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"So much for getting here first..."



"Are you gonna tell Gene? 'Cause I ain't breaking the news to him."



"Вот и окрестности." ("Well, there goes the neighbourhood.")


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Some snapshots from the Beyond Home Space Race:


Rhode just appearing over the horizon on Lua.


A fast fly-by of Fury in progress. I just noticed that Fury's moon Anger is also in that picture, just hanging off the right edge of Fury.


Rhode and all three of its moons, including Armstrong where the rover is landed.


Because why wouldn't you aerobrake a huge asteroid with a rocket grappled to the back and a Kerbal strapped into the rocket.


Rhode perfectly framed by a 'ballute' during a re-entry of Lua's pitiful atmosphere (under 15km high even with a 3.5x rescale).

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Lyndon Kerman: "Apollo is taking too long. We've got to get boots on the Mun, quick and dirty, using whatever we've got."
Gus Kerman: "I've got just the thing, sir. The Super Gusmobile! It'll need a few tweaks, but she'll get the job done."
Gordo Kerman: "Are you gonna tell him the 'Super Gusmobile' doesn't exist yet?"
Gus: "I won't if you don't! Besides, gimme eight hours. I'll get her done."
Gordo: "You, sir, are a steely-eyed misslie man. And one hell of a bull$$$$ter."
Gus: "####in'-a, bubba!"

Two weeks later...

Gus: "Now, what did I tell you? Ain't this a sweet ride?"
Gordo: "####in'-a, bubba!"

Edited by Jack Wolfe
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Gordo: "Are you sure we're not gonna need that service module?"
Gus: "Have a little faith, would ya?"

Gus: "Descent burn! Now the fun starts, Hotdog!"
Gordo: "Uh huh."

Gus: "3000 metres, and she's runnin' smooth as glass."

Gus: "And... touchdown! What did I tell ya, Hotdog? How about that!"
Gordo: "Just as you promised, Gus! A sweet ride and solid landing. I owe you that beer after all."


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Resupply mission to the Serenity space station with the new Kraken Resupply Craft.


It is a technology-demonstrator of the new fairing-pressure vessel concept and has enough snacks in it's pressurized volume to feed 6 kerbals for 150 days.

The 'PteroDuck' crew spaceplane almost rammed itself into the Liberty space station while rendezvousing. Luckily no one was hurt and the station is safe.


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On 11/6/2020 at 8:08 PM, Arco123 said:


Its good graphics like these are the reason why i smash my head against bricks everyday on why i should've bought KSP on a gaming PC and not a PS4.


On 9/23/2020 at 12:27 PM, Singhnaut said:

Okay, who gave the Russians access to the cape Canaveral?!?!

Big Chungus

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On 11/25/2020 at 2:53 AM, Jack Wolfe said:

Gordo: "Are you sure we're not gonna need that service module?"
Gus: "Have a little faith, would ya?"

Gus: "Descent burn! Now the fun starts, Hotdog!"
Gordo: "Uh huh."

Gus: "3000 metres, and she's runnin' smooth as glass."

Gus: "And... touchdown! What did I tell ya, Hotdog? How about that!"
Gordo: "Just as you promised, Gus! A sweet ride and solid landing. I owe you that beer after all."


Where are these T H I C C legs from?

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On 12/8/2020 at 2:34 PM, DAFATRONALDO2007 IN SPACE said:

Its good graphics like these are the reason why i smash my head against bricks everyday on why i should've bought KSP on a gaming PC and not a PS4.


Big Chungus

I did not say that. I quoted someone else.

On 12/7/2020 at 1:44 AM, Katniss218 said:

My custom Saturn V model, the fairing is still Work in Progress.


looks like Skylab. Cool!

On 12/5/2020 at 8:22 AM, king of nowhere said:

This is a kerbonaut at Vall's south pole. there is a majestic peak there. the apparent hole in the mountain is a glitch found on most poles. falling in will cause you to die. i named the mountain "kraken maw peak"




Jeb: I fear nothing!

On 12/1/2020 at 3:26 PM, AG-cs said:

Test flight




interesting. Are the little rings artificial gravity stuff or just for aesthetics.

On 11/29/2020 at 6:11 AM, callsignblaze said:


its like a scramjet:)

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23 hours ago, Singhnaut said:


érdekes. A kis gyűrűk mesterséges gravitációs dolgok, vagy csak esztétikai célokra szolgálnak.


In fact, it does not have a ring, it has an aesthetic role. They have RCS at the ends, it also helps in stabilization.

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