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On 8/23/2024 at 12:27 PM, Kerbalsaurus said:

– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –


Beyond is offering private companies across Kerbin to

buy a satellite in the UniSat program for either scientific or

private endeavors. Please contact administration for more


– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –

I like the sound of this...

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On 8/26/2024 at 5:03 PM, Kerbalsaurus said:

I apologize for the weird suit textures, Texture Replacer had a stroke or something.

I've encountered this issue as well. When you load a quicksave or leave and enter your vehicle via the tracking station, if any Kerbals have that suit with a custom texture it kind of breaks. It happens only with the "Vintage" suit so watch out.

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For the Commsat program: If you want to reserve your own commsat, please dm your company name, flag, and what you want your commsat to do and what science experiments you want on it.

I should’ve clarified this earlier.

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Beyond UniSat Proposal-JAMES
Joint Analyzer for Magnetic Exploration of Space

For over 2,000 years, kerbals have been using compasses to detect Kerbin’s magnetic field. The use of compasses as an aviation instrument in more modern times has served to lift this ancient device above the ground. With the dawn of artificial satellites, compasses can now be placed higher than ever before. This will allow for an accurate map of Kerbin’s magnetic field. The magnetic field is also believed to be connected to “those pretty, colorful lights in the sky,” or auroras. Particles from Kerbol may be funneled to the poles by the magnetic field, which light up by interacting with the atmosphere.

r/KerbalSpaceProgram - Aurora Borealis. Or is it Kerbialis? Who knows..
Recent photograph from a Beyond satellite

It is possible, then, that even more unseen particles are trapped outside of the atmosphere, in space. A full understanding of these trapped particles will be crucial for future missions that fly through these areas. 

Kimera Industries’ Rocketworx Division proposes the following modifications to a UniSat bus to study Kerbin’s magnetic field in greater detail than even before:

  • A magnetometer, mounted on a boom to escape magnetic interference from the onboard electronics
  • Modified thermometer, to measure the temperature of ionized particles
  • Geiger counter, to measure level of radiation
  • Hardened electronics to survive bombardment by space particles

Pending regulatory approval, we will begin manufacturing and modifying these components for integration with the UniSat program. We highly anticipate the discoveries JAMES will make and look forward to future collaboration.

Kimera Industries will not be held accountable for misuse of the magnetometer boom to take selfies. Any damage caused by modified Geiger counter emitting particles instead of detecting them must be filed to the complaint department. If spacecraft reenters and destroys the company's CEO's house, Beyond must pay repair costs in full.


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Administration at Beyond is ecstatic to have a brand new partner in Kerbalkind's conquest of the stars, not least because Kongress may finally start caring about space exploration. The JAMES satellite is an exciting proposition, and the nerds in R&D can't stop talking about if all of these theories about particles and radiation (to the point where it's kind of starting to get annoying). As we speak, the UniSat is already being retrofitted for the mission, and new parts and experiments will be arriving at the cape soon. This mission will be an groundbreaking way point in space sciences and exploration.

Beyond is proud to call @Kimera Industries a partner, and is excited to see wherever this new partnership leads us!

-Kerbalsaurus Kerman

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1j+ojlxEOMkX9Wyqfhe43D6kh...6BrRRNmh...EThe Kerbalfund is a charity organization that fights for the environment, protects Kerbin from natural disasters, and helps those struck by such disasters, just like plane impacts *cough* jeb *cough*. The Kerbalfund proposes a communications network in a 250km orbit around Kerbin, to assist with communications between first responders, and to give weather warnings to UKA citizens.2cik7yC.png

The satellite proposed is very similar to the one pictured above, except with high gain relay antennas to relay messages from small devices on the surface of kerbin. With this new network, lives could be saved, and evacuation warnings could be displayed to every Kerbal in danger. Instead of one satellite, we would need 3 smaller sattelites, equally spaced in a 250 km orbit. Beyond and the UKA would be free to use these sattelites for spacecraft comms, or any other use, as long as the Kerbalfund is contacted beforehand. 

