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[1.12.x] Kerbal Alarm Clock v3.13.0.0 (April 10)


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I'm sure you've mentioned this somewhere, but in my searching I haven't been able to find it, but are you planning on adding an API or other way for other mods to interface with this? I'd love to be able to automatically add alarms for when vessels are finished building in the mod I'm working on. I wouldn't be getting to that sort of integration for a while yet, still gotta get some of the basic things done to make my mod fully functional, but I'm sure there are several mods that would benefit by being able to read/write alarms.

Also, I second the idea of saving the alarms to the persistence, or at least the save folder. Quickloading after deleting a few alarms and making new ones is always somewhat frustrating.

(PS, thanks for doing the Plugin Framework, it's a big help to those of us new to KSP modding)

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... are you planning on adding an API or other way for other mods to interface with this? I'd love to be able to automatically add alarms for when vessels are finished building in the mod I'm working on.


Let me second this.

I am following closely both threads, and actually I suggested to the original author of KCT that it was better to integrate it with KAC.

Exactly how you have devised it: to have KCT generate alarms for KAC to display (with all the management features KAC allows, too).

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Yep API is definitely on the list, I'm just trying to psych myself up to get started on reworking this plugin

If you were nearby, I'd buy you a beer or a wee dram if that would help... KAC is on my "must have" shortlist. (In a normal game, I'll sometimes end up with twenty or thirty alarms listed between launch windows, reminders to rotate station crews, etc....)

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LOG 12:07:08.420] 12/21/2013 12:07:08 PM,KerbalAlarmClock,Blizzy's Toolbar Loaded:True
[LOG 12:07:08.421] 12/21/2013 12:07:08 PM,KerbalAlarmClock,Initialising the Toolbar Icon
[LOG 12:07:08.422] 12/21/2013 12:07:08 PM,KerbalAlarmClock-ToolbarButtonWrapper,ToolbarButtonWrapper: Loading ToolbarManager.
[LOG 12:07:08.430] 12/21/2013 12:07:08 PM,KerbalAlarmClock-ToolbarButtonWrapper,ToolbarButtonWrapper built!
[LOG 12:07:08.431] 12/21/2013 12:07:08 PM,KerbalAlarmClock,Invoking Worker Function KerbalAlarmClock-KACSpaceCenter
[LOG 12:07:08.432] 0.1
[LOG 12:07:08.432] 12/21/2013 12:07:08 PM,KerbalAlarmClock,Setting up repeating Behaviour(BehaviourUpdate) every 0.10 Secs
[LOG 12:07:11.348] button visibilities have changed, forcing auto-size
[LOG 12:07:11.352] saving toolbar settings (SPACECENTER)
[ERR 12:07:11.363] error loading button texture: TriggerTech/ToolbarIcons/KACIcon-Norm
[LOG 12:07:11.365] 12/21/2013 12:07:11 PM,KerbalAlarmClock,Adding DrawGUI to PostRender Queue
[ERR 12:07:13.035] error loading button texture: TriggerTech/ToolbarIcons/KACIcon-Norm
[ERR 12:07:13.134] error loading button texture: TriggerTech/ToolbarIcons/KACIcon-Norm
[ERR 12:07:13.243] error loading button texture: TriggerTech/ToolbarIcons/KACIcon-Norm
[ERR 12:07:13.345] error loading button texture: TriggerTech/ToolbarIcons/KACIcon-Norm
[ERR 12:07:13.455] error loading button texture: TriggerTech/ToolbarIcons/KACIcon-Norm
[ERR 12:07:13.555] error loading button texture: TriggerTech/ToolbarIcons/KACIcon-Norm
[ERR 12:07:13.664] error loading button texture: TriggerTech/ToolbarIcons/KACIcon-Norm

I figured out what it was. I had installed it in GameData the wrong way:




The first way worked for KAC 2.6.4 and before, but now it can't find the texture if you do it like that! :)

Pretty old post, but helped me with a problem I had with icons.


