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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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I built two planes, one jet and one rocket. Unfortunately, I'm not a very good pilot, so I crashed both...several times. Then I switched to building rockets, which went considerably better after some initial difficulties with ballistic stages. Again, I'm not a very good pilot, so Mechjeb was able to do my job better than I was (to be honest, I'm grateful for that; I greatly prefer designing and building rockets to actually flying them). In fact, I was able to design a series of relatively small solid rockets that were able to launch some quite meaningful payloads: a basic satellite (using only solids), a scientific satellite in a polar orbit (also using the monoprop thrusters on the satellite for insertion), a high-orbit test vehicle, another scientific satellite in a very high polar orbit, and a geostationary satellite. I'm certain I could also launch a flyby of the Mun and Minmus, and maybe even Duna and Eve with this vehicle.

One thing I learned from this is that Sepratrons are NOT just for separating stages (though they are of course very useful for that). If their thrust is turned down, they can burn just as long as a Flea or Hammer (or very nearly) and provide a meaningful delta-V increment for lighter launch vehicles. Another point is that seemingly minor changes, e.g. switching from two engines to three, can actually have a big effect on available delta-V for light launchers. Old hat to some, I suppose, but not things I would typically think about...

Also, I'm actually enjoying this all-solids, all-monoprop challenge I wandered into more or less by accident. Normally I tend to just whack together great big piles of rockets, but now I actually have to think about things. I'm going to run with it for...a while, at least.

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Just finished re-certifying my Peregrine XL for SSTO duty. It behaves more or less the same as it did in 1.0.4, actually; ascent was toastier than normal and required a slightly less aggressive ascent profile, but otherwise it's just effective as it always has been.

However, with the intake reworks, I think a new design is in order. The Peregrine XL's already generous intake capacity is ridiculously overkill in 1.0.5; I can easily make a much less draggy spaceplane with similar (or preferably better) capabilities than the old model.

Also, this was my first time flying without a MechJeb core aboard in several months. Fortunately, my piloting skills have not atrophied, despite our robot overlord's interference :sticktongue:

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I just took my first 1.0.5 career plane, the Spirit of Kerbin, with Val at the stick, across an epic trans-oceanic voyage that probably took an hour or so of real time to complete in order to do some exploration.

Only to have Val disappear in a puff of smoke on EVA because of a terrain glitch. ;.;

And I forgot to quicksave. ;.; ;.;

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Edited by Sidereus
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Started a new career game, after a few strange bugs and the subsequent silent patch, I launched some sounding rockets up to 200km.

First time I played a save in which I only used parts from a single mod for the first five launches or so. :D

Managed to unlock the first probe core and the initial plane parts.

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Leaving the atmosphere unmanned with new carreer, gettin used to the new chute and heating things with probe before going manned, also wondering around the forums watching what everyone is doing , seen lot of amazing things as always, re-read the patchnote a few times, then can't resist to took a littl' a new carreer break and try a few things in sandbox.

Having a lot of fun trying some of the new stock plane like the "Gull" & more, i found all of them very inspired and they gave me tons of idea to test, first sea landing and takeoff with the "gull" were a success, (also quickly made a first submarine attempt xDr but i totally failed at going underwater so i need to check more how the new buyancy things work anyway it was a nice tiny boat hehe)


Edited by WinkAllKerb''
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Still trying to wrap things up in my 1.0.2 career save - last night I successfully landed a Raven 7b spaceplane at KSC, delivering two rescued personnel, one tourist, two pilots and about thirty Munar science experiments from the Kerbinport space station back down to the surface. I had to make two attempts - FAR borked on me and tried to throw physics out the window (must've been because Val was on board the plane - same thing happened last time she was aboard a Raven except that flight wasn't so lucky), so I had to revert. Reverting worked, though; I nearly came down right on top of KSC, which is not the sort of thing you want to do in a spaceplane (what with the usual method of landing and all). I was able to pull the plane up in time about ten clicks from KSC 09 and kept her in the glide slope the rest of the way in, landing successfully. The success of the flight cleared three contracts and scored me 1,706 science points, enough to unlock three techs on the 550-point tier. All I've got left on the tech tree to unlock at this point is Ion Propulsion - 550 more and I'm done. And I have 179 left as of this morning.

I picked up a few more contracts - one to put a base on Duna, and one for Science around Mun. I was dismayed to discover that of all the crap I've got at Mun at the moment, the one thing I don't have is an orbiting sci satellite. So, I'm now planning on putting that off until the next group of tourists is scheduled to visit Mun. To support that goal, I focused on my Munar mining operations - four days worth, long enough for Enola Gay to return to Kerbin from Minmus with Cerxie and four tourists aboard. I've been waiting for one of those tourists to get back from Minmus; she and three others at Kerbinport have a Kerbolar orbit on their itineraries. That flight will probably commence tonight - I have yet to pick the craft to do it since both Enola Gay and Bockscar are available. Whichever one doesn't go will be hauling tourists to Mun as soon as I can confirm that there'll be enough fuel available to haul them all down and up again. Meantime, Munar mining is going well; the tanks on the surface are full and I need to convert some fuel to deliver ore to Munport 1 for processing at this point.

The power module for the Minmusport space station arrives in two days. At this point I'm thinking about loading up the station's engineering staff and bringing them home. Maybe after a vigorous flag-planting mission...

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Well, I tried to make an idea I'd had for a sub-orbital spaceplane for tourism in my sandbox, but it didn't work. should probably redesign it. Also, noticed that BDArmory's stuff like ammo and sound had disappeared, and that the KAX sounds weren't there either, which takes all of the fun out of mmy WWII fighter design. I'm now sad that I couldn't enjoy the glory of its d-25 three bladed radial engine as it climbs into the air. Godz I love that plane. Rekindled my interest in WWII. I hope the sound comes back or I'll be heartbroken. I also saw what the juno's thrust is, and was shocked that just one of those puny things can get a plane as big as the gull into the air. Also, the Aeris 3A now looks really weird with the wheesley on it. will probably make a sandbox version with a panther and another with a ramjet. I have yet to test the panther.

- - - Updated - - -

I cross-bred a PBY Catalina and a P6M Seamaster. It's my first ever 1.0.5 craft :)




I can't see the video (on school comp.) but I can say that that plane, looks beautiful.

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Doing some science around ksc, and when i say some i mean a lot, and when i say around i mean @ xDr (4 contract within 500 square meter or so without the need for take off but one : )

EDIT: note for later, driving a plane too fast with engine to close of the ground is a bad idea xDr

Edited by WinkAllKerb''
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