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KSP Addiction and YouTube Videos


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I can't be the only one who has caught himself reaching for the mouse to change the camera angle, only to realize that it's a gameplay video. I've done the same thing with Fallout 4. Isn't NeuraLink working on some sort of MechJeb for the human brain? Maybe that can stop this sort of glitching.

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I sometimes press period to speed up a youtube video. Then I'm so confused and think that the game is bugging out again, only to realize that I haven't played KSP or KSP 2 since Friday.

Edited by NexusHelium
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I have a webcam pointing out of my window. It doesn't record anything, it's just so I can see who's at my door before deciding to answer it.

Yep. Tried to pause and rewind it. Several times.

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