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I think this thread is growing up to be the best one still running on the forums!! This new concept of contracting satellites is awesome. Keep up the great work :sticktongue:

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13 hours ago, B0lt said:

I think this thread is growing up to be the best one still running on the forums!! This new concept of contracting satellites is awesome. Keep up the great work :sticktongue:

Heck yeah! the original beyond was great, and I think this will become an even better and longer iteration of beyond! 

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Oof, it’s been almost two weeks. Sorry I’ve been slow, back to school stuff has had me busy as of recently (honors class homework really eats up time). I have a few missions done, and I still have yet to make a “Press Statement” for @Momadance and The Kerbal Fund. I’l try to get something out this weekend, but if I can’t expect something out next weekend.

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38 minutes ago, Kerbalsaurus said:

Oof, it’s been almost two weeks. Sorry I’ve been slow, back to school stuff has had me busy as of recently (honors class homework really eats up time). I have a few missions done, and I still have yet to make a “Press Statement” for @Momadance and The Kerbal Fund. I’l try to get something out this weekend, but if I can’t expect something out next weekend.

As somebody that is inactive very slow to post, you're all good. KSP, the forums and your mission reports should be purely for fun, and I strongly discourage you from working on them when you don't want to. Don't feel like you're expected, forced, or have to post. Do whatever you makes you the happiest :)

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  • 2 weeks later...



YEAR 1, DAY 65 - MOONHICKY-2 vQO2H7d.png

MISSION OBJECTIVE: Attempt to put the first satellite into Munar orbit... again.

LAUNCH VEHICLE: Prima-2 Rocket


Over 10 days ago, Beyond attempted their first Munshot. The goal was to put the first spacecraft into a low munar orbit, and send data back from the Mun. However, there was a fatal miscalculation as to the force and heat a sepratron motor throws out, and the probe was very badly damaged. The force from the engine sent whatever was left of the probe hurtling into the Mun’s surface. As you can imagine, this was very bad. The scientists had no data, the engineers were scolded, and PR had to defend the agency from the bloodthirsty army known as the press. Today, Beyond will shove aside any doubt Kerbals have of the agency, and prepare to finally put something into munar orbit!

The probe’s design has been changed to now include the engine in the back, rather than have it separate to save money, debris buildup, and the probe. The loss of the sepratron and decoupler have also removed a lot of mass, giving the Prima-2 a significant Delta-V boost. Beyond, now confident that everything is in place for the mission, sends the Moonhicky-2 off to its far flung destination!


“Liftoff on Moonhicky-2!” - Gene Kerman (Flight Director)


“LV-909 ignition confirmed, continuing our way to orbit.” - Chris Kerman (BOOSTER)


“Moonhicky-2 is GO for orbital insertion.” - Gene Kerman

Once in orbit, mission control prepares for the second TMI attempt. The maneuver's set up, and the spacecraft orients itself into the correct position. Even though Moonhicky-1’s TMI was successful, flight controllers and engineers are still nervous about this mission.


“We are GO for TMI!” - Gene Kerman

“Systems performing nominally.” - Liebergot Kerman (AVIONICS)


“Moonhicky-2 is now safely en-route to the Mun.” - Gene Kerman

With the terror of TMI over, mission control sits back and waits for the probe to arrive. Meanwhile, our press team managed to get an exclusive with the rising star flight controller Gene Kerman. “Please get your notepads out of my face,” he said. “I’m trying to work here.” Meanwhile, mission controllers once again go about setting bets about the mission. Some bet on what they think they’ll find, others bet on if the mission will be a succes or not. Mission controllers are not very… optimistic Kerbals apparently.

A day after the TMI burn, mission control gets the indicator that the probe has entered the Mun’s sphere of influence (SOI).


