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Rubber Band Inc: Caterpillar tracks.


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Just that exercising patience is probably the best option. When it is done, the author will release his baby.

Patience has the nasty habit of running out at the exact moment you need it most. :wink:

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Patience has the nasty habit of running out at the exact moment you need it most. :wink:

Then it wasn't patience in the first place ;) That sounds a little bit like the tolerance a lot of people claim, except for the time when there is actually something to tolerate, haha!

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.20 is out now!

Yes, I noticed this. I've already mentioned I will update you guys n girls when there is something to show, right now EndlessWaves is still working out some kinks in the plugin, and I am still building up the track models (albeit slowly this week).

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Nothing majorly new here, but confirmation that 0.20 didnt break anything, and messing with some seats.

Jeb, Bill and Bob enjoying their new cruiser...

Note the normals issue on one of the tracks, for the life of me I cant figure out why that is happening. Face normals are all fine and there is no form of odd scaling issues, if anyone has any idea feel free to point it out.


The trio wanted extra speed, so they made the track'dster.


And tried flying it a bit...


And died in a horrific crash...


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Did you invert the Y channel on your normal map? For whatever reason Unity/KSPshaders have it backwards.

Both track sets use the same UV space and texture maps, so if the channels were wrong in the normal map Id assume the issue would apply to both tracks.

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The Y channel is in the normal itself and doesn't have any effect on anything outside the normalmap. It's hard to judge if it's wrong on both tracks, but if you didn't invert it my bet is on that.

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