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[1.0.4] (2015-07-04) Telemachus – Telemetry and Flight Control in the Web Browser


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So……I just cant open on any other devices connected to the same router.

And also, even on my computer, I can only open it with a third party browser. No luck with IE and Microsoft Edge.

What should I do?

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I cant remember the exact method, but did you try using the local address for the computer KSP is running on, and NOT, on your other devices?

And as far as browser goes, Sorry, I havent poked IE with a 10ft stick in almost 20 years... (or ANY Microsoft web-related product, for that matter)

IIRC, when I was first attempting setup, I disconnected my router hardline (WAN) from the internet, then I dropped all firewalls and antivirus.... Once I got everything talking, I restarted my firewall/antivirus, and addressed any rules or settings that interfered...


Edited by Stone Blue
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  On 4/18/2016 at 2:16 PM, mark7 said:

So……I just cant open on any other devices connected to the same router.



  On 4/18/2016 at 3:48 PM, Stone Blue said:

I cant remember the exact method, but did you try using the local address for the computer KSP is running on, and NOT, on your other devices?


You have to check out what the local IP address for your computer is in the LAN (other computers can't find you at because that's how computers reference themselves), then you put that IP in the telemachus .cfg file, only then do you startup KSP, and access the Telemachus UI from that address :wink: 

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  On 4/18/2016 at 7:32 PM, monstah said:


You have to check out what the local IP address for your computer is in the LAN (other computers can't find you at because that's how computers reference themselves), then you put that IP in the telemachus .cfg file, only then do you startup KSP, and access the Telemachus UI from that address :wink: 


Well I didnt find a cfg file in the pack, only Telemachus.dll in the plugins folder

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To access the Telemachus page, you enter the IP address and Telemachus port number of the KSP computer. I tested this the other day using an Android tablet running Chrome. In my case, I opened up Chrome and entered . Your individual computer IP address on your LAN will vary, however almost all consumer grade routers default to the 192.168.1.x subnet, so look for an address similar to that. You MUST also enter the port number following the address with a colon, as Telemachus does not use standard HTTP port 80. If you forget the port number following the IP address, it will timeout and give the impression its not working. You must tell your browser to use port 8085 to find the web server on your KSP computer by entering the additional info after the fourth octet of the IP address. If all goes well, you'll hit the landing page where you can go to the various displays.

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  On 4/22/2016 at 1:02 PM, Neil_Kerman said:

Really nice mod! But how does this mod works by a web browser? Do we have to stay connected to net to use it? :0.0:


No, you dont need internet access to run it... IIRC, you CAN set it up to work remotely over the internet, however, it's mainly meant for use over local LAN (your home network), to talk between only devices connected to YOUR router.

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Hi Guys,

very awesome mod first of all. Really enjoyed it for.... well.... an hour or so :(

it worked perfectly fine, but when I had to reinstall KSP it somewhat broke Telemachus. I still can access all webpages and do most of the stuff (Throttel, pitch, yaw.... and so on) but when it comes to the nice world map or the console I get a "No Signal Found" 
The antenna on my spacecraft says it has some upload, but no download.

I tried so far:

-Restarting Router
-Restarting PC
-Reinstalling KSP

I'd be grateful for any tips and/or hints:



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  On 4/22/2016 at 1:36 PM, Stone Blue said:

No, you dont need internet access to run it... IIRC, you CAN set it up to work remotely over the internet, however, it's mainly meant for use over local LAN (your home network), to talk between only devices connected to YOUR router.


@Stone Blue Can I use it via "Ethernet cable"? And, do I have to install ksp in other computer too?

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  On 4/26/2016 at 6:47 PM, Neil_Kerman said:

Can I use it via "Ethernet cable"? And, do I have to install ksp in other computer too?


No you don't need another copy of KSP installed on the remote computer/device. Telemachus starts a basic web server to host its pages on the local machine running KSP. And by "Ethernet cable" are you wired into a switch/hub or connecting directly between two computers? Either way you'll need to find the IP address. If between two devices directly and/or with no DHCP server on the LAN, your local IP address will be an APIPA address between and, with a /16 subnet mask.

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@thunder175No, I have a desktop and a laptop. Now, I want to connect these two by a Ethernet cable (no hubs and no switches). I have two Android devices too, which I would also like to connect. Now, I have a Ethernet cable to connect my laptop and desktop. WiFi or Bluetooth to connect my Android devices. Now tell me, how will I use Telemachus? How will I connect those? 