“T- 1 minute to MOI burn.” - Chris Kerman


“Successful startup on 48-7S, all systems nominal.” - Chris Kerman

“Successful Munar Orbit Confirmed!” - Gene Kerman

Mission control erupts in cheers! They’ve done it! They’ve put a satellite around a satellite! After everyone finally calmed down, they booted up the science experiments on board Moonhicky. The data coming back was quite interesting. As it turns out, while the Mun doesn’t have an atmosphere exactly, a thin haze of dust covers the surface. There’s also a MASSIVE amount of energy emanating off of the surface, which is quite a curiosity. This may suggest that the Mun is radioactive, which would make it potentially hostile for any future Kerbals to land on. However, more research and observation of the Mun’s surface is needed. In the end, this probe seems to have spawned more questions than answers, but that’s just the nature of science. In the meantime, we can all look up at the Mun, and feel proud that finally we’ve touched the Mun ourselves.


READ NEXT: Mysterious Munar Energy: Average or Alien? (Pg. 3) | Chisholm Kerman Announces She's Entering the Race for Head Administrator (Pg. 5) | Kerbalvania Railroad Dwindles on the Brink of Bankruptcy; May be Out of Business by Next Year (Pg. 9)

Edited by Kerbalsaurus
Fixed formatting issues.
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YEAR 1, DAY 74 - UNISAT-2/TIMMER 2 vQO2H7d.png

MISSION OBJECTIVE: Launch the Timmer 2 weather satellite into polar orbit for the KWB.

LAUNCH VEHICLE: Prima-1 Rocket


Beyond prepares to launch the second mission of the Unisat program, which is yet another weather satellite for the KWB. Although Kimera Industries and The Kerbal Fund have already bought a commsat space in the program, Beyond is still busy retrofitting the satellites for the specific requirements the companies asked for (OOC: I flew this mission like a month ago, hence why it’s another Timmer satellite). Other than that, there’s not much to talk about with this mission. It’s pretty much the same as the last Unisat mission.


“Liftoff on Unisat-2.” - Kraft Kerman (Flight Director)



“T- 2 minutes to orbital insertion.” - Kraft Kerman


“Successful startup on LV-909.” - Chris Kerman (BOOSTER)

“Orbital entry is established on Unisat-2.” - Kraft Kerman

Another successful mission for Beyond! Sure, it isn’t the most exciting, but even the little missions deserve some attention. However, Beyond has told us that they're preparing for a mission that won’t be so little. They haven’t revealed many details to the public yet, but they’ve said that it will fly faster and further than anything that’s flown before. We’ll just have to speculate until then, we suppose.

READ NEXT: Scientist Bob Kerman Discovers Mysterious Specimen named Mystery Goo (Pg. 1) | Yankerbs Win Record-Breaking Game Against the Green Socks! (Pg. 6) | Do You Know What it’s Time For? Because We Don’t (Pg. 13)

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Do not fear, for the thread is still being worked on! I’ve been busy with schoolwork, but also, well, set design. Right now I’m working on more of the Kerbonaut’s backstories. While the missions are whatever happens, happens, the little crew backstories are very choreographed. It takes a while to get them captured, as you have to wait for idle animations, and then pause, and get certain angles. It’s a lot of work and very tedious to do when you really want to fly missions. Point is, I’m not dead, update soon.

Edited by Kerbalsaurus
Grammatical fixes
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Always an early bird, Valentina was the first to arrive at the airfield in the morning when Jeff and Shearer Kerman arrived to talk to her. Her shoddy homemade flight suit was quite common among pilots in the Rusiya Region. Superstition states that, “Any pilot with the rich man’s suit will be cursed by ye Kracken”. Kerbals up here aren’t all too fond of the wealthy, as rich oil businesses immediately abandoned the region when larger reserves were found in the desert. Therefore, the rich government agents who drove up the runway to talk weren't all too welcoming of a sight to her. They better not be here to take my plane, she thought to herself.

Meanwhile, in the car, the agents weren’t all too eager to talk to her either.

“I’m not sure about Ms. Valentina, Jeff,” Shearer Kerman said. “She has quite the reputation among the aviation community. Many have said she’s close to impossible to work with.”

