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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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8 hours ago, eddiew said:

Ooo... yeah, you want to target that as a priority upgrade :)  1060 will do fine for KSP with shiny mods at 1080p or 1200p, not sure about higher. (Skip the phone case, save the money :wink:)

Yikes, 274.65 Euros... I mean, It'll be worth it... Especially if I start doing YouTube... I have the phone case, It was a screen protector I was gonna get, but still, I don't know if my dad will get me the 1060, even if I pay for it. At least not anytime soon. When I ask about upgrades to my PC he always thinks that I want better internet but that's not it at all. But he also has a friend that goes to his college and he's also friends with me too.And since he is good with computers like dad (and a bit of me) and a gamer like me, I'd say he'd be able to convince dad why it's not about the internet and how much it would be worth it for my enjoyment and for viewing pleasure if I record it.

Sorry, I rambled a bit. xP But I'd say with enough persuasion he would get it. Besides, I've gotten more expensive things, like my Wacom Cintiq 13HD, and sure hasn't that helped me in the long run? Without it I wouldn't even have my profile picture. xD

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Not posted much for a while so not really what I did today but what I did over the last few months:

Jeb's personal VTOL:


and a little larger VTOL:


Now busy trying to restart my 1.0.5 career in 1.2

Edited by percyPrune
Wrong pic!
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I just started my third career game (a year has passed since I played my second one). I've only ever made it to sending probes to Eve and Duna in KSP so I'm eager to go beyond this time.


Today's big challenge was making a Mun flyby with the tier 1 VAB, which limits my craft to 30 parts, as well as no maneuver nodes.


Well not so much when you run TAC Life Support and don't have any solar panels researched. I needed FOURTEEN of the basic battery packs to keep the pod powered and prevent Jeb from dying of CO2 poisoning. That's almost half my part limit! And it still wasn't enough. So after many quickloa....simulations and Jeb dying from bad air on the way back from the Mun, I noticed which way I need to burn in order to get on a collision course with the Mun. Once I entered its sphere of influence I did a correction burn to turn the collision course into a tight periapsis that results into a speedy way back towards Kerbin, as opposed to failed attempts where the Mun gave me a gravity assist all the way to Minmus' orbital path, making Jeb very dead.

The LV-909 doesn't have an alternator and larger engines were too heavy and with a too low ISP to be able to get to orbit AND make the Mun flyby and Kerbin reentry.

The craft still ran out of charge on the way back but CO2 levels didn't reach critical before reentry and landing. My two science instruments - the thermometer and barometer - burned away during the fast and violent reentry, leaving me only with the crew report, thus the part of my mission which is bringing science back from the Mun is left uncompleted. But now I have enough funds to upgrade the VAB, meaning more parts, and even more inefficient batteries.


MunView I, part constraint makes it unaerodynamic and inefficient, craft was burning up a lot on ascent, but thrust limiters only made it reach a lower altitude than thrust at 100%, so I let the last stage burn full and catapult me above most of the atmosphere, then turned and activated the next stage with the single BACC booster which brought me to a Periapsis of about 25000m, the little LV-909 did the rest.


First two stages at Mun flyby


Shortly after separating the capsule from the LV-909 engine and fuel tank during reentry


This is also the first time I bothered to dabble in aircraft, so far I made this, it flies weirdly..... (I'm a long time flight simmer) but I'm hoping FAR will remedy that once it's updated for 1.2.

Of course I didn't land it, hence the decoupler :D



Edited by ROXunreal
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Launched two (Pheme and Iris) relay satellites in a Kerbol orbit. Eventually they will be trailing 60deg behind and in front of Kerbin and orbit where you normally would have your stable Lagrange points. Takes a while to get there, though.


Goal is to have them "illuminating" everything which is behind the sun, giving Kerbin's moon a better "illumination" and finally I will have some nice coverage of the inner planets. Now I just need to send something to Jool in order to relay communications...next transfer window is a bit off, though...

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Encountered a very strange bug, which may have come from my computer itself, the game, or both for all I know.

