress.



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Hi, thank you for the great mod! Its a big challange especially when combinded with the 2.5x resize mod. I've a small request, would it be possible to move the autonomous exploration node  close to the beginning of the tier2  with a smalerl requirement of science points? I wanna recreate the lunakhod mission (soviet moon rover) bevor sending my kerbals up there. Also maybe we can gett early jets right unlocked right from the beginning? I know the Kerbal universe is not the same like ours but it would be more realistic that way.

Keep up the good good work! This mod really makes KSP2 worth playing again!

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CKAN and this thread have 0.0.3, github has 0.0.4; also CKAN can't install WMCC because the Modules dependency is "not indexed". What's the recommended version and install method?


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1 hour ago, lordcirth said:

CKAN and this thread have 0.0.3, github has 0.0.4; also CKAN can't install WMCC because the Modules dependency is "not indexed". What's the recommended version and install method?


What CKAN verson are you using

On 2/21/2024 at 3:23 PM, PASSthe40 said:

Will there be future updates? I have some feedback based on my playtime:

I'm waiting for some more tooling and some other mods to make the flow more balanced, I want to introduce 0.3125 meter parts at the start and I know that someone is working on those, and I want to vastly add to and change up the missions

On 2/24/2024 at 2:20 AM, Scratchy said:

Hi, thank you for the great mod! Its a big challange especially when combinded with the 2.5x resize mod. I've a small request, would it be possible to move the autonomous exploration node  close to the beginning of the tier2  with a smalerl requirement of science points? I wanna recreate the lunakhod mission (soviet moon rover) bevor sending my kerbals up there. Also maybe we can gett early jets right unlocked right from the beginning? I know the Kerbal universe is not the same like ours but it would be more realistic that way.

I'll likely look into this when I look more into balancing the tech tree with the other parts and missions I do want to add

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5 minutes ago, cheese3660 said:

What CKAN verson are you using

v1.33.2, but the index is updated. 1.34 isn't packaged for NixOS 23.11 yet. Does v1.34 work? I can try installing v1.34.4 from nixos-unstable when I get home.

Edited by lordcirth
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3 hours ago, lordcirth said:

v1.33.2, but the index is updated. 1.34 isn't packaged for NixOS 23.11 yet. Does v1.34 work? I can try installing v1.34.4 from nixos-unstable when I get home.

Almost every KSP2 mod is going to require >= 1.34

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10 hours ago, cheese3660 said:

Almost every KSP2 mod is going to require >= 1.34

Ok, thanks. Got 1.34.4 installed and it let me install WMCC and dependencies. However, now I am confused; I started a new save, did the sounding rocket mission, unlocked a bunch of tech tree nodes - and got zero parts.

Tech tree:
VAB parts list:

Also, the Early Electronics node has a dependency on Rapid Planned Disassembly, which I don't see anywhere; is that related or a known issue?

I'm running KSP2 via wine-bottles, with winhttp overridden as the BepInEx docs say. 

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6 hours ago, cheese3660 said:

Imgur gives me a 404 with this image

Weird, it works for me. Anyway it just shows the same parts list as you start with in WMCC, plus the small methalox tank and small engine; nothing else unlocked. Any idea what's broken?

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11 hours ago, cheese3660 said:

I have no clue, what all mods do you have?

Just WMCC and the dependencies:

  • BepInEx
  • Patch Manager
  • Premonition for Spacewarp
  • Spacewarp
  • UITK for KSP 2
  • WMCC
  • WMCC Modules


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Have this writen in the CommNext mod thread - but maybe it get addressed here better ....

i playing with this mod and CommNext  ... and this combo give me a hard time ... as crewed spaceships not available ... and remote control very range and LOS restricted ....

It would be easyer if relais communication parts and longer range parts would be available more early .....


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On 3/4/2024 at 10:32 AM, cheese3660 said:

Is everything the latest version?

I was running into the same problem with the tech tree looking like lordcirth's screenshots. I was on WMCC 0.0.4. with KSP I downgraded WMCC back to 0.0.3 and everything looks correct with Rapid Planned Disassembly as the second node. Thank you for your work on this mod.