“She’s one of the best pilots we can get,” Jeff replied. “Sure, her stubbornness may be annoying to some, but I mean the agency wanted Jeb, so…”

“Still, are you sure she’ll want to hop onboard the program?”

“She’s a pilot, Shearer. When pilots are asked if they want to fly fast and high, they will most definitely say yes.”

As the men exited the car, Val tensed up. People have approached her in suits before, saying bizarre things like Your lisence has expired, or Please, PLEASE pay your taxes.


“Good morning Val!” Jeff said to her.

“What do you want?” Val quipped. “Money? A ride? My plane only has one seat, so you two are gonna have to strap onto the tail.”

“No, we’re here to talk to you about a new opportunity, one that’s just up your alley. Tell her, Shearer.”

“How would you like to fly higher, further, and faster than any Kerbal has flown before?” asked Shearer. “The UKA has taken notice of your flyign abilities. Your hours astound them, and your… creative ways of landing a plane and walking away without harm are a skill that we think could be valuable to our goals.”

“Oh I see,” Valentina said matter of factly. “You two want me to become one of your Kosmonauts. Not happening”

“Why not?” Jeff asked.

“Because I fly planes, sir. Not missiles. Planes. I know for fact your sissy scientists and engineers wouldn’t let me fly a single one of those rockets.”

“Not even to one up Jeb?”

“Please, I know you guys approached him about all that already. He was probably your first pick, wasn’t he? He and his dimwit friend Bill? Why would I join your program if all the flights would be handed to him anyways?”

“Beyond wouldn’t ‘hand’ flights to anyone.” Shearer said. “You’d have to work for them, earn them.”

“Yeah, I’m sure you’d believe that. This is going to be nothing more than a popularity contest. All the cameras are going to be focused on him, and I’ll just be on the sidelines. No thanks, buddy.”


“Oh, alright.” Jeff said defeated. “I mean, we were gonna pay you handsomely and all, but…”

“Wait, wait, wait, pay me? How much?” Valentina asked, suddenly interested.

“Around $300,000 dollars or so, but I understand if you aren’t inter-”

“Screw that, I’m in!” Valentina yelled.

“Alright then. Hop in the backseat!”

“How did you do that?” Shearer whispered to Jeff.

“Well I forgot to tell you the one other thing pilots jump for.” Jeff whispered back. “Money.”


Edited by Kerbalsaurus
Fixed typos.
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Just two days after recruiting Valentina Kerman, Jeff and Shearer boarded a train, bound for the great metropolis of Pittskerb. On the outskirts of the city lies a little warehouse, owned by none other than the scientists Bob and Kathory Kerman, the top minds of the Flooyd Dynamics-Experimental Engineering Conglomerate. While always big names in the scientific community, Bob and Kathory had recently become household names with the discovery of a mysterious specimen called the “Mystery Goo”. The two found the strange substance in the mountains during a materials study, around a meteorite. When they announced their discovery of the Mystery Goo to the public, the world suddenly focused its attention on the scientists. Some believed it to be a brand new, alien species. Others believed it to be more grounded, like some new strange chemical or compound. Whatever the case, they had made a groundbreaking discovery in material sciences, and science in general, becoming huge public names. Both factors are quite eye-catching to Beyond. On the day the agents arrived, Bob and Kathory were busy working on another materials study.

“Bob and Kathy, you two have some visitors,” their secretary said over an intercom. “They’ve come to ask you a few questions.”

“Send them in,” Kathory replied.

“Wonder who they might be,” Bob said.

“Probably press or something.” Kathory responded.

As Jeff and Shearer entered the lab, they were astonished by all of the technology! This tiny lab was full of some of the most cutting-edge machines and doohickeys Kerbalkind could offer! Off to the left, they saw Bob and Kathory, hard at work with a machine they dubbed the “Science Jr.”.


“Welcome to the lab!” Bob said. “What might you two be here for?”

“We’re to ask you two a few questions,” Jeff said. “That is, of course, if you have the time.”

