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[0.21.1] KAS v0.4.3 - Struts, pipes, part storage, containers, merged winches & more


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Thank Majiir for taking on this excellent mod and there is no doubt it is in great hands. Your work with Kethane is superb. Kospy, Thank you very very much for your time and dedication in getting this mod where it is today. You have made a huge footprint in the KSP experience. Im happy that your not leaving completely. Again our hats are off to you.

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So, I've found a slight problem with attaching things directly to kerbals. If you board a craft, whatever is on that kerbal is lost. If you're a tad bit insane and allowed command seats to be attached to Kerbals to see what would happen, any kerbals riding said command seat are lost too.

"Well, that's what happens. Don't do that."

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a short question again: what I don't like on this mod is the possibility to unbuild and rebuild stuff with my kerbals. I don't think they should be able to do that.

Can I somehow deactivate the "grab" button?

I just use the pipes and the struts, so I don't really need that, just "link".

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a short question again: what I don't like on this mod is the possibility to unbuild and rebuild stuff with my kerbals. I don't think they should be able to do that.

Can I somehow deactivate the "grab" button?

I just use the pipes and the struts, so I don't really need that, just "link".

In your KAS folder there's a file called "addModule". It contains text like this for all grabbable parts:

///////// linearRcs ///////
stockPartName = linearRcs
evaPartPos = (0.0, 0.00, -0.21)
evaPartDir = (0,0,-1)
dropAtGroundPos = false
dropPartPos = (0.0, -0.1, -0.65)
dropPartRot = (0.0, 90.0, 0.0)
addPartMass = true
storable = true
storedSize = 4
[B]attachOnPart = True[/B]
attachOnEva = False
attachOnStatic = False
attachSendMsgOnly = False

I'm going purely by intuition here. But I reckon putting the bold line to false should remove the grab function. Else you could also just empty the file. That aught to do it as well.

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I scanned Muns in new saves until I had one with overlapping kethane + ore, I will now start reassembling my base on it. That will give me a direct comparison of flat vs slope and the bugs with accelerating base modules.

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What I thought is to add a deploy/build/pose button in the container so you will not have to grab the part first (it will directly show a attach pointer instead) So that will be possible to "deploy" bigger parts.

However, that will need bigger containers and I will need to find how to handle the reverse operation (packaging)

That may work but have you thought of expanding KAS to something along the lines of a Gantry crane setup? you could use the position of the crane attachment for deployment and storage, similar to using your magnetic attachment setup, sure some level of animation would be required but i'm sure it would be possible to keep it relatively basic and still have great results, no need to go all Damned Robotics on it :D With a working GUI for it tied to the storage mechanics you should be able to get it working pretty well.

Hover mode is defaulted to the END key, the OP has been fixed for the jetpack release :) you can alsoset it to a regular hot key. And we are also working on letting the kerbals carry one in their personal inventory, hence the "Hotbar" that comes with the plugin.

Was that in the documentation? :) thank you so much for telling me, i no longer have any problems with them :D Also carrying stuff in Kerbal inventory sounds awesome.


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In your KAS folder there's a file called "addModule". It contains text like this for all grabbable parts:

///////// linearRcs ///////
stockPartName = linearRcs
evaPartPos = (0.0, 0.00, -0.21)
evaPartDir = (0,0,-1)
dropAtGroundPos = false
dropPartPos = (0.0, -0.1, -0.65)
dropPartRot = (0.0, 90.0, 0.0)
addPartMass = true
storable = true
storedSize = 4
[B]attachOnPart = True[/B]
attachOnEva = False
attachOnStatic = False
attachSendMsgOnly = False

I'm going purely by intuition here. But I reckon putting the bold line to false should remove the grab function. Else you could also just empty the file. That aught to do it as well.

I put everything on false (storable too), also for pipes and struts, but I still have the "grab" option and it is on the kerbals back then.

I can't attach it anywhere after that though XD

Is it possible to disable the grab option too?

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Hi, everyone!

I need some help. You all know TAC Life Support is a great Mod but the resource containers are just ugly. I thought about copying the containers in KAS and give the resources like Food, Oxygen and Water. How and what could I change in the .cfg file to make this work? I want the options to just grab the container and place it on the other craft. please help!


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So this is how I added the resources to the container.

