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[1.12.x] Kerbal Alarm Clock v3.13.0.0 (April 10)


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btw i don't remember seeing the "earth time alarm" button anywhere (they're mentioned in the instructions). How do you do that ?

You access the Earth Time stuff by clicking on the "Current Time" text in the footer of the main window. Its in the instructions (https://sites.google.com/site/kerbalalarmclock/manual-pages) near the top of the page. If you search for "Real World" you should find it

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You access the Earth Time stuff by clicking on the "Current Time" text in the footer of the main window. Its in the instructions (https://sites.google.com/site/kerbalalarmclock/manual-pages) near the top of the page. If you search for "Real World" you should find it

I might've been running on an old version... time to upgrade

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I might've been running on an old version... time to upgrade

There is also an option in the settings so it will check for you once a day if there is a new version and give you a visual indicator if there are some changes. Might be good to turn this on shortly :wink:

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v2.6.1.0 Now up on Spaceport

Now that 0.22 has fixed all my lag issues (and gotten me hooked again :cool:) here is an update containing a few previously requested things and some extra's from me

  • Recompiled it for 0.22
  • Added Crew Alarms (track Kerbal rather than Vessel)
  • Added Distance Target Alarms - distance from target vessel or altitude above planet - Can be found as an option with the closest approach alarm
  • Added Launch Rendezvous Alarm (under Ascending/Descending Node for Landed craft) - MechJeb2 code - thanks r4m0n - will show up when you are landed and have a target selected that orbits the same body (under the AN/DN alarm node)
  • Allow restoration of Nodes that you have passed (useful for interplanetary burns)
  • Added missing Dres Transfer Model data - thanks Voneiden
  • Added view only version of Alarm clock to both Space Center and Tracking Station - you should see an icon in the top left by default
  • Added options to hide/move the icon for all three visible scenes - an extra tab in the settings screen

I really need to add some instructions to the manual pages, but am pretty tired so hopefully it is intuitive enough :)


  • two of the new alarm types are accessed via existing types (AN/DN and closest approach)
  • if you are on the space center or tracking screens and turn off the alarm clock it will disappear - you can re-enable it from flight mode using the settings screen
  • I haven't comprehensively tested the distance alarm that is for altitude from planet surface on the next patch of orbit - it seemed close
  • and I think I need a better icon for the crew alarm.

Apologies for the lack of more info, but I'm pretty tired - I'll update the pages tomorrow.

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v2.6.1.0 Now up on Spaceport


  • Added Distance Target Alarms - distance from target vessel or altitude above planet - Can be found as an option with the closest approach alarm

I was just thinking last night how useful this could be. Thanks!

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I've been seeing some weird crashes with kerbal alarm clock. I put a ship into interplanetary space and set an alarm for some time in the distant future - tens of days. I go back to launching rockets, and when the alarm triggers I'm focused on a different ship. I jump to the ship, restore the target (a planet) and possibly a maneuver node, and everything breaks. The altitude display cycles from 000000 to 999999 (all digits change at the same time) and some other bits of UI show up, but the rest of the screen is all black. If I leave the ship and go back to the spaceport, it doesn't render (black screen) but I can click the exit button. If I do that, the starting screen looks fine but if I load my game again everything's still black. If I restart KSP, everything's hunky dory, except my ship (the one with the alarm set) has vanished. There's no trace of it and my kerbonauts are MIA in the astronaut complex.

I'm running in career mode, 0.22.0 on Windows 7. The only other plugin I'm using is Flight Engineer.

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I've been seeing some weird crashes with kerbal alarm clock. I put a ship into interplanetary space and set an alarm for some time in the distant future - tens of days. I go back to launching rockets, and when the alarm triggers I'm focused on a different ship. I jump to the ship, restore the target (a planet) and possibly a maneuver node, and everything breaks. The altitude display cycles from 000000 to 999999 (all digits change at the same time) and some other bits of UI show up, but the rest of the screen is all black. If I leave the ship and go back to the spaceport, it doesn't render (black screen) but I can click the exit button. If I do that, the starting screen looks fine but if I load my game again everything's still black. If I restart KSP, everything's hunky dory, except my ship (the one with the alarm set) has vanished. There's no trace of it and my kerbonauts are MIA in the astronaut complex.

I'm running in career mode, 0.22.0 on Windows 7. The only other plugin I'm using is Flight Engineer.