“Oh, we can talk,” Kathory said. “I’d rather do that than stare at this box all day.”


“You two don’t look like any press I’ve seen,” Bob said. “Are you one of those local, independent outlets?”

“We’re not press at all,” Shearer chuckled. “No, we’re here to discuss a new… job opportunity for you two.”

“So what are you then?” Kathory asked. “Rival scientists? Spies?”

“What? Rival scien- no, we’re here from the goverment,” Shearer said.

“Oh, I see. You’re here to take our equipment?” Kathory replied leerily.

“No, we’re fascinated by your equipment. That’s partly why we’re here. Mind if we can perhaps take a look at the mystery goo?”

“Sure!” Bob said.

“Bob, they might be trying to take it,” Kathory whispered. “You have a smart brain, try and use it!”

“Kathy, I don’t think they mean any harm,” Bob whispered back. “Stop being so suspicious of everyone who enters the lab.”

“Fine,” Kathy sighed.

“Alright, you two, stand back about two meters. Kathy, get us our helmets.”

“Wait, stand back?” Shearer said, a little worried.

“Exposure to the goo can sometimes cause Kerbals to go insane,” Bob explained. “We found that standing just far enough away will at least mitigate the reaction. We wear helmets to stay safe.”

The two recruiters took a few steps back, and Bob and Kathory opened up the mystery goo.


Inside was a mysterious purple substance, bubbling and moving, almost like it was alive.

“The goo, while inorganic, seems to react to stimuli in its environments.” Bob informed them. “And, even if it’s encased in glass like this, it can still find a way to react to light and temperature. It seems to observe us as much as we observe it.”

“Interesting. I’m sure you could bring this experiment up with you.” Jeff said.

“Wha?” Bob asked, confused by what ‘up with you’ meant.

“Finish up whatever you have to do with the goo, and we’ll discuss.”

Once the workstation was cleaned up and their helmets were put away, Bob Kathory made their way back over to the two agents.


“The main reason we’re here,” Jeff explained, “is to propose to you the job of a lifetime. How would you like to perform experiments in the greatest laboratory ever? How would you like to put your names into the history books forever? How would you two like to become Kerbonauts?”


“I’m in!” Kathory exclaimed. “100%! Hell, you should’ve just led with the Kerbonaut thing!”

“Well, I’m not quite so sure…” Bob said. “I watched Moonhicky-1, and I know about many of the failures of the earlier rocket program.”

Come on, Bob.” Kathory said. “You’ve got to expand your horizons. You’re always complaining about how you’re tired of lab work, and how you want to see the world. Now’s your chance!”

“Yes, but, I mean… It's dangerous.”

“Bob, are you going to chicken out live your life regretting missing the opportunity of a lifetime? Or are you going to stop being such a sissy, and do it!”

“It’s now or never, Bob,” Jeff said.


“You’ve made a wise choice Bob,” Jeff said. “I think you should listen to Kathy more often.”

“That’s what I’ve been telling him!” Kathy joked.

“Yeah, yeah whatever,” Bob said, annoyed. “When are we leaving?” he asked.

“Right now,” Jeff replied.

With both Kerbals convinced, the four of them made their way out of the lab, and Beyond had finally gotten all the Kerbonauts they needed. Now the fun part can begin…

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54 minutes ago, Kerbalsaurus said:

“You’ve made a wise choice Bob,” Jeff said. “I think you should listen to Kathy more often.”

“That’s what I’ve been telling him!” Kathy joked.

Bob and Kathy have some great chemistry. On top of that, they've got great chemistry. Looking forward to more in the future!

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MISSION OBJECTIVE: Place the first spacecraft into Minmunar orbit

LAUNCH VEHICLE: Prima-2 Rocket


Beyond, having conquered the Mun, now looks further out, towards Kerbin’s mintiest moon. This is the goal of the Moonhicky-3 mission, the first mission to attempt to reach Minmus. Some might ask why go to Minmus? “Short answer, we’re completionists,” said head engineer Gus Kerman. “Long answer, Minmus is a curiousity. How is the moon mint colored? Why is it so far away from Kerbin, yet has such a circular orbit? This probe, while it most likely won’t solve everything about Minmus, will certainly open the door to further, more in-depth exploration of the moon.”

