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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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Probably an easy way to have it be tidally locked if the 'tidallock=true' isn't cooperating is to have the rotation speed be the same as it's orbit.

I suspect that's all the tidallock flag does, just automatically set rotation rate = orbital period. But when you flip the orbit retrograde (which I did by setting inclination = 180), the planet still rotates the same direction. So while the rotation matches the period, the planet is not spinning the right way. I'd need a way to also reverse spin.

Anyway, I'm looking through the Kopernicus thread now. I can't be the first person with these questions, I might just be missing something obvious.

(Edit: The explosion upon touching the atmosphere problem seems to be a bug precipitated by changes in 1.0.4 and the devs are working on it.)

Edited by JetJaguar
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Today i tweaked my new spaceplane prototype, i quickly threw together yesterday... actually it is the best SSTO spaceplane i have ever built so far. It easily breaks 1.5 km/s on jet engines and delivers 12 tons of cargo to a 90 km circular orbit, with one quarter of fuel left in the tanks. I bet, it can take its cargo to the Mün... and there is still much room for optimization... Too good, that weekend is approaching. There is testing to be done :)


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Well since I had to start over....

My KSC needed a recruitment drive so they decided on a few shots for a propaganda poster.... Unfortunately marketing couldn't come up with any witty slogans to go on them.


While it is fun flying 3 jets at once... Landing proved difficult...


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Explore Bop, Explore Pol and Plant flag on Bop in one mission. had up to 8000m/s with a mk1pod (only 1 kerbal) and ended up with 100ms/s left and a 13km kerbin-flyby course

the interplanetary stage was planned to be reused but blowed up in the athmosphere. farewell :)

ps. i also dropped a sciencecube on pol. for send data from surface contracts

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how was it mounted on the top of the rocket? on your screen of the satellite i can see that there are 2 "one-side-mound" parts only (on front and end)

There are actually six radial decouplers: four for the boosters, two for the satellite.

Basically, I built a sling for it:



Because only one of the modular girders are directly attached to the Rockomax Adapter (the other is just attached using struts), when the structural pylons fire, one of the "arms" is completely detached, giving the craft room to maneuver while reducing the risk of breaking something. I also turned down the decouple force to around 10 percent for the same reason.

Edited by Sidereus
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There are actually six radial decouplers: four for the boosters, two for the satellite.

Basically, I built a sling for it:



Because only one of the modular girders are directly attached to the Rockomax Adapter (the other is just attached using struts), when the structural pylons fire, one of the "arms" is completely detached, giving the craft room to maneuver while reducing the risk of breaking something. I also turned down the decouple force to around 10 percent for the same reason.

just great. thank you! i like that design of the rocket and the satellite :D

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Started a miniature Koland (Poland) Air Force in KSP; this is a flight of 4 Skorpion attack fighters that will soon be delivered to the client (will ferry to other KerbinSide base)


Also the Kolish pilots had fun running training exercises in the nearby mountain range.

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I m done exploring Putto/Rheis/Dhar. Delivered 2 space stations, a mining ship, exploration ship and two satellites. And came back with the 4 crew members sound and safe plus a ridiculous 113666 science.





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Wish I had some screenshots right now, but yesterday I landed the first piece of my base a Kerbitat, habitat, and greenhouse for the Mun Kolonization Directive. I also started streaming KSP under my name Rapturist if you wanna check me out at about 7pm est :)

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Got a chance to play KSP last night on my mother-in-law's computer, whose specs are vastly superior to my own box at home. Came to the conclusion that most of the problems I now have with flying planes in KSP is the direct result of my sucky box; landed on the Island runway and flew back to KSP successfully, with the only part breaking off being a Commontron 16 I was using as an airspike on the front of my plane - and that only happened because I accidentally rammed the thing into the side of a hangar wall while fiddling around prior to the flight back. KSP really looks nice on a box that can run it - switching back here in a few days is going to be hard...

Came to the determination that I needed to permanently scrap the Condor 7 design. Also sent a Vulture 7 on a mission to refuel the Munport space station; refueling the craft at New Horizons took most of the station's available fuel reserve, so using Vultures to resupply Munport may not be a viable option. Definitely need to get mining operations set up on Mun as soon as I possibly can. Meantime, I've got Minmus operations due to start in nine hours.

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While I waited for my new space station, or rather the first part of it, to build I launched an expedition to the north pole.

And bombed it with science!




I also learned a few things.

1) While prop driven planes are fun... they are sloooooooooow. Took me 2 days each way (I landed in the middle of the night and took a little break.. total trip took 4 1/2 hours using time warp on and off..)

2) Once you shed the 5 ton lab and a little over half your fuel they get a fair bit (though not much) faster.

3) The plane I used has exactly enough fuel to make it to where I went and back... the engines cut out while I was on the runway landing...

4) The plane I used is high enough that if you jump from the cabin to the ground without your rocket pack... you die! (lost one scientist, but brought 3 anyway so its ok).

And finally... Because a lot of little things went wrong I should have realized this rule also applies in game.. Never trust a Kerbal with two first names.


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Built yet another "proportional" Saturn V-style stack (more like a Nova now), in celebration of the 46th Anniv of AP11.

All stock parts. All flight behavior and mechanisms are very much like the AP11 flight profile. LOR, with the LM having a separate descent and ascent stage. LM extraction after TMi is very similar to original AP11's.


Full image here: http://i.imgur.com/qOYsZlm.jpg

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I thought grinding funds for the final research upgrade in my 6.4 scale career would take forever, but then the game threw me a bone. And just like that I now have the ion engine.


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Is that a stock contract?

I haven't downloaded any career mods, so I would think that it's stock... Unless 64k does something sneaky in the background.

Anyway, the ion engine definitely payed off, and I am now able to complete the Dres exploration contract while getting a nice return on investment :)

hurray, 4 hour burn!


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