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You are being sent to Kerbal Hell. What nightmare challenge has the Little Green devil given you to do?

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Was day dreaming the other day while I spent an hour trying to rendevous a lander for Pol. I lined up the orbits right but I would have to wait 1y+ before I would get an encounter.

It got me thinking. What are the worst possible challenges a person could try to complete that would be utter monotonous to achieve?

I was think that this would be so bad that it would serve as a way to punish souls in Hell.

My idea was: forcing a play to reach Eeloo using on Gravity slingshots from Dres or making your way back to Kerbin from Eve using only Gilly slingshots.

Sending the first kerbal to walk all the way around Kerbin also would be torturous.

Any other suggestions?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Circumnavigate Mesbin from Whirligig World from pole to pole on foot. Good luck, the poles are 13 gees and Mesbin is very wide.

EDIT: Mesbin also has a large peak at it's poles, and you're not going around them :sticktongue:

Edited by Iapetus7342
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I think I've already been sent to Kerbal Heck (like Kerbal Hell but for minor offences) as I'm currently driving across Moho's Degraded Crater (KSP2) without any altitude maps. I keep running into very long >100 meter high cliffs and have to backtrack which, along with the "spin out every km" and "timewarp (non-physics) causes rovers to fall through the ground" bugs, is beginning to get very tiresome.


In KSP1, I did circumnavigate Moho in a rover (going to all biomes) and I now remember why I said "never again".

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  • 1 month later...

Get the Kcalbeloh mod, set a spaceship orbiting as far from the black hole as possible, then make a second spaceship dock with it.

With only ion engines as propulsion.

In real time (cue ominous laugh and flashes of red lightning).

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Or even better, bring an asteroid into low Mun orbit, but you're only allowed to crash spaceships into it (DART-style) to move it. One small mishap could set you back by days of grinding.

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8 hours ago, tryharder said:

Or even better, bring an asteroid into low Mun orbit, but you're only allowed to crash spaceships into it (DART-style) to move it. One small mishap could set you back by days of grinding.

For a small asteroid (class A) that actually sounds kind of fun.

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