Edit: Found these errors:

[ERR 10:24:46.043] Unable to add part parachute_0v_radial_drogue with TechNodeID wmcc_advanced_survivability to TechNodeUnlockID dictionary. An item with the same key has already been added with the TechNodeID wmcc_basic_survivability

[ERR 10:24:46.044] Unable to add part nosecone_0v with TechNodeID wmcc_advanced_aerodynamics to TechNodeUnlockID dictionary. An item with the same key has already been added with the TechNodeID wmcc_basic_aerodynamics

[ERR 10:24:46.052] Unable to add part stabilizer_0v_reactionwheel with TechNodeID wmcc_advanced_aerodynamics to TechNodeUnlockID dictionary. An item with the same key has already been added with the TechNodeID wmcc_basic_aerodynamics

[ERR 10:24:46.053] Unable to add part antenna_1v_dish_hg55 with TechNodeID wmcc_deep_space_communications to TechNodeUnlockID dictionary. An item with the same key has already been added with the TechNodeID wmcc_even_longer_range_communications

[ERR 10:24:46.053] Unable to add part stabilizer_2v_reactionwheel with TechNodeID wmcc_advanced_electronics_plus to TechNodeUnlockID dictionary. An item with the same key has already been added with the TechNodeID wmcc_advanced_electronics

Edited by thkruz
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  • 3 months later...
Posted (edited)

is it possible that you can make "where my crew capsule" work with TNO, SPARK, KESA/SOLAR? doesn't need to be update to 0.2.2 cause all mods are still 0.2.1


i know i could manually edit it for myself and will take a long time to implement everything, but as of the state of ksp 2, if some people want a slightly better ksp 2 experience there is only those few mods that are still updated to 0.2.1, it might be a while before we see actual modding or wanting of modding the game to 0.2.2.. having those mods tno,spark,kesa working with WMCC would be amazing gameplay experience.

Edited by Stephensan
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Posted (edited)
On 3/12/2024 at 4:56 PM, R-TEAM said:

Have this writen in the CommNext mod thread - but maybe it get addressed here better ....

i playing with this mod and CommNext  ... and this combo give me a hard time ... as crewed spaceships not available ... and remote control very range and LOS restricted ....

It would be easyer if relais communication parts and longer range parts would be available more early .....


I had to play around with tracking station / commnet settings  & probe control settings until I got a couple relays In  orbit.

Alternatively, you can use the cheat menu to place a single relay in high polar orbit. This will let you get some sounding rockets off the ground and eventually install a second relay and go from there.

Go into commnet setting and temp. turn occlusion to 0 until you get the first set of relays up.

Edited by Fizzlebop Smith
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On 7/4/2024 at 11:23 PM, Fizzlebop Smith said:

I had to play around with tracking station / commnet settings  & probe control settings until I got a couple relays In  orbit.

Alternatively, you can use the cheat menu to place a single relay in high polar orbit. This will let you get some sounding rockets off the ground and eventually install a second relay and go from there.

Go into commnet setting and temp. turn occlusion to 0 until you get the first set of relays up.

I dont know if it the language (i am not an native english speaker..) or other things .... but you dont get my point ...

I install mods to make communication and tech advancing more realistic, immersive .... and then i cheat to make this mods machanics obsolete ??

Who is the point to install the mods in the first place ......

I need not an advice to cheat the mods .... i need an sensefull integration of an solution "in" the mod(s) ....

Like more relay stations around kerbal (like in real live a couple of stations around earth....) - an usable comm range for early available equipment ....

..... i can simply deactivate the mods and then i have all problems from here gone ..... but is this the solution ...?

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Posted (edited)

There are no longer people actively modding in the KSP2 community. There may be a couple here and there, but longer actively working together to collaborate and make mod compatibility a priority. 

So yes, my solution was to turn off some of the aspects of realism (that i installed the mods to experience) Once the first couple relays are in orbit, you have enough in play to turn all the realism setting back on and expand your network.

I could be wrong about the KSP2 modding community, but that section of the forum is largely dead and the discord that actively being used to communicate between all the magic code slingers is a ghost town.

CommNext tried to recreate a realistic communication experience that the base game gave up on. This make an unmanned mission approach impossible unless you mitigate it through hard settings. 
This was only my own experience trying to do the same thing.

(Looking at space dock, I only see 108 mods for KSP2. This seems to support the idea that modding for it is dead. Before the WARN notice was issued there were 122 mods. Some of the modders were upset enough by the treatment of the KSP2 development team / community to pull their mods completely)

Edited by Fizzlebop Smith
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if ksp2 going realy the dead line .... then i musst not care for mods anymore ...

So ... atm i play other games .... in wait of anything happen .... and if not ..... it was a nice time with ksp1 and an short and bumpy ride with ksp2 ...


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