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  On 4/26/2016 at 7:15 PM, Neil_Kerman said:

@thunder175No, I have a desktop and a laptop. Now, I want to connect these two by a Ethernet cable (no hubs and no switches). I have two Android devices too, which I would also like to connect. Now, I have a Ethernet cable to connect my laptop and desktop. WiFi or Bluetooth to connect my Android devices. Now tell me, how will I use Telemachus? How will I connect those?


I'm confused as to your network setup. You have a WiFi access point or router currently servicing the Android devices? Your main machine is on the same LAN as the Android devices or is it not on the LAN at all? What are the IP addresses of everything? If your main computer and Android devices are on a LAN right now with a 192.168.x.x range, that means they are getting addresses from a DHCP server on your network (presumably your router). So which device isn't? Or is your intent for a completely isolated network?

You also mention Bluetooth. Simply connected via Bluetooth does nothing unless you are also setting it up to run as PAN (Personal Area Network).

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@thunder175 oh, I am sorry to make you confused. I have WiFi hotspots both in my laptop and my Android devices. Now, I will like to simply connect my Android device and my laptop. There becomes a PAN, but, my desktop does not have any WiFi hotspots, so, I have to connect my desktop and laptop with an Ethernet cable. I made a network chain below, you can see it—

DESKTOP <-- Ethernet cable --> LAPTOP <-- WiFi --> ANDROID DEVICES (two devices).

Now, tell me, how will I use Telemachus?

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  On 4/26/2016 at 6:47 PM, Neil_Kerman said:

@Stone Blue Can I use it via "Ethernet cable"? And, do I have to install ksp in other computer too?


@Neil_Kerman Yes, ethernet IF using a switch/hub/router, like thunder165 said.... No, just the one instance of KSP on one computer...


EDIT: Wait.... based on your description of your home network.... How are you connecting your laptop and Android devices over Wifi?... You have a Wifi router?

If you have a separate device that serves the Wifi, and it has a LAN ethernet port, then you should do:

Desktop --> ethernet cable ---> Wifi device/LAN port --> Laptop and Android devices over Wifi

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 @Stone BlueI have inbuilt WiFi hotspots (for example, as "xender" app uses WiFi hotspots to send data) in my laptop and Android devices. So, there creates a PAN! Now, for LAN I have Ethernet cable, to connect with my desktop and laptop. I will be using LAN and PAN simultaneously. Will Telemachus work here, if yes, then how will I connect? :0.0:

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Telemachus part shows data being UL/DL'ed, clicking "open link" opens the link in my browser, but opening the data feeds themselves show "no connection" and in-game date first flashes the correct value (year 1, etc.), but immediately changes to "year 47, day 135, 23:59" or something close to that. When in the space center however it will detect the game pausing. New game on a new install. I am aware that the mod has not been explicitly updated for the current version.


That just me or?

Edited by Ottomic
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@Ottomic No, you're right.

In fact there is a little to do to make Telemachus work with KSP 1.1

In Visual Studio, just modify the references to the new ksp dll (UnityEngine and Assembly-CSharp) in the !telemachus and Servers projects, and add a reference to the new library KSPUtil in the Telemachus project.

After a rebuild, you just have to copy the Servers.dll and Telemachus.dll files into GameData\Telemachus\Plugins and that's all.

I have to test a little bit more, but it seems to work fine !

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@yosh31 I'm a complete coding noob, but I just installed VisualStudio a couple days ago to play with a couple other mod .dlls...

Anyway, I dont know if I'm doing something wrong, or what, but KSP wont load with my new Telemachus .dlls...
It actually gets farther into the loading screen with the old, 1.0.5 version of Telemachus installed, than it does with my recompile...

Any chance you could throw the new .dlls up on host some where, or maybe even email them to me? I'd appreciate it...
I want to see if I can get the MKON interface to work...

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  On 5/7/2016 at 9:50 AM, yosh31 said:

@Ottomic No, you're right.

In fact there is a little to do to make Telemachus work with KSP 1.1

In Visual Studio, just modify the references to the new ksp dll (UnityEngine and Assembly-CSharp) in the !telemachus and Servers projects, and add a reference to the new library KSPUtil in the Telemachus project.

After a rebuild, you just have to copy the Servers.dll and Telemachus.dll files into GameData\Telemachus\Plugins and that's all.

I have to test a little bit more, but it seems to work fine !


Hi! Thanks for the explanation. 

If you could send the modified file Here or via mail to me too I'd Even More grateful =D francesco1987@Gmail.Com


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