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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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Landed about six iterations of the same lander on Laythe as I work out landers in preparation for taking on the Jool 5 challenge.  Executed a dozen or more ascents (F5/F9 is my friend) working out my ascent strategy

(The Tylo/Val lander is already done, just about done with the Laythe lander, then the Bop/Pol lander should be easy peasy.)

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10 minutes ago, DunaRocketeer said:

Peridot! Definitely huge crossover potential here :cool:

I would, but I still haven't finished other writings I started many munths ago....  :blush:

10 hours ago, SSgt Baloo said:

The C-57D? Dude, you rock! :targetpro:

That is not my work,  it is part of the old SciFi Shipyards mod. credit for that mod goes to @StarVision.

The  Peridot style arm attachments are.


Done using KIS, and something I may release at some point.
The suit texture is mine also, but it's a bit dodgy so idk. 

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Began landing the modules for the Minmus Mining/Refueling Base.  I still need to get a better handle on fine adjustments when trying to land right next to other things, or controlled short hops to correct alignment...

Also, the Horus Asteroid Rendezvous Mission (HARM) successfully visited C-class asteroid VOY-938 and returned to Kerbin; and the Sekhmet 1 and 2 probes are approaching their encounter with Moho.

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13 hours ago, Workable Goblin said:

I started a new career with an eye towards 1.2 (which I can't play right now owing to the issue with Sierra), after thinking about it a lot recently. So far I've gone through most of the really early game and have my second orbital flight going on. I just unlocked Aviation, so I've been grinding through KSC science with my new science plane, and I'm going to start working on Kerbin science once I've wrapped that up (mostly just need to eke out the last drops of Materials/Goo science now). Once that's done I'll start thinking about the Mun and Minmus...

The thing I miss most from 1.2 is the experiment capsule (and the ordering of science parts). It's surprisingly annoying to have to EVA or return experiments to get full value.

You can use the Science container to collect all, and I haven't needed to grind KSC science at all. A manned Mun orbiter with some Science Jrs, barometer/thermometer, and some unmanned landers with barometer/thermometer and transmitting those, then biome hopping, is the way to go.

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Just now, legoclone09 said:

You can use the Science container to collect all, and I haven't needed to grind KSC science at all. A manned Mun orbiter with some Science Jrs, barometer/thermometer, and some unmanned landers with barometer/thermometer and transmitting those, then biome hopping, is the way to go.

I specifically mentioned that I am not on 1.2, since that doesn't work on the latest version of macOS, so I don't have the science container. As I lamented, since it's a pretty awesome part! Also, I know how to play the game (I have, uh, 483 hours in it...); I just hate having science data I could have collected but didn't lying around, so it's extremely difficult for me to not grind that out (same as in every other game).

Anyway, I changed my mind and decided to grind Kerbin/KSC science later, now that I've gotten most of the most accessible sources. Instead, I have a probe that just flew by the Mun and is current on its way to Minmus en route to solar orbit. I've got another probe getting ready for Munar orbit, and a bunch of satellite contracts just waiting for action. And a new capsule that can do rendezvous and docking...

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(1.1.3) Over the weekend I returned to a long-standing personal tradition of naming new rockets after American nuclear weapons tests. What started out as a refit of the Munar Prospector 7 turned into a completely new craft, which I dubbed Sandstone X-Ray 7. Like Munar Prospector, Sandstone X-Ray is a science lander designed to put a scientist on Mün with nearly 5,000 m/s of delta-V at Münar landing, with the idea being to hop and farm biomes. Unlike Munar Prospector, Sandstone X-Ray was designed with Mün in mind (instead of Minmus), by which I mean it uses a Poodle engine instead of an LV-909...er, a Terrier I guess is what it's called now. The craft in aggregate was nearly 400 tonnes at launch; I have yet to unlock Mainsails in my career save and Skippers weren't going to cut it, so I fell back on the long-lost art of Reliant/Swivel engine clusters to get the sucker into orbit (which reminds me - I owe a huge thanks to whatever genius at Squad decided to move Cubic Octagonal Struts downward from the top tier of the tech tree, otherwise this thing would've needed Modular Girders and would've wound up weighing a lot more than it did). Worked; Bob's scientific mission to Mün was a complete success and he harvested over 1,700 science points, more than enough to unlock mid-sized docking ports and launch my Münar tourism industry.




I spent the rest of the weekend failing to plane and failing to space station. Bad Idea 5 is pretty much a write-off, while the core module of Munport 7 was probably just too long - that's what I get for trying to haul sixteen tourists to the Mün all in one thwack, especially since I still have no idea how I'm going to get all of those people back to Kerbin when everything is said and done...

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2 hours ago, Workable Goblin said:

I specifically mentioned that I am not on 1.2, since that doesn't work on the latest version of macOS, so I don't have the science container. As I lamented, since it's a pretty awesome part! Also, I know how to play the game (I have, uh, 483 hours in it...); I just hate having science data I could have collected but didn't lying around, so it's extremely difficult for me to not grind that out (same as in every other game).

Anyway, I changed my mind and decided to grind Kerbin/KSC science later, now that I've gotten most of the most accessible sources. Instead, I have a probe that just flew by the Mun and is current on its way to Minmus en route to solar orbit. I've got another probe getting ready for Munar orbit, and a bunch of satellite contracts just waiting for action. And a new capsule that can do rendezvous and docking...

