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what funny glitches have you encountered in your travels?

Eclipse 32

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one of my most unique glitches happened in the way back times of 0.21 to maybe 0.23? way way back then lol. I was just faffing about when one of my parts got broken off a ship and decided it wanted to go warp and just nope right out of the solar system. Nothing touched it after it got knocked off by a kerbal on EVA, it just suddenly decided to jump to warp away. I didnt hit time warp or anything, so physics was full on when this happened. Only happened once, and was NEVER able to duplicate it. 001501112025

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I had Bill on EVA to improve drill efficiency (however that works) and as I time warped, he slowly floated upward. When I exited time warp, he was still there. He could walk around in the air and everything, 20 meters off the ground. It was pretty funny, but I couldn't figure out how to get him down. Since the whole thing was a test anyway, I just reverted the flight.

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My name is after a KSP glitch, and one I'm sure a few people have seen. If the MK1 Command Pod is rolled at 4x time warp, with a MK-16 chute deployed, the chute will jettison at ludicrous speeds, up to an order of magnitude faster than light.

This can happen with any part from a craft destroyed in this way, even the pod experiences some recoil

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There's this weird bug with robotics and docking ports that I haven't been able to properly reproduce. The bug seems related to being landed (so gravity is actively accelerating you against the ground), putting a docking port on a robot arm, and docking to something else while landed.

In one instance I had a big fuel tank on wheels on Laythe approaching a helicopter to fuel it. The docking port for the heli was on the underside and when I slid the port under to dock (and actually made the connection) all the wheels would pop off on the rover like some loony toons cartoon. It happened over and over. Unfortunately I was so frustrated I didn't record or save logs for reporting but in hindsight it was funny.

I was able to reproduce it with modded wheels later when making a Mun base only this time it popped the vehicle into the air. All I did was slid a rover underneath for docking and, upon docking with two docking ports at once, it jumps into the air:


Edited by StormxWolf
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a strange bug that i have renders rovers useless. the wheels spin up immediately, and the rover shoots off into oblivion. it is possible to control them, but it's much harder. idk why, it has persisted through multiple complete mod resets.

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