With all pre-launch checks complete, a sizable crowd on the cape watches the Prima-2 carry Moonhicky-3 off to Minmus!


“Liftoff on Moonhicky-3!” - Bobak Kerman (Flight Controller)


Moonhicky-3 coasts its way up to orbit


“We are GO for orbital insertion.” - Chris Kerman (BOOSTER)

“We have confirmed orbit on Moonhicky-3!” - Bobak Kerman

With Moonhicky-3 in orbit, the “fun” part can begin. One issue with Minmus travel is that the moon isn’t on a near equatorial orbit like the Mun. Its orbit is at about a 6o inclination, which means that if Beyond wants to do an efficient insertion burn, they first must match the spacecraft’s orbital plane with that of Minmus’s. This maneuver is called an Orbital Inclination Change, and it will be the first time Beyond will do one.


“We are GO for the OIC Burn!” - Bobak Kerman

And with the OIC burn out of the way, Mission Control can now get to the exciting part, the Trans-Minmus Injection (TMI) Burn. It’s projected that it will take about 900m/s of Delta-V to get to Minmus, around 100 more than your average Munar burn. This means that the probe’s own engine will have to complete the burn. Controllers start to worry that the probe might not actually be able to make it to Minmunar orbit.


“Stage 1 of TMI proceeding as planned.” - Chris Kerman


“48-7S Engine performing optimally, TMI Burn stage 2 proceeding as planned” - Chris Kerman


With the TMI Burn a rousing success, Mission Control settles in for the week-long coasting period that lies ahead. To conserve power, the probe is put into hibernation mode. However, at about 235,000km up, mission control decides to wake up the spacecraft. When it’s fully awake, the cameras onboard snap this picture of Kerbin and the Mun.


The Picture, named “Put into Perspective”, represents the true scale of Kerbin and the total extent of Kerbalkind’s exploration. Until now, all of history has been confined to this little system: a gray speck and little blue oasis, against an infinite black backdrop. Quite profound, some would say.


Finally, we leave the realm of known space, and enter Minmus’s SOI. The moon, even from this vantage point, is incredibly tiny. The minty moon is only ~120km in diameter, and only looks like a light green dot to the naked eye. Its small mass also means the spacecraft will have a significantly smaller orbital insertion burn than  originally thought, sitting at only 100m/s.


“We are GO for MOI!” - Bobak Kerman


“Minmus orbit confirmed!” - Bobak Kerman

They’ve done it! They’ve put the very first spacecraft into Minmunar orbit, and with 300m/s to spare! Mission control cheers and celebrates this astounding accomplishment. Once the moment’s passed, they immediatly get to work. Science experiments are run, and tons of observational data is transmitted back to Kerbin. Firstly, there’s the most important and astounding observation that Minmus is, in fact, not made up of delicious mint ice cream. This has left Kerbin’s top scientist baffled. However, even more baffling are the strange clouds blanketing the surface much like the Mun, and the perfectly flat features on the Moon’s surface that almost look like frozen lakes. This leads to another question: did Minmus have water? All signs point to it being an icy moon, but if there’s evidence that there was flowing water on its surface, it could be the discovery of the century. Gus was right, we really do have more questions to answer.

READ NEXT: Beyond Orders Two New Planes from CalSpace; Speculation Begins to Build (pg. 5) | Head Adminstrator Dwight Kerman Combats Rising Inflation with “Operation Pin Prick” (pg. 8) | Top 10 Things you Didn’t Know you Could Eat (pg. 13)


Quick question, would the demonym for Minmus be Minmunar, Minmusian, or Minty?

Edited by Kerbalsaurus
I MAY have written down the wrong mission name… oops.
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