TBH I have seen that happen before in a vanilla game (no mods) , but not yet experienced it in my games that have KAC. That said I would like to help out if it is at all related to the KAC. Is it possible to see the debug log and ksp log from one of the incidents - then I can maybe see what KAC is doing and what the game is doing

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I've been seeing some weird crashes with kerbal alarm clock. I put a ship into interplanetary space and set an alarm for some time in the distant future - tens of days. I go back to launching rockets, and when the alarm triggers I'm focused on a different ship. I jump to the ship, restore the target (a planet) and possibly a maneuver node, and everything breaks. The altitude display cycles from 000000 to 999999 (all digits change at the same time) and some other bits of UI show up, but the rest of the screen is all black. If I leave the ship and go back to the spaceport, it doesn't render (black screen) but I can click the exit button. If I do that, the starting screen looks fine but if I load my game again everything's still black. If I restart KSP, everything's hunky dory, except my ship (the one with the alarm set) has vanished. There's no trace of it and my kerbonauts are MIA in the astronaut complex.

I'm running in career mode, 0.22.0 on Windows 7. The only other plugin I'm using is Flight Engineer.

This is exactly my problem! I'm not sure by what it is triggered. All I know is that I was playing KSP fine and it happened right after I installed KAC. Before that, I've never ran into this problem. This doesn't necessarily mean that KAC caused it, but I do find it suspicious. I don't use a whole of other mods, KW rocketry, KSPX, Mechjeb, Chatterer and Sciencelog; all updated to the latest versions.

By the time I started to go for interplanetary missions, I decided it was time for KAC; after that it immediately started throwing this problem at me. By that time, it was too late; my save has become corrupted :huh: Should have backed up before I started playing with a new mod... yeah, my fault :sealed:

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I haven't had any crashes using KAC, but I usually don't go fly something else while it's monitoring another ship. I've done a few SOI alarms and maneuver alarms with no problems. I'm not multi-tasking talented enough to be able to run multiple missions at the same time, lol.

I'll try some tonight though, I have a ship bound for Duna that I was just going to warp there, but I'll leave it running and fly my new plane to the north pole, see how that goes.

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I've been seeing some weird crashes with kerbal alarm clock....
This is exactly my problem! ...

So, I'm gonna work at replicating this in the next few days, but I want to finish the manual pages first. A few more questions if I can

Galileo.. When you say the save is corrupt, is it the same as saskwatch where one ship is gone, or is it something different?

If either of you get it again, can you backup the logs and let me know so I can have a read of whats going on in game

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So, I'm gonna work at replicating this in the next few days, but I want to finish the manual pages first. A few more questions if I can

Galileo.. When you say the save is corrupt, is it the same as saskwatch where one ship is gone, or is it something different?

If either of you get it again, can you backup the logs and let me know so I can have a read of whats going on in game

Sadly, I don't have the log anymore. I removed and reinstalled KSP and I forgot to keep the file, but I do remember browsing through the file reading that "Probe x had crashed into the surface of the Mun". Here's what happened:

1. My space program was up and running. I already had built multiple space stations, and done some probing on Duna, Jool, Dres etc. Everything went as it should, no crashes at all; using the mods I mentioned above.

2. I downloaded KAC to keep track of the longer missions. These flights were already in progress before I installed KAC.

3. Right after I installed KAC, I sent 3 rockets after each other on a Kerbin escape trajectory. For all 3 rockets I had set an alarm when they would be in solar orbit.

4. After the first alarm, I switched to rocket one to plot the course for Duna and set a SOI alarm. Everything went fine.

5. Rocket 2 and 3, same as 1

6. When I switched back to Rocket 1 to check, the screen went black, the alt meter went crazy (spinning 000000 to 999999), the nav bal went black and KSP froze. After that it crashed to desktop.

7. I restarted KSP, tried to load my savegame, but it wouldn't show up anymore.

If you want to know anything else, ask. I'll do my best to help you.

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Sadly, I don't have the log anymore. I removed and reinstalled KSP and I forgot to keep the file, but I do remember browsing through the file reading that "Probe x had crashed into the surface of the Mun". Here's what happened:

1. My space program was up and running. I already had built multiple space stations, and done some probing on Duna, Jool, Dres etc. Everything went as it should, no crashes at all; using the mods I mentioned above.

2. I downloaded KAC to keep track of the longer missions. These flights were already in progress before I installed KAC.

3. Right after I installed KAC, I sent 3 rockets after each other on a Kerbin escape trajectory. For all 3 rockets I had set an alarm when they would be in solar orbit.

