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My multi purpose lander, capable of landing on almost any planet that has no atmosphere.


I really love that design! looks awesome. I love how you were able to make the Goo canisters actually NOT seem out of place.


Decided to post a pic of an attempted SSTO while I'm here.


Edited by Rage097
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This thingy would be my first 0.22 Mun lander, the Sirin Mk. II, performing an orbital injection burn.



It doesn't leave anything on the surface (except for flags). Mk. I was heavier due to an additional lv-909 and needed to conserve fuel when leaving Mun, because some retroburning was needed when parachutes opened...or else it would get ripped apart. Needless to say, officials weren't pleased and so the craft was redesigned.

Edited by Ravenchant
silly image link wasn't working
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The Draidun F-42 Research Aircraft and its crew taking some rest under the pale Arctic sun.

This was my first plane equipped with a atmospheric sensor package and this flight helped Drydun Kerman and his team gather data and clues about the Kerbin atmosphere.

More pics.

Edited by el_coyoto
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After several hundred years of wondering and pondering...It was time to answer the question...Is Minmus made of Icecream?

So we sent a mission there.


Sonlie Kerman. The first Kerbal on Minmus takes her picture...somehow.



Conclusion: Minmus is not Ice cream.

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