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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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Preparing my latest mission: the Sierra mission. Unlike the Cirrus Missions (see above) this is going to be a more permanent mission to Serran, as the space plane is going to come with a mining rig for refueling.


If you've been reading my posts you might have noticed by now that something always goes wrong. I'd like to direct your attention to the little connector between the Sierra and my refueler. In my haste I forgot that the refueler was to wide to dock onto the Sierra, as the wing gets in the way. Luckily the two didn't drift too far apart before the connector got there. To Serran!


Edited by Brownhair2
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Performances a rendezvous with Principia at the Kerbin Mun L5 point, where I had placed a Space Station. I've managed before with  Hohmann transfer, but this time I tried to use a more efficient route.


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2 hours ago, Brownhair2 said:

If you've been reading my posts you might have noticed by now that something always goes wrong. I'd like to direct your attention to the little connector between the Sierra and my refueler. In my haste I forgot that the refueler was to wide to dock onto the Sierra, as the wing gets in the way. Luckily the two didn't drift too far apart before the connector got there. To Serran!


I love that I'm not the only one who has things like this happen. I like seeing how other people overcome problems like this.

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On 7/11/2016 at 8:53 PM, CatastrophicFailure said:

Just chalk it up to scientific accuracy. REAL orbits around the moon also decay, due to the lumpy gravity field and mass concentrations. :P

Not a bug, just an "unintended feature".  

Edited by Fearless Son
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On 7/12/2016 at 10:11 AM, hazard-ish said:

For the past several weeks I've been working on a fully stock, fully functional Airwolf helicopter replica - complete with 'missiles' made of cubic octagonal struts and seperatrons! The design also incorporates a completely stock hinge that allows both the main and tail rotors of the craft to rotate! I went all out with the editing on this video to really capture the 80s feel of the original show so any feedback is greatly appreciated! 

I spent so long just building the crafts used in this video and another large chunk of time finding good recording locations to really create an awesome montage that resembles the TV intro!

Enjoy! :D


As a long time Airwolf fan, This is one of the cooler things I have ever seen.  I may literally watch this 5 or 6 more times tonight.  Exceptional production, kudos.  This deserves to be Video of the Week, or other honor.

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1 hour ago, GarrisonChisholm said:

As a long time Airwolf fan, This is one of the cooler things I have ever seen.  I may literally watch this 5 or 6 more times tonight.  Exceptional production, kudos.  This deserves to be Video of the Week, or other honor.

Funny story, it is video of the week

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I sent a crew of engineer trainees to gain experience by scouting out a good location for a planned EL shipyard.  They were enthusiastic about this job until they realized why there a need for many experienced engineers.....

06-13 Munbase Location Found


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I innocently, accidently, may have put a comsat into an 84 year orbit.


Then, in my most VonKermin of momments I said to myself, "how far can I push this"...

with that I can answer;

bye bye Comsat "L-Com 1-Alpha". See you in the year 33519

Edited by KamenRiderzero1
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I spent my KSP time helping a few KSP PS4 players that were on twitch.  I never go there, but I wanted to see how the game looked, and I ended up helping one guy reach orbit, several reach space, and explained things like maneuver nodes to them.  Tough to do with all the chat lag.  Lots of people seem to not be able to get past the naturally phallic shape of many legitimate rocket designs.

It was worth it however to see the look on their faces when the space music first played past 70km, or the joy they had when the achieved a misshapen but stable orbit about Kerbin.  I like helping folks.

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Another super combo mission doing the following goals:

  1. Rescuing two different citizens from orbit around the mun
  2. Putting a satellite in polar orbit around the mun
  3. Planting a flag on the mun
  4. Collecting all the data I can think to get along the way

Satellite in orbit, check.  I should have taken pictures of that since that was really dumb...  I docked the big 1440 tank AFTER the satellite instead of BEFORE, meaning the launch procedure was not "hit space" and "adjust orbit" but:

  1. Undock
  2. Undock again
  3. Fly satellite out of the way, only bumping things a little bit
  4. Long RCS insertion burn on satellite to place in polar orbit
  5. Return lander craft to -- uh --
  6. The fuel, where's the fuel, there's no fuel
  7. You undocked all the fuel you blithering idiot
  8. Mutter, mutter, curse
  9. Remember there's RCS
  10. Cross 15 kilometers on pure RCS and bump it 5 times with the grace of a manatee hitting aquarium glass

Ahem.  With fuel, things were a little easier.  Rescue both kerbals from 12km munar orbits, check:


That's actually one if them in the lander seat just because Tomnock's acting nervous.

Land on mun, check.  There's even a smidgen left in that giant drop tank so I'll keep it.  The four 'legs' had tremendous traction and didn't slip at all.

Gather science, check, there was a convenient crater.  Plant flag, check. 

4/4 Mission accomplished!  But why am I still so nervou-oh god.


I swear the resemblance is purely accidental, it wasn't supposed to keep the dock tank

[edit] pictures fixed, reload

Edited by Corona688
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Duna window arrived, finally. Pity it didn't swap with the Jool one I missed because of low funds.