1. copy the folder of the container part (I selected B)

2. paste it to GameData/TacLifeSupport/Parts

3. change the folder name to: container3

4. change the file names to: container3.cfg and container3.mu

5. open in notepad

6. copy the changes on the image to your .cfg file.

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I don`t want to make a download version because this is not mine. its just a little change to the .cfg file.

So if you want to make your own that is fine.

I hope I helped :)

Edited by greg12
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I just noticed but did 4.2 fix that "can't attach hooks/EM to winch without first letting go of hook/EM" problem? Also there is one part I have held over from 3.1 and that is the connector1, I use it for odd things like attaching a hook/EM on to a little robotic arm (without a winch).


Edited by RuBisCO
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Can anyone help me? After going to map mode and back to game I can't attach any of the parts anywhere. I press 'h' but nothing happens.

I have this same problem frequently, but for me it's when a Kerbal first exits a pod. I have to get an item on his back, then attempt to attach the item (which brings up the "how to attach" text but doesn't work). THEN I have to get him on a ladder (because he'll frequently lose all ability to use his jetpack when I come back), go back to the space center, jump BACK to the Kerbal, and then attach works that time and every time after for him until he goes home and comes back out, at which time I have to do the same thing over again.

It's a pain, but not as much of a pain as living without KAS.

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I have this same problem frequently, but for me it's when a Kerbal first exits a pod. I have to get an item on his back, then attempt to attach the item (which brings up the "how to attach" text but doesn't work). THEN I have to get him on a ladder (because he'll frequently lose all ability to use his jetpack when I come back), go back to the space center, jump BACK to the Kerbal, and then attach works that time and every time after for him until he goes home and comes back out, at which time I have to do the same thing over again.

It's a pain, but not as much of a pain as living without KAS.

f5 - f9 usually works as well for me, and saves a lot of steps.

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KAS success story;

So I wondered what would happen if you added the grab ability to parts that don't normally radially attach. I added Grab to the clamp-o-tron junior and to the small probe core and packed several other things to make a small satellite with.

Once in orbit Jeb took the docking port out and held it still while bill manoeuvred the ship to into position. That was a bit tricky as you can't reverse a kerbal in EVA, but I got it lined up and let go of the port and it was sucked onto the ships docking port. Then I added small cube strut and onto that I attempted to attach the probe core. It acted as a radially attachable part like all the others so it attached fine. I then cobbled together a bunch of other bits, solar panel, sat-dish, kethane detector and RCS tank (forgot to bring thrusters, doh!) and then released it. 100% assembled in space!


It's very cool to be able to do this kind of assembly in space. It's quite fiddly to get things exactly where you want them as your floating around it, but that's actually kinda realistic.

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I have a few instance where my ships will suddenly remove their own parts. Usually, it's the engines themselves going "Herp-derp, detach, herp-derp! *dead*"

Had an instance where an engine just completely came off all of a sudden, sent my ship into a spin (that the reaction wheels and SAS fixed), and I was basically like, WTF for a moment before I decided to EVA and break off the other two thrusters altogether.

Now I just need to go rescue Bob, Jeb, and Bill.

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KAS success story;

So I wondered what would happen if you added the grab ability to parts that don't normally radially attach. I added Grab to the clamp-o-tron junior and to the small probe core and packed several other things to make a small satellite with.

Once in orbit Jeb took the docking port out and held it still while bill manoeuvred the ship to into position. That was a bit tricky as you can't reverse a kerbal in EVA, but I got it lined up and let go of the port and it was sucked onto the ships docking port. Then I added small cube strut and onto that I attempted to attach the probe core. It acted as a radially attachable part like all the others so it attached fine. I then cobbled together a bunch of other bits, solar panel, sat-dish, kethane detector and RCS tank (forgot to bring thrusters, doh!) and then released it. 100% assembled in space!


It's very cool to be able to do this kind of assembly in space. It's quite fiddly to get things exactly where you want them as your floating around it, but that's actually kinda realistic.

hey Kat' how did you manage to load custom parts to the KAS containers?

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Since apparently this is a good thread to show off interesting KAS creations, here's something I dubbed the "emergency rocketbike".

Source material: One command seat, one RCS tank, three RCS blocks, stuffed into two small containers.


Plus one Bill Kerman.




Needs balancing, but is pretty neat. ^_^

Also, this looks hilariously awesome.


And this apparently works.


Very, very good update.

Now if only we could get a compact version of the UI...

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