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Hey guys long time no see :cool: on yet another one of my titanically crazy endeavors i tried to make a single trip and back through the jool system, establishing in the process a scout team for a base in laythe. The mothership included but was not limited to:

(1) two 3 men landers (personal rule always carry one scientist one engineer and one pilot/leader).

(2) one centrifugal hab module

(3) docking ports, dockingports everywhere for refueling purposes

(4) a lab, for cleaning up the lander´s gear

(5) antenna

(6) a propeller aircraft to find and mark the most ideal laythe base landing spot (but if you have seen my previous posts, you will realize that i went overboard and sent a f***king bomber sized plane).

the whole thing looked ridiculous and magnificent in a way never seen by this user ever, i had the most fun on this one, sinc e it had a really great challenge and i rotated the crew and all. besides due to sucking so hard at calculations and transfer windows, i used like 5 refuelling ships.

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Credit on the motherships prototype design goes to vanamonde

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Jeb enjoying some gravity time in the centrifuge habitat on board the spaceship Avalon:


Yes he gets the top bunk!

A view from the outside




Does that centrifuge actually works and you can walk inside of it?

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Does that centrifuge actually works and you can walk inside of it?

No, I wish! I have several "scenes" built to mimic the interior parts of my ship. They will all play part in future posts on my mission to plant a flag on all moons and planets (except Jool of course) in one trip. Eve, Jool and all of their moons have been visited so far. More to come soon.

Link to my thread -> http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/93963-Avalon-A-mission-to-every-planet-and-moon-Arrived-at-Eve-%28Pic-heavy%29


Edited by xtoro
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The interior of the Avalon's habitat section, in the workshop area

In the background is the docking port hatch which leads to the hub for the landers


The other end of the workshop. The large hatch leads to the inflatable habitats, the centrifuge habitats and the Avalon's main command pod.


Still adding to the area. There's lamps, storage areas and tables with magnetic surfaces to hold objects so the kerbals can work on them.


Here is the outside. The workshop is right in the middle of the screen between the inflatable habitats and the docking hub.




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Speaking of walking on another planet, Jordan Kerman became the first kerbal to set foot on another planet, along with other two dudes with names I can't remember. I mean, I've been to most places in this game with probes, but slowing down from 3200m/s to 0 using nothing but Duna's atmosphere and chutes is a nerve wracking experience. If burning the two ships up wasn't enough of a problem, I also had to design a descent profile where the crew wouldn't experience high Gs because they would die.

Yeah, Deadly Reentry is fun.


My design loosely follows Mars Direct. In it, there's a total of four ships, three of which launch at the same launch window:

1) Hab module (left): Launches with the crew in it, and transfers directly to Duna after the other two have transfered succesfully (in case something goes wrong.

2) Duna Ascent Vehicle (right): Two stage ship that gets to Duna unmanned and lands before the Hab. Its job is to launch to orbit and rendezvous with the...

3) Orbital Transfer Vessel: Gets to LDO unmanned, and after the crew ascends from Duna, it transfers back to LKO.


4) LKO-CTV: Nothing interesting, it's just my equivalent of a CST-100 on a two stage rocket. It goes to LKO and takes back the crew after they've arrived at Kerbin.

Edited by astropapi1
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