This was a really cheap burn from 85km Kerbin orbit... I experimented with a telescope I've got just outside Kerbin's SOI & it was only 150m/s less.

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Landed on Duna for the Space Shuttle challenge


And scored loads of science on my Jool 5-ish mission


I had no idea I could get so much just by landing on the Joolian moons once.


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Been playing for a few years now and it occurred to me I had never attempted an Apollo copy mission. 


My internet will only let me post one picture, so I chose the LEM or in this case I guess Munar Excursion Module. The lower tanks/engine/legs form a launch pad for the return vehicle. Once in orbit it docks with the 3 man Command Module, transfers Jeb back aboard and is then jettisoned. The Command Module powered the flight from LKO to Mun orbit and back again where it circularized before burning for reentry. The tank and engine separated from the pod as it hit atmosphere. Flawless landing in the tall grass west of KSC.

The 3 stage lifter portion of the craft was dialed in pretty close. The Mammoth engine cluster powered through the thick atmosphere. Then the Mainsail stage took it to space. The Poodle stage circularized with 100 dv to spare.

Once in orbit the CM separated to dock with the LEM stored below. I used the engine bell to knock the decoupler out of the way. Once docked the third stage was jettisoned. The CM/LEM then headed for Mun. Once in orbit and Jeb was transferred to the lander, the first and only real problem was discovered. The docking port would not undock. Ran to the stock bug fixes where I discovered the awesome Claw had just posted a fix. The mission was back on!

The landing was flawless. I used the micro legs. Based on forum fear I expected them to explode on contact or the entire ship to shimmy down the slope (slightly on the steep side). Neither happened so.. sorry for those with problems. 

I did make one design error. I originally had two ant engines on the lifter. It only had a TWR of 0.91. I intended to add two spider engines but unintentionally grabbed a pair twitch engines instead. So the TWR of 6 was a bit on the over engineered side. Despite that, it performed admirably. Once redocked in orbit I transferred all remaining lander fuel into the main CM tank. Turned out to not be necessary as the mission ended with 500 dv still in the tank. So room for improvement.

By the way Claw also has added a fix so parachutes don't clip. Makes for a much more realistic looking descent.  

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Helped Lodton Kerman bring down the experimental Space Shuttle-esque SSTO known as X7. He was mildly peeved at having passenger Fedory Kerman accompany him on what was the first landing attempt in the X7. Lodton had brought up a payload re-entry vessel to deliver to Fedory, but Fedory stuffed up the staging and jettisoned the engine before firing it instead of after. Re-entry went OK, but the periapsis was set a bit low and a long burn in airbreathing mode was required to fly across an ocean. By the time they reached the KSC landmass, it was clear the remaining fuel would not be enough for a traverse. After changing course, Lodton set up a glide into the ocean setting down just off the coast with very little damage.

I also looked at a pretty space station for a while before exiting KSP!


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Been trying to get a working orange tank carrgo SSTO once more. Well, this one works, has the range, (and then some), but it suffers balance issues when low on fuel and the cargo removed. I needed to move nearly all of the fuel i had left (still good for about 1400m/s with payload) to not flip like a madman. On the plus side, it did sit quite nicely at 50deg alpha after i did so.


Now if only i stuck the reentry a bit better and didn't blow up my nosecone.

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Today I have been designing the updated versions of most of my non-recoverable launch vehicles (except for the 7.5m diameter ones because I still have not found a use for them) and I will be posting them later. I have also been designing the updated versions of several of my inter-planetary transports, and overhauling my Duna infrastructure to fit a new mission profile I have in mind.

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So I built another lander. I put it out on the launch pad all by itself, its landing gear down, so I could check out my action group assignments ... solar panels, ladder, BTDT scanner, etc. I got distracted and stepped away from the computer for a few minutes. When I returned, I discovered the lander had slid off the launch pad towards the west. Huh?!?

Another one for the list. :mellow:

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Started off my Eve mission by sending a probe carrier to seek out a flatish landing spot for my future missions. Ever since the last big update if I am on any kind of incline my ship slides down the hill. This only happens with the landing gear and man is it annoying and sometimes splodey.C447D8E6488196AD231C09EEEB6E6D0E51428A6D223AB6CFBABBB77554B90EA62BD5EBA902724DEB9A11D569EEFB8A1EE7CD727340940CDE48A3E0D7C7AB3BFAB9EA715A29BB5168FDB4FB363838283D

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I modified a stock Mallard to be a SCA (Shuttle Carrier Aircraft) for the KSO Dauntless:



Oh, and landed it at Kerman Lake! (KerbinSide mod, naturally)

The weight of the KSOS shifts the center of mass WAY back, so I had to install another landing gear at the tail to keep the aircraft stable at launch with full fuel.  It balanced fine without it on landing since I'd burned off enough fuel to shift the balance back forward.  The "way back" CoM means that the Mallard SCA doesn't need any control inputs at all for takeoff.  Just set SAS before launch, and about 3/4 of the way down the runway it lifts into the air all on its own.  It was surprisingly maneuverable in flight, and other than having to line up for the approach a ways away to manage the descent rate, it landed really well.  Overall, I'm very pleased with it.


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