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New picture of Orbital Colony


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Orbital colony

Haven’t seen this posted as a thread yet, please delete if this is a repeat.

If not, I’m hoping this means we get some insight into colonies soon. I haven’t played much at all as science to me needs resources to be fairly judged.

And the habitation module ring just may imply life support.

I do wonder how the VAB ( VAS? Vehicle assembly station) will fit into this and how specifically resources will work mechanically in the game, here’s me still hoping that the devs are considering that resources be considered as limited by the number of automatic routes tied to a VAB and not based on in game time. 

Or really any solution other than in game time based as I still don’t see how that type of handling of resources doesn’t just lead to constant time warp to give whatever amount of resources is needed.

Happy for this sneak peak, just still wishing we get some insight into what limitations while be added to exploration mode as for me personally those will lead to more interesting and engaging gameplay decisions and bring KSP2 to a level where I will enjoy playing it for fun’s sake and recommend it.


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Station Parts like Habitat Rings means a clear difference between 'Ships' and Stations'. We know from the caption that it's got moving parts. In the literature, Stations that use rotation for gravity are either 'wedges' that balance each other, or full Rings that rotate, and are open inside.

The Kerbals have never needed life support as stock, and there was a quote WAY back when they said if the power went out in a colony, it'd be an 'efficiency' loss, instead of a 'everyone dies' scenario. And of course, they've never worried about 'too long' in Zero G. I think it's safe to assume the 'landed' colonies won't have huge rotating habitat sections as a standard design.  (It might be the same part, without rotation, but who knows?)

I think the purpose of the habitat rings is 'population growth'. 

We know they have 'reproduction milestones' in Colonies. If they apply to Orbital Colonies too, then you need a way for the game to differentiate between large spaceships, and actual Stations. Habitat Sections that allow that game mechanic would work.

And when we get to 'Interstellar', we'll have to send a whole Colony to another system. Habitat Rings could house hundreds of Kerbals.

In KSP1, we had to recruit them all on Kerbin, one by one, for greater and greater money. If we've got growing Colonies  in KSP2, then we need another way.

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On 2/24/2024 at 9:56 PM, moeggz said:

And the habitation module ring just may imply life support.

No, it doesn't.  It's been stated by the devs that life support will not be a stock option.

On 2/24/2024 at 9:56 PM, moeggz said:

Or really any solution other than in game time based as I still don’t see how that type of handling of resources doesn’t just lead to constant time warp to give whatever amount of resources is needed.

How would you go about implementing it?  If you have to wait for resources for any reason at all, you'll find that you can time warp to get to it.  And I can't see any scenario where we aren't simply waiting for x resource to be available, unless we are talking about having to go find it first.

On 2/24/2024 at 9:56 PM, moeggz said:

just still wishing we get some insight into what limitations while be added to exploration mode

My guess is that we'll get some kind of presentation when they are about ready to drop the update, much like they did with For Science! last year.

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1 hour ago, Scarecrow71 said:

How would you go about implementing it?  If you have to wait for resources for any reason at all, you'll find that you can time warp to get to it.  And I can't see any scenario where we aren't simply waiting for x resource to be available, unless we are talking about having to go find it first.

You just give some sort of mission goal or reward for completing objectives before a certain in-game date.  This comes up a lot in industry sim games.  Either you have some external stressor -- your base gets raided every so often or something like that to create a cost for just waiting -- or you make hitting a milestone before a deadline the stated goal of the game.   Hmmm, "hitting a milestone before a deadline", I'm sure it will be fine.

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On 2/25/2024 at 8:37 AM, stephensmat said:

Station Parts like Habitat Rings means a clear difference between 'Ships' and Stations'. We know from the caption that it's got moving parts. In the literature, Stations that use rotation for gravity are either 'wedges' that balance each other, or full Rings that rotate, and are open inside.

The Kerbals have never needed life support as stock, and there was a quote WAY back when they said if the power went out in a colony, it'd be an 'efficiency' loss, instead of a 'everyone dies' scenario. And of course, they've never worried about 'too long' in Zero G. I think it's safe to assume the 'landed' colonies won't have huge rotating habitat sections as a standard design.  (It might be the same part, without rotation, but who knows?)

I think the purpose of the habitat rings is 'population growth'. 

We know they have 'reproduction milestones' in Colonies. If they apply to Orbital Colonies too, then you need a way for the game to differentiate between large spaceships, and actual Stations. Habitat Sections that allow that game mechanic would work.

And when we get to 'Interstellar', we'll have to send a whole Colony to another system. Habitat Rings could house hundreds of Kerbals.

In KSP1, we had to recruit them all on Kerbin, one by one, for greater and greater money. If we've got growing Colonies  in KSP2, then we need another way.

The rotating habitation module reminds me of this part from a ksp 1 mod.
The huge starship in the promo video has smaller inflatable hab modules.

The KSP 1 version folds out but I don't think that is needed for the KSP 2 one as I agree its something you build in orbit.

I don't think its that huge difference between stations and ships, 

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9 hours ago, magnemoe said:

The rotating habitation module reminds me of this part from a ksp 1 mod.
The huge starship in the promo video has smaller inflatable hab modules.

The KSP 1 version folds out but I don't think that is needed for the KSP 2 one as I agree its something you build in orbit.

I don't think its that huge difference between stations and ships, 

They have said orbital colonies will function just like really huge crafts.

You actually can’t tell clearly whether something’s a station or a large spaceship, because the boundaries are pretty much unclear. I guess the developers will make orbital colonies and stations movable, as again they are supposed to be just really large ships.

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20 hours ago, Alpha_star said:

They have said orbital colonies will function just like really huge crafts.

You actually can’t tell clearly whether something’s a station or a large spaceship, because the boundaries are pretty much unclear. I guess the developers will make orbital colonies and stations movable, as again they are supposed to be just really large ships.

Even better.

In KSP1, I had Mammoth Engines with large fuel tanks, and a large docking port on one end. I built stations with all the science gear and needed energy in the game, then docked them to the 'Drive Sections' and sent them out. I had one orbiting every planet and moon, to farm science points.

I have no idea what the 'goal' of Colonies will be yet, but I look forward to building 'Drives' again.

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