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[0.22] B9 Aerospace Pack / R4.0c / New pods, IVAs, engines, fuselages & structures


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It would be really fantastic if all non-trivial wings had some sort of fuel tanks added to them, possibly just via MFS, so they'd start empty (eg. be identical to their current state right now), but fillable for those of us who want fuel wings.

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  SpaceGremlin said:
Suggestion: add fuel capacity to the HW21 (the really big wing).

I actually did just that. It seems to work, but while the wings are able to act as fuel sources, they cannot act like tanks, probably due to the way the modules that define parts work. Accordingly, all you need to do is add the necessary resources to the part .cfg files, then make sure to include fuel pipes from the wings to the body to let the engines get at it (or to the engines themselves, if they're mounted to the wings.

I haven't been able to do a lot of testing to determine how it affects the balance of a ship yet, but initial flights seem to show it working fine in terms of providing fuel in the first place.

So now I have HW21 and HW21-F wings. I'm going to do the same for some of the other wings that are in use on other ships, and see how they work out.

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Did you download version 0.10 of RasterPropMonitor? There are B9 patch file in there. All IVA's have been mostly cover in RasterPropMonitor, you just have to surf the RasterPropMonitor thread to find everything.

  louiz347 said:
Hey Bac9, do you plan to make the monitors on your IVA's to be compatible with RasterPropMonitor?

That would be epic.

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  Murph said:
It's not the OS version, at least not on its own. It works just fine on OSX Mountain Lion 10.8.5 as well.

It might be a combination of OS version and GPU, since the OS version determines your graphics drivers.

Which is actually what I was getting at...but I didn't specify. My bad.

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  Read have Read said:
The VTOL engines have

startInverted = True
steerDirection = -1

in their part cfg's, which is not included in the Firespitter VTOL engines; this messes with the firespitter plugin's expectations. I commented/deleted those two lines out and it works way better. They steer in double pair mode, the don't flip upside down by default anymore, and it just works.

Awesome, works perfectly now. Thanks.

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I'm not sure if it's b9 that has the HDG landing gear but if it is....do the tires move? I keep trying to land and the damned things keep breaking off. I checked to make sure the brakes were off and I tried it both ways. No difference, the second my tires touch down they rip off and I end up faceplanting.

I'm using Ferram, B9, KW, and NovaPunch with texture reduction packs.

******Figured it out****** forgot the motor was still on.

Edited by Mykill Metal
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  Read have Read said:
The VTOL engines have

startInverted = True
steerDirection = -1

in their part cfg's, which is not included in the Firespitter VTOL engines; this messes with the firespitter plugin's expectations. I commented/deleted those two lines out and it works way better. They steer in double pair mode, the don't flip upside down by default anymore, and it just works.

I've noticed a problem with this fix that it does fix the pitch steering but unfortunately it also inverts the yaw steering. Any one know how to get around this?

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No, it doesn't have a large footprint. Quite the contrary, it's very compact for how big it is. Install reduced textures if you need more memory.

Though... maybe a split into two packs would be beneficial. One for plane parts and fuselages and one for "space" parts such as lander pods and structural plates. It's less about memory and more about not cluttering the part list.

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  Dragon01 said:
No, it doesn't have a large footprint. Quite the contrary, it's very compact for how big it is. Install reduced textures if you need more memory.

Though... maybe a split into two packs would be beneficial. One for plane parts and fuselages and one for "space" parts such as lander pods and structural plates. It's less about memory and more about not cluttering the part list.

Quite the contrary, it is very bloated. Have you taken a look at the textures in the default pack? They are almost all 1024*1024 pixels, which means that they take up four times as much memory as if they were 512*512 pixels, and especially on the small parts, this is completely unneeded. The B9 Aerospace pack with the default textures consumes more than one gigabyte of RAM. There is a texture reduction pack that reduces the footprint to about one fourth of that, although it does reduce texture quality, but that's beside the point.

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  nickexists said:
I've noticed a problem with this fix that it does fix the pitch steering but unfortunately it also inverts the yaw steering. Any one know how to get around this?

Oh, Try using the November prerelease of Firespitter. I forgot to mention that.



It should automatically invert or otherwise set up the engines in the SPH when in action group editing window and cycling modes. I've never had a problem with yaw steering, usually it was throttle steering and default rotations for me.

Edited by Read have Read
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hi unfortunately your mod is incompatible with KW Rocketry v2.5.5. it to return to the desktop at KSP.

Have it tested where I had each of the other mod, and this is not the desktop led back to the precharge phase (before start and upload a screen, game).

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hi unfortunately your mod is incompatible with B9 Aerospace Pack / R4.0c. it to return to the desktop at KSP.

Have it tested where I had each of the other mod, and this is not the desktop led back to the precharge phase (before start and upload a screen, game).

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  Prismatech said:
hi unfortunately your mod is incompatible with KW Rocketry v2.5.5. it to return to the desktop at KSP.

Have it tested where I had each of the other mod, and this is not the desktop led back to the precharge phase (before start and upload a screen, game).

No, it's not incompatible, you're just likely running out of RAM as it loads. The logfile will give you a hint as to what happened to make the game drop out like that, but I can almost guarantee it's lack of resources. I'm running B9 with KW, Novapunch and a glut of other mods, and it doesn't give me trouble.

Try running the reduced textures for B9, or install the texture compressor mod and see if that makes a difference.

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  Deadweasel said:
No, it's not incompatible, you're just likely running out of RAM as it loads. The logfile will give you a hint as to what happened to make the game drop out like that, but I can almost guarantee it's lack of resources. I'm running B9 with KW, Novapunch and a glut of other mods, and it doesn't give me trouble.

Try running the reduced textures for B9, or install the texture compressor mod and see if that makes a difference.

I'm the same. I'm running B9 with KW, novapunch and AIES without a problem. Please make sure it's not your system at fault before running to the developer of the mod. Depending on your system, exceeding roughly 3.5GB at any point in the loading or playing of KSP will cause an immediate crash or return to desktop.

Here is the texture reduction pack for B9 4.0c. It will reduce your RAM footprint masively. Click me for the spaceport page of the texture reduction kit

Here is the texture reduction kit for the stock parts folder. stock reduction Together they will save roughly 1.5GB of RAM footprint.

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