4. After the first alarm, I switched to rocket one to plot the course for Duna and set a SOI alarm. Everything went fine.

5. Rocket 2 and 3, same as 1

6. When I switched back to Rocket 1 to check, the screen went black, the alt meter went crazy (spinning 000000 to 999999), the nav bal went black and KSP froze. After that it crashed to desktop.

7. I restarted KSP, tried to load my savegame, but it wouldn't show up anymore.

If you want to know anything else, ask. I'll do my best to help you.

Just to clarify for me so I can try and replicate, when you were switching back to rocket 1, was this via the usual KSP switching, or using the switch to vessel buttons in KAC?

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Version now up on Spaceport

Have added two functions to the KAC one an enhancement, and then something I figured out while doing the first one

  • Added functionality to allow you to jump to a ship from space center and tracking station view lists
  • Added functionality to backup save files before switching ships using KAC
  • Both these features are configurable

So here's a bit of an essay... In trying to write the code to Jump to a ship from non-flight scenes I found that I needed to actually save/load cycle the game to use the API call that sets the active vessel on entering flight mode. In doing this I figured I would not be 100% comfortable if someone messed with my save file so I needed to create backups and ability to disable this function for people who don't want their saves messed with. So in order that people might feel comfortable here's how it works.

Jump to Ship from View Screens




  1. You click on the jump to ship button in TS or SC
  2. Runs the backup routine if enabled -------------------------->
  3. If the backup succeeded or backups are disabled then
  4. Save the Current game as KACJumpToShip.sfs
  5. Reload this save file (so we can check its valid and get a handle
  6. Tell KSP to load the save and set the active vessel
  7. Once KSP successfully loads the game it will resave the persistent.sfs file



Backup Routine

  1. Check if it can see the current save folder
  2. Check if it can see the current persistent save file
  3. Make a copy of the current peristent.sfs file as KACBACKUP<datetimeinfo>-persistent.sfs
  4. if the quicksave exists, then make a copy of this (simlarly named)
  5. If any of the above fails to pass then the process will not proceed and will not try and Jump





Backups all round - switching vessels in flight mode using KAC

The other thing that has come up in KSP is that some people have had issues with save file corruption, am pretty sure this is not KAC related, but while I was building this I added the backup functionality to all the Jump To Ship Buttons (including the ones in Flight Mode). This means that in Flight Mode when you switch vessels using teh Jump To Ship button in KAC it will backup your saves before calling the flight mode vessel switch (which is the same as using the native KSP controls.

Hope your not too bored and you made it this far. If you have any questions then please ask

From the Front Page

Notes on Jumping to Ships - In all modes

From v2.6.2.0 I have added a feature that will by default make a copy of the current games peristent and quicksave file before switching vessels using the KAC - it does not do this when you switch via the standard KSP controls, only the KAC "Jump to Ship" buttons. This function will keep up to 50 old files and is configured in the settings. The files are stored alongside the current saves and called KACBACKUPyyyyMMddHHmmss-persistent.sfs.

Jumping to Ships - from Space center and Tracking Station

In Space Center and Tracking Station modes the "Jump to Ship" buttons function by making a new temporary save (Called KACJumpToShip.sfs) at the current time and then setting the active vessel when loading it. This is using inbuilt KSP assembly functions to do this (not written by myself), but if you are at all unsure or concerned about this save/load functionality then you can disable the jump functionality for the SP and TS on the global settings tab.

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Does this mean that we can now save our progress just by using your jump to ships and then reload the saves further down the track if we so wish? or have I read it wrong?

If so then you are going to make a lot of people happy, as a lot of people have really wanted a save option in KSP for a long time.. :)

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It's still a must have mod for me Trigger :)

I was thinking, is it possible for you to build a sort of "goto next event" button both in the flight scene and the non flight scenes? You click it, it fast forwards time to the moment of the first alarm in the list, then auto switches to the ship and restores the node or target or whatever it restores. This would mean a fast forward option in the non flight scene! I'm not even sure if that's possible.

Also, there are two popups when you switch to an alarm, the first one is on the craft you're switching from and the second is on the craft you're arriving at. Could it be made possible for the second popup not to appear? It gives you the option to restore the node or not restore the node, but frankly I can't imagine why anyone would not want to restore the node, and on the off chance they do no longer want the node at that point, they can always delete it :)

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