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Love ur app, thanks so much for making it. however bit of a problem, unsure what I am doing wrong but every time I start KSP the "threshold" and "margin" on the specifics-2 page of the settings ALWAYS reset to 3 minutes, even if I saved something else previously. the settings save ok and the timers work as expected, the 2 settings just reset on reload. everything else seems to save ok.

here is my config.XML located at: ...\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\TriggerTech\PluginData\KerbalAlarmClock

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>


<bool name="DailyUpdateCheck">1</bool>

<string name="VersionCheckDate_Attempt">2014-02-25</string>

<string name="VersionCheckDate_Success">2014-02-25</string>

<string name="VersionWeb"></string>

<bool name="WindowVisible">1</bool>

<bool name="WindowMinimized">0</bool>

<rect name="WindowPos">






<bool name="WindowVisible_SpaceCenter">1</bool>

<bool name="WindowMinimized_SpaceCenter">1</bool>

<rect name="WindowPos_SpaceCenter">






<bool name="WindowVisible_TrackingStation">1</bool>

<bool name="WindowMinimized_TrackingStation">1</bool>

<rect name="WindowPos_TrackingStation">






<rect name="IconPos">






<rect name="IconPos_SpaceCenter">






<bool name="IconShow_SpaceCenter">1</bool>

<rect name="IconPos_TrackingStation">






<bool name="IconShow_TrackingStation">1</bool>

<bool name="UseBlizzyToolbarIfAvailable">1</bool>

<int name="WindowMinimizedType">0</int>

<int name="BehaviourChecksPerSec">10</int>

<bool name="BackupSaves">1</bool>

<int name="BackupSavesToKeep">5</int>

<bool name="CancelFlightModeJumpOnBackupFailure">1</bool>

<bool name="AllowJumpFromViewOnly">0</bool>

<string name="AlarmListMaxAlarms">6</string>

<int name="AlarmPosition">1</int>

<int name="AlarmDefaultAction">1</int>

<double name="AlarmDefaultMargin">105</double>

<bool name="AlarmDeleteOnClose">0</bool>

<bool name="ShowTooltips">1</bool>

<bool name="ShowEarthTime">0</bool>

<bool name="HideOnPause">1</bool>

<string name="TimeFormat">KSPString</string>

<bool name="AlarmXferRecalc">1</bool>

<double name="AlarmXferRecalcThreshold">180</double>

<bool name="AlarmXferDisplayList">1</bool>

<bool name="XferUseModelData">1</bool>

<bool name="AlarmNodeRecalc">1</bool>

<double name="AlarmNodeRecalcThreshold">180</double>

<bool name="AlarmAddSOIAuto">0</bool>

<double name="AlarmAddSOIAutoThreshold">180</double>

<double name="AlarmAutoSOIMargin">300</double>

<bool name="AlarmAddSOIAuto_ExcludeEVA">1</bool>

<bool name="AlarmOnSOIChange">0</bool>

<int name="AlarmOnSOIChange_Action">2</int>

<bool name="AlarmSOIRecalc">0</bool>

<double name="AlarmSOIRecalcThreshold">180</double>

<bool name="AlarmAddManAuto">1</bool>

<bool name="AlarmAddManAuto_andRemove">1</bool>

<double name="AlarmAddManAutoThreshold">180</double>

<double name="AlarmAddManAutoMargin">180</double>

<int name="AlarmAddManAuto_Action">1</int>

<bool name="AlarmCrewDefaultStoreNode">0</bool>

<string name="LoadManNode" />

<string name="LoadVesselTarget" />


i am trying to save:

<double name="AlarmAddManAutoThreshold">20</double>

<double name="AlarmAddManAutoMargin">105</double>

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Love ur app, thanks so much for making it. however bit of a problem, unsure what I am doing wrong but every time I start KSP the "threshold" and "margin" on the specifics-2 page of the settings ALWAYS reset to 3 minutes, even if I saved something else previously. the settings save ok and the timers work as expected, the 2 settings just reset on reload. everything else seems to save ok.