Ah, got confused, sorry. Sounds cool, though!

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Lammergeier D6.


The conversion from personell carrier to cargo carrier was painful...  It spent 3/4 of re-entry in an uncontrollable tailspin until its velocity was low enough to regain control and land (yes, a real landing -- without stuff flying off!)

I like to re-enter my spaceplanes at 45 degrees, where they get a hell of a lot of drag even at 55km altitudes, but they have such a pitch-forward tendency in that posture that this is always difficult.  I'd like to re-enter without depending on the reaction wheel if possible.

This may mean lengthening the wing to spread lift and drag forward.

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Well. I haven't actually done anything in KSP today. But I have made plans. I haven't completed the Jool 5 challenge yet, despite having 900 hours in-game, because each time I have attempted it I have either discovered a fatal flaw in the plan half way through, or it has been overshadowed by something that I found more interesting at the time. But I have new inspiration for completing it now.

I'm going to be designing a pretty realistic mothership for the challenge, I have several interesting payloads planned beyond the usual scope of a Jool 5 mission, and I'm going to be using Kerbalism.

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What started out as a simple VAB exploration to see what the new parts were in the 1.2 prerelease hit a snag when I found the new interstage fairings, started fooling around with them, and somehow ended up with a interstage fairing based probe carrier surveying the biomes of the Mun.


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Took some pictures of Phobos and Deimos in RSS:

Phobos: pPO2r01.png

Deimos: JDlSs1q.png

These are a bit small, but here are the original screenshots:



Pay attention to the "Distance" readout on the KER overlay: 150,000 Mm, or 150 million km or about 1 AU. These were taken from Medium Earth orbit.

Target hold is pretty accurate isn't it? This and the awesome Hullcam VDS (Continued) (shameless advertising) mod which adds a sick telescope (and a few other cameras), I love this thing, too bad KSP doesn't render objects further than a given distance (I can see Mars' satellites but not Mercury or Jupiter).

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Why do I have to complicate my life so?

I have decided that the huge solar farm doesn't cut it, and I'm going to add a nuclear reactor. Got it with the MK2 expansion, not quite intentionally, but here's the part, MK2 short fuselage form factor reactor that spawns with 100 units of uranium and transforms it into nuclear waste over course of a couple years, producing a lot of electricity in the process.

But of course packing a reactor on a rocket on Kerbin would be too easy.

Using OSE Workshop, my kerbals on Minmus built... two reactors. Because why one if you could make two?

Then of course it appeared that they made it without fuel.

I could have found the mod which that reactor supplements and derives the capabilities from. But that would be too easy. Instead, I modelled extremely fancy nuclear fuel and nuclear waste containers in Blender, added fanciest KSP shaders to them, and launched them from Kerbin to Minmus. Took me some 3 days.

And today I decided I don't want two running reactors right on the base where every kerbal lives. Nope, the reactors will be external. No, fifty meters of KAS winch is not enough of a separation.

So today I was building a power line. The nuclear power plant, with the two reactors, is half a kilometer from the base, and I'm building the utility poles, each three girders tall, each with a winch on top, connecting them, and so far I got about half of the route made.

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@Sharpy I'd really like to see a pic of this thing on Minmus that's too big for a solar farm with standard solar efficiency. o_o And these home-made nuclear reactors.

I commonly use Mk2 Expansion and Near Future Everything but have almost never touched that Mk2 part..... This is blasphemy. D:

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Today I launched my biggest SSTO rocket ever:


...or at least my longest ever. It's certainly not the most massive, being mainly hollow, but at over 112 meters it sure was a challenge wrangling its inherent noodliness.
I'm working on trying to succeed where TAPE Gaming failed and build a kilometer-long megastructure in orbit. This is one tenth of it xD

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Attack of the Probes! The sequel

OmniProbe EO makes its correction burn with a generous and almost 1337 amount of dV to secure the Eeloo encounter.


Next up, the StarProbe secures its Moho encounter. (Or, at least, we'd like to think so.) Dropping its transfer stage a minor design flaw is uncovered. the shaft propping the probe up over its transfer stage only had a decoupler on one end. it's not a performance risk but is a definite eye sore, heavily compromising the golden look of the craft.

The transfer stage has a hidden probe core and a little over 1 km/s dV remaining. But < 7m/s is required to set it on a crash course for the cursed! toasty planet.



But the grand prize winner shows himself and makes the first kill! OmniProbe DU making his insertion burn and setting his Periapsis almost dead on with the South Pole.


The Money Shot


And now, 21 days remain to the transfer window that most folks will disbelieve is actually there. What has the faithful portion of Gus Kerman's devoted work-force assembled for launch on this most special day? All of Kerbin is now watching.

Side note. I think I'll be keeping SVE off for sure. :( I'm using my main computer again and after needing to reinstall KER, Scatterer and TextureReplacer due to data  corruptions, the PC seems pretty stable again. So I celebrate with full-res screenies and this sequel. :D

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The Lammergeier E:


6 Kerbals plus 2 tons of whatever payload to orbit.  The bay has batteries and solar cells within, too.  A happy medium for most of my shuttling needs.  There's also a 5-ton version with no passengers.

I think I'm done obsessing on designing spaceplanes and can just use them for a while now.

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