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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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Well... this is awkward. Ditched a returning spaceplane because for no good reason it's tailfin broke off - thankfully the emergency parachutes worked and I splashed it down tail first - but when I taxi up to it -


it's sunk. Don't think I've seen that before; magically vanished yes, sitting on the seabed... nope. Still shows up in the tracking station, so I guess ... submarine time or something?

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I can finally say this:

In my KSP career, I have entered the sphere of influence of every single stock planet/moon. (I actually did Eeloo in 6.4x, but for the sake of my own achievement, i'm just gonna say it would of been a heckuvalot easier in stock. (That rocket I made had, what, 26k m/s delta-v?)


I didn't get into orbit, but meh. I did it! :D

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Today (or last night rather) I finally, after many hundreds of hours, realized that you can change your flag in-game by clicking the flagpole outside the astronaut complex. Not that I've ever needed to.

Good to know. Thanks. I'm beginning to think this game is one big Easter Egg! :cool:

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Today I modified my asymmetrical plane, to become an asymmetrical space plane. Capable of asymmetrical docking and returning to the surface.




Only two parts missing!


Finally, while time accelerating for a shot in the rising sun, the ship was sacrificed for the Kraken, Sonzor was recovered but didn't remember a thing.

More images can be found http://imgur.com/a/Ned6Y

I also made my first post on this forum :)

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Landed this weird rover/ship on the Mun:


Technically it's a VTOL as it lands on wheels with 24-77's facing perpendicular to the long axis of tanks.

In this shot I just jumped off the lip of a crater going 26 m/s over the ground as a rover (with a little help from prograde RCS). I basically flew right over, had to fire up the 24-77's to land safely.

On the way back to orbit I ran out of fuel before orbiting, and out of RCS. So Leroy bailed and got into orbit with jetpack.

I undocked the aptly named lifeboat from my Munar station and picked him up.

Good times, the rover was fun especially in IVA. I used the Mk1 cockpit.

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After loading up on mountains of good food I finally sent my new base out to EVE.

Return fliers are loaded up to the Alan Parsons Project...


Transfer stage fires to get my new base, fliers, and landers under way.


Eve's new Home arrives....


Flier one grabs my Gilly Lander for the return home. Lander 2 resides on EVE with Jeb due to his incessant rocket hoarding every time a ship was launched.


My tow truck releases it's cargo all we gotta do is pop the chutes on the truck.


Of course not everything went off without a hitch. A "flight departure sequence" arises due to one extra spacebar click... Six ready to fire parachutes separate along with the explosive winglets.


Bob watches in horror as Jack Lithobrakes at over 200 meters per second. At least Jack had the presence to transmit all his science before impact.


Edited by sumrex
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Tried launching a science station hub for a fine-print contract with only a 1.25m fairing base...

I think I need to wait until I unlock the larger fairing bases...





Sent my first probe to another planetary body playing 0.25 career!


And built my FIRST EVER functional re-useable* SSTO, the PJF-I! (Please Just Fly, 1st iteration)

It even has a stock MK2 cargo bay!


I've been playing since 0.17, and I have never been able to build a space-plane... I finally tackled the challenge!

*Although functional, it immediately becomes uncontrollable on re-entry... the PJF-I.1 will have parachutes. RIP Doodlin and Kasper

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after two spectacular failures (and some cleanup of radiation at KSP) I launched my Delta IV inspired heavy lifter with a test craft for interplanetary flight. Turns out it is a SSTO rocket that can lift my command craft (which has about 7000 Delta V) to 100 mile orbit. All stock parts too.

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for the first time i finally rendezvoused a probe with an asteroid (or more accurately a probe and its injection stage, but we can ignore fact that for the sake of elegance)





was an interesting and educational experience, especially since i was playing without quickloading or other crutches so i had to guess my way through the whole process of the mission. now i know a lot more about good practice for asteroid rendezvous so in the near future i'll be able to send a kerbal or three to one and have good times on EVA.

what's almost more interesting than the mission itself is what i do with the spacecraft now that it's there. my original plan was to just return it to kerbin orbit and have kerbals extract any science data (not actually necessary as it turned out) and bond a heatshield to it so it can return to the surface (it's about 40,000 funds of gear so it's economical), but now it's there it still has about 2,300 dV left in its LFO and argon tanks, enough to get to duna with change, and it's a functional science platform, so why waste the capability? i can use the asteroid as an interplanetary launchpad at a later date and extend the spacecraft's mission. i'll probably land it on ike and then give the probe its well deserved retirement.

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Well. Made it past FArside Crater from the Polar Crater:


This is how far I drove on Mün before calling it a night which when trying to get back to KSC game crashed:


377 km. Was trying to reach East Farside Crater. But was getting to tired to keep on going.

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I endeavored on my first asteroid capture mission. I decided to pick the class E asteroid which was heading for a crash on Kerbin. It was a very informative mission, as Mechjeb was totally useless here and had to maneuver mostly by hand with just a few ion engines (i.e. many real-time hours of thrust). Obviously my dV wasn't enough to put the asteroid in orbit around kerbin, but i did manage to make the atmospheric entry slightly less steep. I was surprised that it did not just blow up when crashing into Kerbin's mountains. It's still there, frankly.

otUDcyD.jpg Final approach


Entering the atmosphere


opening parachutes


Returning to the ground

In the meantime (this mission lasted 175 days), the first of my Electric Castle fleet of ion probes made its flyby of Moho.

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Put a space station in Kerbin orbit. Then decided it would be better orbiting the Mun so refuelled the launcher and sent it on its way. Afterwards sent a 1-man lander and 3-man crew bus to meet up with it. The idea is to use the station as a base for several lander missions- the station will refuel the lander and reset the experiments.

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continued development on an experimental SSTO Crew Transfer Vehicle, im new to ksp and cant yet even rendevouz yet but im trying to experiment with rocket designs so that when im ready to rendevouz i can send anything i want up to orbit, without days or weeks of untested rocket designs so far its a success its a very small minimalist design technically 2 stages but the 2nd stage is the CTV and i still have a large tank WITH 100% fuel left once i reach a 100k+ orbit i had help from someone else to develop subsequent versions which did a little better and upon returning to my original design by myself i found that by a different method of piloting i was able to get alot more efficiency out of the same engines

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Rolled my Duna rover at 70 miles per hour, it survived. Rolled it at 85, and, well


It didn't.

I've tried my darnedest to take off. Having KAS helps, I could move the righting engine to use it for thrust and the RCS blocks to balance. But while I can fly it up stably, I haven't got enough monopropellant. I probably wouldn't have enough fuel either.

Rest in Peace, Lemuki. You shall be missed.

I suppose the rover did its job well. It was built before I had TAC, so surviving crashes and rolls was worked on, but sustaining the kerbal for help to arrive was not.

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