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Please don't tell me that's a single stage to Moho...:confused:

I refueled in LKO to get that SSTO Spaceplane to Moho. Sent a tanker separately so I would have fuel to do some landings and return to Kerbin. However it useless to land anywhere unless it's very flat.


Damn Space Cthulhu sucked a stack off my tanker.

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A Swiftwind OTV III making the final push into orbit, heading for the Kerbin Spacedock:


Also, I tested a new variant of the D34 Dart, one of my oldest aircraft designs (the new variant is the D34-C):


It's only short range, but it's a pretty good vehicle. After going through extensive testing, it turns out it's actually quite good at stunts. Unfortunately, the only drawback of the vehicle is its modest pitch control; yaw and roll are excellent, pitch is... alright. Meh, I'll think of something :P


Looks pretty damn awesome, if you ask me :cool:

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STS-05. Mission was to resupply Destiny Space Station with Docking Adapters and a prototype MMU.


The big bird approaches




MMU was a success.


Mission complete. Shuttles really help to deliver a lot of little playloads when you need them.


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So today I went to Minmus in career mode, I got three good pictures from the re-entry.


IN a rock. Somehow. :cool:


The fire licks the craft...( GOOD THAT FIRE ISNT HOT :P)


I bet that speck is Minmus, or the lander engine stage! I hope it's Minmus! That would be cool.

Next step, the Mûn! :D

Edited by pigletx2
New pic.
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It's time for Laythe adventure #1! With a boat!


Tests on Kerbin showed that the boat has a maximum speed of over 100 m/s, however the maximum "safe" speed is about 50 m/s, or half throttle.


Finally, Wilcas Kerman had crossed the bay! The boat ate up a staggering 7 liters of fuel in the process.


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The rest of the probes I launched during the Eve window have arrived. First was the imaginatively-named Eve Thing 1, now in a slightly eccentric and slightly inclined orbit, periapsis of 120km AGL. Soon after arrived Probe Tug "Bertha" with an Arro Probekabob attached... I'd intended to have "Bertha" reusable as a cycler, but when designing it forgot that the craft would gain speed as it fell towards the Sun (all hail potential->kinetic energy transfer) and it burned itself dry braking into orbit. Oh well.


Since the payload of a Probekabob is 8 "Popcorn" landers, I'm not terribly dismayed; there's plenty of Science to be done, and plenty of room for mistakes trying new stuff. This Popcorn ran up 12.5G on its descent, for instance, and tumbled on the way down because of my lack of practice.


Touching down was easy; even with the drogue chute its terminal velocity was about 4m/s. The problem was that the craft landed at local noon... so the parachute holder was shading the solar panels. Ejecting it on Eve's surface didn't quite work as expected and it took some rocking with the reaction wheel to shed it.


Also coming due was my MiniMoho ion probe on the cheap... but alas due to course corrections and failing to allow for transfer of potential energy I didn't have enough xenon to brake into orbit. Instead I got a 50km pass over Moho's south pole and an hour of observation of the day side in Moho's SOI. For a cheapo probe, I still call it a success; and it taught me enough that I think the next attempt (already on deck) will make it when the departure window comes up in a week.

-- Steve

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Continuing the Zokesia-STS program, STS-6 was a wonderful flight. The Orbiter Ward performed beautifully. This was the first mission with a Tetrarch-II Orbiter, which removed two of the mini engines and added IVA to the ship, which was amazing.




Tank comes off:


Payload is assembled:




Bye bye!




There it is!


The Iconic image of touchdown.


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Thanks to help from my fellow Kerbonauts I managed to get a career-mode, stock-part research base landed on Duna!









This thing had plenty of delta to spare, unfortunately this design had no way to make use of it. Next design is going to be a lighter payload and a return stage. Got to love those nuke engines.

Only mods are the very basic Mech Jeb to provide orbit data, and the CONIC_PATCH tweak so I could see where I was going. :D

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So last night I successfully crash-landed my first probe on Moho (2000+ sweeeet science spamm!) but got dizzy off all that interplanetary fast forwarding so decided to play around in the SPH:



F-117 8-)

Still WIP but quite happy with the intermediate result :)

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