Hi Saurus, Unfortunately that is a bug in the existing code base that I haven't gotten to fixing yet - https://kerbalalarmclock.codeplex.com/workitem/1599. Tis on the list, so will be fixed in next release, just not 100% on when that will be yet

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Random thought: You have SOI changes and Manuever nodes coming up automatically now, any chance we could configure transfer window alarms to always show the next one? Granted, you can't do that for every window between all possible planets and moons (What is that... 52 windows?) but maybe allow us to, when setting one, check a box that says "repeat alarm" or something?

I personally want the next alarm for the window from Kerbin to all the other planets to always be in the list.

Edited by 5thHorseman
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Alternate Resource Panel is art. Your work is done. Please apply your interface genius to a quick & dirty on some other incredible mods whose authors don't have time to do it.

Protractor - toolbar wrapper, Unity Smoke

Kerbal Engineer Redux - Unity Smoke

Kerbal Alarm Clock (I hear this author is swamped beyond all belief) - Unity Smoke

I know there are big plans for alarm clock, but just a facelift to match the rest of the addons would be nice (and probably quite easy).

Edited by Oinker
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Alternate Resource Panel is art. Your work is done. Please apply your interface genius to a quick & dirty on some other incredible mods whose authors don't have time to do it.

Protractor - toolbar wrapper, Unity Smoke

Kerbal Engineer Redux - Unity Smoke

Kerbal Alarm Clock (I hear this author is swamped beyond all belief) - Unity Smoke

I know there are big plans for alarm clock, but just a facelift to match the rest of the addons would be nice (and probably quite easy).

I think (fingers crossed) I'm now to a point where I can come back to KAC, some of the work in that is precursor to some of the KAC work (eg. dropdown menu and API). I have decided that I don't want to rewrite it fully, but will be starting on it shortly, thanks for the patience.

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I had a random thought while dragging a maneuver node around and getting a dozen popups because it was just about X minutes away (where X is what I have set to alert me). Would it be possible to add a "don't alert me for this node again" checkbox? That way I'd only get one popup and when I clear it I can drag my node around willy-nilly.

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  • 3 weeks later...

It would be nice to be able to automatically add close encounter dates for asteroids in this! We can do it with raw alarms at this point, I suppose.

Edit: which is actually quite annoying to do, as we can't add Raw alarms in the tracking station.

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I so live in the wrong time zone :( The releases for me happen at like 10am when I'm at work, I'm about half way through the v3 stuff, but I have a plan to make v2.7.0.1 for any ARM stuff. The change to dates is on my list to fix for this as well as looking at what functionality I can open up - without too much work - in the SC and TS. I'll put out an update (or a new version) tonight (my time) after I get some KSP time.

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While you're here, I've been noticing a lot of debug readouts that say "Parsing bool" or "Parsing float". It seems to just flood my debug log especially when I open the KAC window.

Love this mod, take your time!

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While you're here, I've been noticing a lot of debug readouts that say "Parsing bool" or "Parsing float". It seems to just flood my debug log especially when I open the KAC window.

Love this mod, take your time!

Ahem. Yes, I'd like this also, but I don't want to tax Trigger too much! Maybe it could include a configuration flag to make it verbose or not verbose when debugging :)

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The good news is that that should not be there in v3, the bad news is that the "parsing" messages are actually part of KSP's pluginConfiguration.GetValue API so I cant change that in v2 without some substantial changes (http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/24786-0-23-Kerbal-Alarm-Clock-v2-7-0-0-%28December-20%29?p=892647&viewfull=1#post892647)

That "Spam" annoys me too :)

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Awesome, thanks for responding. I hope all is well for you, and can't wait for v3 :)

EDIT: btw, with the current version I'm noticing some lag when I click some setting buttons. It's tiny and will barely affect actual gameplay but it's noticeable and could be annoying.

Edited by theSpeare
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Hopefully the lag is just the usual - needs a recompile... so

v2.7.1.0 Now on Spaceport - http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/kerbal-alarm-clock-2/

only two things in this one:

  • Recompiled against 023.5
  • Added capacity to KAC to recognise and handle the Kerbin year - 425 Days of 6 hours each

As soon as I have something working for v3 I'll probably make it publically available but with limited support so people can test an play, but in true KSP fashion, no dates :)

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