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[1.0.5] FASA 5.44


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Thiokol TU-122 (M-55) solid fuel rocket.

Yes, it is the first stage of the Minuteman I, but the proposed Saturn II/INT-19 was to use up to twelve of them as SRBs on its (S-II) first stage.

Since I am going to doubt anyone wants a Minuteman first stage, I'll also put a vote twoards another request, I will pitch in with "I'd like to see the Centaur."

Also, why is everyone continually asking for Skylab, when Denny is (going to be) doing Skylab?

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Also, why is everyone continually asking for Skylab, when Denny is (going to be) doing Skylab?

Dunno. They'd probably like to see it, but as Frizzank said, it's out of scope this time. So it seems we'll get the Centaur (or at least some clever system for mounting RL-10s on things) afterall. :)

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I'm kinda Glad FASA is wrapping up, It's a nice mod.

I have a request, but not for a part. I would like just the Command pods available as a download. (i.e Mercury command pod and associated equipment, Gemini pod and associated equipment) because While I like this mod, I have so many others that add other parts that I end up deleting just about everything anyway.

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Also, why is everyone continually asking for Skylab, when Denny is (going to be) doing Skylab?

One could as easily ask why both of them independently did a Saturn mod... my answer would be that I prefer to use FASA as a collective USA historical space program, whereas Denny's got just a part of that (and I'm not sure what issues OLDD stuff might have).

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Mercury pod IVA


What is the appropriate use of the CSM-LEM deployment device?

Frizzank, you mod continues to impress me, it is by far my favorite KSP mod. Thank you for sharing you considerable talent with us!:)

I like Mercury Pod IVA,i voted,with this i think,the FASA pack be complete.

Ofcourse i am happy when Denny,do and the Apollo CM IVA.


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Nova Engine Plate, IE, the 8 engine plate for the nova rocket. The rest of the rocket wouldn't be hard to make with certain other mods, but its the engine plate that's the tough bit.

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Very Respectful Request:

I would very much like to see what your version of an RL-10 would be!

You've done an absolutely outstanding job creating FASA! Thanks for all your hard work and dedication, and I hope you take as long of a break as you feel you need! If it's forever, we all understand!

Good luck in all future endeavors, both KSP and RL! Thanks for the corned beef sandwich good sir!!!

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Ok, a few requests here that I will second

Skylab dry workshop part (the rest of it would be nice, would be awesome to see a FASA Skylab given the quality of work so far)

NOVA 1st stage plate (NOVA 1st stage assembly would be great!!)

Mercury IVA


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Damn, I would love a Skylab Wet Workshop, but I think it would take too much in a single part to make.

So, if that isn't possible, instead I would like a Surveyor based probe/lander, as a small, early tech lander core. As it would only be one part, the legs would be built in, along with possibly the tanks for fuel.

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One more vote of support for Skylab A.

Just the core is enough, as all the exterior stuff can be cobbled from stock, FASA and AIES parts.

KSP badly needs large habitat parts, and Skylab is a good candidate both for station cores and for interplanetary ship habitats.

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One more vote of support for Skylab A.

Just the core is enough, as all the exterior stuff can be cobbled from stock, FASA and AIES parts.

KSP badly needs large habitat parts, and Skylab is a good candidate both for station cores and for interplanetary ship habitats.

Especially using that Wet Workshop aspect. Very efficient, and very handy.

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Looks like my request will be ruled out as its not US but I might as well ask would you consider doing the British made Black Arrow PLEASE it was the only Rocket Australia ever launched that achieved orbit and launched prospero which still orbits today.


Edited by Virtualgenius
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The S-ID stage of the Saturn V. It might be more than one part but with it, we would be able to make the Saturn V-B, V-C, and by adding the Titan SRB's as a workaround, the Saturn V-D. If making the entire booster is too much, I would be perfectly fine with just a mounting plate.

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Kinda sad to hear this is wrapping up, I only hope it continues to be updated to work with versions in the future!

Anyways, thank you Ffrizzank for all your hard work. This is amongst the best mods out there and it's brought me hundreds of hours of enjoyment in the time I've had it installed. :)

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Looks like my request will be ruled out as its not US but I might as well ask would you consider doing the British made Black Arrow PLEASE it was the only Rocket Australia ever launched that achieved orbit and launched prospero which still orbits today.


Requested this ages ago, its a no, but Lovad is doing one, though his forum thread has been quiet....

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Looks like my request will be ruled out as its not US but I might as well ask would you consider doing the British made Black Arrow PLEASE it was the only Rocket Australia ever launched that achieved orbit and launched prospero which still orbits today.

Wrong. The rocket that Australia (as opposed to UK launching from Australia) orbited was a so called "Redstone-Sparta". Basically, a Redstone with an Antares-2 second stage and Alcyone 3rd one. That would be a more likely request, though I don't think many people would support it, seeing as this would need two parts.

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Kinda sad to hear this is wrapping up, I only hope it continues to be updated to work with versions in the future!


It doesn't use plugins so there is no reason it should break. (Unless I missed a plugin somewhere)

Edited by Taki117
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I'll toss in another vote for the surveyor probe frame; tack it on to whoever said it first. Perhaps with an interior node inside the trusses to place one of the small probe cores? I don't know how the sizes relate but it'd be cool.

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