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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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I sent Bill to the Mun today to gather science from the canyon biome. As I descended, I had the camera looking down as I aimed for the bottom of the canyon. When I put the camera back alongside the lander, I was amazed to see how much of the canyon walls were already above the lander. It's hard to tell from the first picture, but that's a lot of canyon wall above the lander, which is why I had to tilt the camera up just a bit to get the top of the wall in the screenshot.


I brought the lander down right where I planned, which was nice, because I still screw up my landings from time to time. Here's what the landing site looked like:


Later Bill got all the science done and posed for a picture:


Bill returned to Kerbin safely, with lots of science and a few Mun rocks on board. He's going to rest up until some poor kerbal gets stranded in orbit again, then he'll head off to the rescue!

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At last, I managed to leave Eve!

I had been stuck on this #§$! planet for 130 years, waiting for a flight back.

Guess what, the engineers who built the rescue rocket didn't even think I have a mass (even after a 130 year diet).

Well, it was very very close, I had to wave my arms and pump the last drops of fuel.


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I sent my 'Eve to stay' mission on its way. I have three ships going to Eve:

Ship 1- base module: Contains a lab, lander can and 4 hitchhiker containers. Also has a science package docked to the rear for measurements on the way. 3 Kerbals on board for the trip out.

Ship 2- Rover/plane hybrid for exploration. Beneath it is a 1-man lander for exploring Gilly and half of the Eve station (fuel tank, lander can and docking ports) 2 Kerbals on board.

Ship 3- Second half of the station (lab, hitchhiker) Also includes a crew return ship for the crew not landing on Eve. 3 guys flying out on this ship.

The plan is to meet up in orbit of Eve and dock the two halves of the station together. 5 of the colonists will board the base and land on their new home. The sixth will fly down in the roverplane. The remaining crew will use the station and lander to explore Gilly and do science in orbit. When the next launch window opens, they'll use the return module to head home.

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I built a ship for a 6.4x Duna mission.


The launch of the propulsion module highlighted the main problem in using stock parts with the 6.4x Kerbol System. While the payload fractions are reasonable, the 3.75 m engines are just too weak. This rocket was powered by 7 KS-25x4 engine clusters and 12 tiny 650 kN SRBs.

I was kind of surprised that the launchpad wasn't destroyed by the exhaust, when a toppling Duna lander was enough to break it earlier.


The rest of the ship was launched on a much smaller rocket.


Here is the assembled ship. The propulsion module still needs some refueling before the mission.

Edited by Jouni
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So I always come up with lots of ideas for different little things, but using Hyperedit to test them in orbit just felt cheaty and I felt kinda wasty when I was throwing rockets away just to test a fun idea. I was thinking about this today and decided to build a small SSTO which could take 2 kerbals and a small cargo to orbit. This is what I came up with:

Ze Pelican SSTO!


It performed beautifully on its way to orbit, and reached 80km with more than half the fuel it took off with. In this particular mission, I wanted to test a MMU design, so I packed it along with a target satellite.


Jeb decoupled the satellite, got away from it, and then Bob boarded the MMU and started maneuvering around it.


After lots of maneuverability tests and almost crashing into the satellite, they returned for a perfect runway landing.


I'm pretty happy with it. I mean, it doesn't feel like I'm flying by the seat of my pants, it's quite efficent, it can lift anything you put on its cargo bay, and it performs really nicely both when taking off and landing.

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Couple things :

- Tried to design a new launcher... Took me 5 hours to figure out the game doesn't like 3 fuel lines coming from "outer ring tanks" feeding (each) one of 2 middle tanks. For some reason the fuel was always becoming unbalanced and I got tired troubleshooting this stupidity and scrapped the project, should've worked, game said no... fine. :mad:

- Finished roaving on Minmus, 4.2k science :cool:.

- Delivered another "Fairy", this time to Eeloo... in case someone wants to know what a "Fairy" looks like, see below (this is my Jool Fairy). Has only reusable experiments, and is currently being used to generate income to my space program, it's Ion engine can produce 9k delta-V, so it's is pretty nice ! :)


Oh woot, 100th post =)

Edited by Francois424
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Yesterday I took my Hellhound 7 rover out of mothballs - finally had enough tech unlocked in my career save to bring it out - and used it to set up an ILS to compliment the one I get from NavUtilities. Flew the Penguin 7 on a test run. Still managed to crash land the damn thing...though this one may very well have been my fault. NavUtilities was telling me I was too low, and I did plow in to the end of the hill right there by the runway. Fortunately I only tore off the engine and tail fin; the rest of the plane stayed intact and Jeb survived the ride.

Sent a nine-Kerbal capacity/lab equipped base in the direction of Minmus for a fat FinePrint contract. Also put up another satellite in keosynchronous orbit, again for a FinePrint contract; that one went quick and thanks to the science I gained there I was able to unlock the rest of the tech tree. Going to get some more science before I switch the strategies over to favor more funding. I've still got a Duna/Ike contract to fulfill.

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Finished my SR-72 replica, have the SR-71, SR-72 and B-2 Spirit bomber finished now.

They are all up on the space craft exchange if you want to download them.






B-2 Spirit bomber


Edited by Roflcopterkklol
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That B-2 is one .... .....! :o

EDIT: I understand the censoring of *itch but why is "S E X Y" censored? :o

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I very much like the look of that B2 as well. Might model some of my own designs that way.

It does fly very well, i would suggest seeing how i have the yaw control set up, without the yaw control it is not very nice to fly and it is very hard to get the design to fly well at all

btw the spirit bomber does have a bomb bay with "bombs"

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just landed my first manned mission to Duna, luckily i brought two rovers as the parachutes on one got eaten by the kraken. only had one failed launch and one quick load, not bad for a first manned interplanetary if you ask me :cool:

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Somewhat of a beginner here.

I did an Apollo style mission to the Mun. Complete with a separate lander. Unfortunately I realized on my way down that I was using too much fuel. After doing the sciency stuff, I got back in, took off, jettisoned all the science equipment and landing gear, so all I was left with was the lander with a rocket attached, and made it up about 5k before my engine died. Great. The I remembered. RCS! So I switched to translation mode, and started the thrust. I eventually made it into orbit with some mono-propellent left over.

But I wasn't out of the woods yet. While I had solar panels on my lander, I had forgot to put them on the command capsule. So I was running out of electric charge in my command capsule. Oh, and the intercept was going to happen on the dark side of my orbit. I had lights on my lander, on the landing gear, which I jettisoned when I took off. I had lights on my command capsule, but I was running out of charge.

So I turned on the lights to the command capsule when I got close, and managed to perform the quickest docking maneuver I'd ever done, and then I had plenty of charge again, and was able to make the burn for my return trip home to celebrate and collect my 415 science.

I think I'm going to build a space station next.

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