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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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Tried my first rendezvous & docking. Mission control couldn't remember "what to do next" so Neilstead told them he would try it himself. so he EVA'd and flew the 1.4KM to the "rescue" craft. (Next closest approach was over 180KM). He made it, burned retrograde until he realized he was still on "target" mode. Being his craft was all RCS powered, and his tug was a LVN powered craft, he couldnt dock with it and bring it back. He didn't have enough fuel for a safe return. Thank Kod for this simulation so mission control needs to tweak the craft and learn how to properly rendezvous.

I reverted (4 hours, mostly timewarped). I've watched some videos since then and know what I did wrong.

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1 year 150 days since i began my spaceprogram, today for the first time i left Kerbin SOI. KerbolExpress Mk1 probe, packed with scientific instruments will do a flyby near Eve and very close (around 1.5M km) to the sun, overwhelming me with science! Unless i loose signal to KSP, or burn due to heat. :P

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Jettisoned the service/cruise module at 68,000m while returning from a Class C asteroid, with Hermin Kerman and Gerbur "Babyfood" Kerman still in the hitchhiker can. Hermin made it back to the command pod by EVA. Gerbur tried to follow and was torn away by the strengthening winds, and became a fireball in full view of Hermin and Edlu. It was kind of horrible. :(

It was at this point that I decided planting one flag for every Kerbonaut I lost was overkill, so I planted one consolidated flag for Gerbur, Chuck Kerman (who set out in an impromptu rover to plant a flag at the end of the runway so he could find it while landing the spaceplane, drove off the end of the runway and exploded), Sheldrin and Charlie Kerman (crashing said spaceplane), and the unfortunately named Podoly "Pod" Kerman (who would come to fall out of a command pod)

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Today I did a couple of things but I think one thing I did was the most important of the day, and it didn't leave the launch pad...yet. I made the, prototype, drive engine for my up coming project, it is the first of three but they will all share the same basic design. They are modular so that they can be used by the lander to go in closer to its intended target(s), and has an inflatable heat shield to aid with aerobraking. It features four NERVA engines and will be strutted to the main craft and lander via KAS struts, my hope is this will keep it ridged but reusable.


Next up is redesigning the middle chassis and orbital testing, the goal is to have it fully automated before the crew comes aboard. There is also a thought rolling around in my head of reservicing one of my other crafts for the mission as well, but I do not know how it will fit into th project at this time.

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After Jeb rescued him last week when he managed to get stuck in orbit in just his space suit (despite not even being an employee of the company!), Thombur was quick to volunteer to rescue Jeb from a precarious situation last night. Having landed in the wrong crater on the Mun, Jeb had done a quick hop to a different crater, which used more fuel than he anticipated. On leaving Mun he managed to get in to a highly elliptical orbit from about 200km above Kerbin to around Mun orbit distance before running out of fuel, with the resultant danger that he could get caught in the Mun gravitational sphere of influence and flung out of the system.

Thombur successfully piloted the rescue craft, testing the new Nuclear engine in orbit in the process, and was able to attach The KlawTM to Jeb's ship in the first ever docking outside low Kerbin or Mun orbit, transferring enough fuel for the 2 second burn Jeb needed to be able to aerobrake to a safe Kerbin landing.

With the SSTO refuelling tanker still suffering from technical difficulties and budget overruns, Thombur has returned to Kerbin orbit to await a rendezvous with a conventionally launched tanker before he attempts to dock with an unkerbaled probe in an attempt to reactivate it by deploying its solar panel.

Unfortunately the additional stress this rescue mission has put on the budget means that Jeb, Bill and Bob's planned scientific mission to Minimus has been put on hold in favour of some equipment testing for our suppliers.

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Spent the weekend setting up an ILS for my sandbox save and test designing/piloting an SSTO spaceplane that would deliver a lab module to the Mere station orbiting Mun (aptly named the "Lab Rat 7"). Once there, all science could be stored aboard the Rat, the Rat could then be refueled and returned to KSC for all the science goodness. Employed the principles recommended by DocMoriarty - if y'all have ever struggled with spaceplanes and haven't checked out his guide, I'd recommend it; it's been pretty effin' awesome and it's given me respect for the power and versatility of the RAPIER engine. Freaked me out when the plane took off on just the second try...usually it takes me about a dozen tries to get the stupid things to fly into the air and not into the drink. Only crashed the Rat twice - the first time because I didn't have a canard set to symmetry (didn't realize it until after the first flight), second time on landing because at some point I'd hit F4 and hadn't realized it - couldn't see that brand new ILS I'd just built. Came in too hot and slammed into the tarmac.

The Rat's design is nearly complete; I'm still calculating the amount of fuel I need to A) get the thing into orbit and B) get it to Mun with enough fuel left over for rendezvous operations. Should be able to get that figured out today with any kind of luck.

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Today in KSP I released the new update to my stanford torus mod!

Also the legit build torus is 50% of the way there. I've drained 2 ore fields on Minmus and am draining a third one now. Karbonite has helped me build bigger delivery ships. Here's a picture of the test from the new biology experiment


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I took a break last night from my ongoing (and largely unfunded) Duna mission to do some contracts. Or try, at least.

I took one to explore Eve, one to send data back from Jool, one to take readings around Mun, and one to scout some areas on Minmus via rover. Naturally I launched them all pretty much at once, and royally screwed up the Mun mission (lucky for me also the cheapest) twice.

While the Eve and Jool transfer Windows are still about 120 and 200 days away respectively, the Minmus and Mun missions had a schedule conflict, so I babysat the longer burning and more expensive (and manned) Minmus mission, then made corrections on the Mun mission. But then I screwed up the Mun mission and ran out of fuel before I could get into the right orbit because of the corrections and late burns.

So I sent a second one directly after which was looking good until I went to adjust my Mun approach and realized I hadn't opened the solar panels so I watched it crash into the surface. The third one I got right so far. The Minmus mission is already touched down and underway. Sad thing is I launched an identical lander and rover for a different mission a few (game) days ago but I accidentally mangled the lander and had to rescue the Kerbals with a nearby ship. Sigh.

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I got the center section into orbit today for testing purposes, with interesting results (to say the least!). It is probe controlled so it can build up the needed life support before the crew arrives, as the crew of 10 will be the last thing to arrive to this ship/station. One thing I did notice after I had it in space, besides the interesting bit, is that I will need RCS ports on the craft to help move it around. While again this does not look like much it is only a small piece of the whole craft, and it needs to be pieced together in high orbit before it leaves on its mission.


But now for the interesting bit....

Once in orbit I could no longer revert to launch or the VAB building, the buttons are there but no function, and I can not go to the space center either. Also I can not go to any other craft on the save, mostly due to the fact that they are no longer in map mode. Not only are all current mission gone from map mode but all bodies (with the exception of Kerbin, Mun, and the sun) are gone as well. This is something a bit new for me and I am not sure what is causing it either, but I will be figuring that out soonâ„¢.

(Edit: Apparently soonâ„¢ means shortly after posting this. I looked back at my mods list and remember I had this error before and decided to try the fix I did with that on this, and it worked great! Basically I removed the CFG file from US_Core mod and it brought back everything, never understood why this works but it does and I am happy.)

Edited by Liowen
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Goofed up on my duna mission and thought I had to burn at ascending node like when I go to minmus... been there five years so far in space.

I also docked for the first time so I can make use of the power module in orbit (didn't dock to it).

Oh and I got some money from my mun base and minimums base by flag contracts.

Edited by LABHOUSE
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