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On 8/23/2024 at 12:27 PM, Kerbalsaurus said:

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Beyond is offering private companies across Kerbin to

buy a satellite in the UniSat program for either scientific or

private endeavors. Please contact administration for more


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I like the sound of this...

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On 8/26/2024 at 5:03 PM, Kerbalsaurus said:

I apologize for the weird suit textures, Texture Replacer had a stroke or something.

I've encountered this issue as well. When you load a quicksave or leave and enter your vehicle via the tracking station, if any Kerbals have that suit with a custom texture it kind of breaks. It happens only with the "Vintage" suit so watch out.

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For the Commsat program: If you want to reserve your own commsat, please dm your company name, flag, and what you want your commsat to do and what science experiments you want on it.

I should’ve clarified this earlier.

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Beyond UniSat Proposal-JAMES
Joint Analyzer for Magnetic Exploration of Space

For over 2,000 years, kerbals have been using compasses to detect Kerbin’s magnetic field. The use of compasses as an aviation instrument in more modern times has served to lift this ancient device above the ground. With the dawn of artificial satellites, compasses can now be placed higher than ever before. This will allow for an accurate map of Kerbin’s magnetic field. The magnetic field is also believed to be connected to “those pretty, colorful lights in the sky,” or auroras. Particles from Kerbol may be funneled to the poles by the magnetic field, which light up by interacting with the atmosphere.

r/KerbalSpaceProgram - Aurora Borealis. Or is it Kerbialis? Who knows..
Recent photograph from a Beyond satellite

It is possible, then, that even more unseen particles are trapped outside of the atmosphere, in space. A full understanding of these trapped particles will be crucial for future missions that fly through these areas. 

Kimera Industries’ Rocketworx Division proposes the following modifications to a UniSat bus to study Kerbin’s magnetic field in greater detail than even before:

  • A magnetometer, mounted on a boom to escape magnetic interference from the onboard electronics
  • Modified thermometer, to measure the temperature of ionized particles
  • Geiger counter, to measure level of radiation
  • Hardened electronics to survive bombardment by space particles

Pending regulatory approval, we will begin manufacturing and modifying these components for integration with the UniSat program. We highly anticipate the discoveries JAMES will make and look forward to future collaboration.

Kimera Industries will not be held accountable for misuse of the magnetometer boom to take selfies. Any damage caused by modified Geiger counter emitting particles instead of detecting them must be filed to the complaint department. If spacecraft reenters and destroys the company's CEO's house, Beyond must pay repair costs in full.


Edited by Kimera Industries
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Administration at Beyond is ecstatic to have a brand new partner in Kerbalkind's conquest of the stars, not least because Kongress may finally start caring about space exploration. The JAMES satellite is an exciting proposition, and the nerds in R&D can't stop talking about if all of these theories about particles and radiation (to the point where it's kind of starting to get annoying). As we speak, the UniSat is already being retrofitted for the mission, and new parts and experiments will be arriving at the cape soon. This mission will be an groundbreaking way point in space sciences and exploration.

Beyond is proud to call @Kimera Industries a partner, and is excited to see wherever this new partnership leads us!

-Kerbalsaurus Kerman

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1j+ojlxEOMkX9Wyqfhe43D6kh...6BrRRNmh...EThe Kerbalfund is a charity organization that fights for the environment, protects Kerbin from natural disasters, and helps those struck by such disasters, just like plane impacts *cough* jeb *cough*. The Kerbalfund proposes a communications network in a 250km orbit around Kerbin, to assist with communications between first responders, and to give weather warnings to UKA citizens.2cik7yC.png

The satellite proposed is very similar to the one pictured above, except with high gain relay antennas to relay messages from small devices on the surface of kerbin. With this new network, lives could be saved, and evacuation warnings could be displayed to every Kerbal in danger. Instead of one satellite, we would need 3 smaller sattelites, equally spaced in a 250 km orbit. Beyond and the UKA would be free to use these sattelites for spacecraft comms, or any other use, as long as the Kerbalfund is contacted beforehand. 

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I think this thread is growing up to be the best one still running on the forums!! This new concept of contracting satellites is awesome. Keep up the great work :sticktongue:

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13 hours ago, B0lt said:

I think this thread is growing up to be the best one still running on the forums!! This new concept of contracting satellites is awesome. Keep up the great work :sticktongue:

Heck yeah! the original beyond was great, and I think this will become an even better and longer iteration of beyond! 

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Oof, it’s been almost two weeks. Sorry I’ve been slow, back to school stuff has had me busy as of recently (honors class homework really eats up time). I have a few missions done, and I still have yet to make a “Press Statement” for @Momadance and The Kerbal Fund. I’l try to get something out this weekend, but if I can’t expect something out next weekend.

Edited by Kerbalsaurus
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38 minutes ago, Kerbalsaurus said:

Oof, it’s been almost two weeks. Sorry I’ve been slow, back to school stuff has had me busy as of recently (honors class homework really eats up time). I have a few missions done, and I still have yet to make a “Press Statement” for @Momadance and The Kerbal Fund. I’l try to get something out this weekend, but if I can’t expect something out next weekend.

As somebody that is inactive very slow to post, you're all good. KSP, the forums and your mission reports should be purely for fun, and I strongly discourage you from working on them when you don't want to. Don't feel like you're expected, forced, or have to post. Do whatever you makes you the happiest :)

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