So to start off I made some upgrades to my F-22 Raptor Replica, and having saved it I figured I would upload it to KerbalX. It told me "the name is blank. Yep, that's not a craft file!" or something thereabouts. This left me sitting there thinking ??? :confused:  So, for lack of better ideas, I renamed it as "Lockheed Martin F-22 Raptor 2", and then tried to delete the old one. When I clicked delete on the "are you sure you want to delete" box, the box didn't go away. I clicked it several times, and still nothing happened, so I clicked "cancel" and exited the craft menu, and clicked "new" so I wouldn't have any files open. I then went to my KSP directory, then to the save and the spaceplane hanger, and tried deleting the original "Lockheed Martin F-22 Raptor 2" from there. Apparently my computer had decided that I needed to have permission from the administrative account. This left me thoroughly confused. :huh: After a bit of fiddling I gave up and entered the administrative password, and... then it asked me again... and again. I gave up and went back in the game, resigning to just uploading the copy. And then I found that apparently these shenanigans broke my SPH :0.0:: Ev6jGx6.jpg

I'm going to restart my computer now.

Edit: Well, the file is gone now apparently. :confused:

Edited by EpicSpaceTroll139
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I designed, amongst other things, the new Sugilite 1 HAAV. It's going to be a partially reusable Heavy Atmospheric Ascent Vehicle for Eve. The upper stage with the 6-kerbal crew pod is reusable, whilst a new launch stage will be required for each use. It has an integrated Launch Escape System, which involves the reusable crew pod gliding to a surface base in the event of a launch failure (the visible parachutes are the only ones, they are to land the crew pod on a side that doesn't obstruct the hatches in the event of a launch failure (though I may end up moving them)). The vehicle is designed to land autonomously and propulsively, and be able to fine-tune its landing location to within one or two kilometers of the intended landing site. It will be able to ascend from anywhere on Eve's surface provided that it is flat enough to land there, and reach an orbit with any inclination up to 80 degrees (this is useful because I want to gather science from all of Eve's biomes, including the poles).

The problem? It won't work with the current engine statistics. It's designed for a game in which I'll be using KR&D to spend science points on massively amplifying the atmospheric Isp of the Vectors (although on second thoughts I may switch to SpaceY's Moa engines), and also increasing the thrust of the small upper stage engines until the vacuum thrust-to-weight ratio at Eve is over 1 (they are only used in the upper atmosphere and in space, so there's no point upgrading them for the lower atmosphere).

I could've used a different design that worked with the existing engine statistics, but one has to admit that this looks much nicer than a heavily-asparagus-staged mess.


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2 minutes ago, eloquentJane said:

 It will be able to ascend from anywhere on Eve's surface provided that it is flat enough to land there, and reach an orbit with any inclination up to 80 degrees (this is useful because I want to gather science from all of Eve's biomes, including the poles).

I'm also planning an Eve mission in the future of my career save. My plan is to use a reaction wheel powered plane to explore biomes far from my lander though. Eve ascent vehicles are expensive :P

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6 minutes ago, EpicSpaceTroll139 said:

Eve ascent vehicles are expensive :P

They are, but the funding that I get from exploring Eve and its 3 moons (I'll be using a couple of planet packs), plus the funding for constructing a large Eve station, several Eve surface bases, and an interplanetary transport vehicle (which I will use to fulfill other station construction contracts) should cover the Sugilite 1 ascent modules that I'll need. There's also going to be a smaller and cheaper HAAV for 4 kerbals based mainly on Mark One Laboratory Extensions technology, and that'll be what I use for the earliest surface base I put on Eve. After about 5 or 6 uses of the Sugilite 1, I'll upgrade to a single-stage Eve transport, which will make use of the ridiculously powerful end-game technology that KR&D allows (once you put several thousand science points into every upgradable statistic on a part).

Costs may also be helped by the fact that I'll simultaneously be sending large exploration missions to 16 other planetary systems (unless I add more or I've miscounted), and those will mostly be far cheaper than the Eve program.

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Daily kerbal player routine:

... some of the needed plugins are still not update for 1.2...

... a lot of my customized/edited parts must be updated by me to 1.2 standards...

... I'm lazy, lately...


... so I restarted the 1.1.3 install, as I had an ongoing project that was a shame to left incomplete.
So in the end, aside Poisk, Pirs and Rassved, it is flying as I planned originaly:


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Learnt that small changes to a space plane can make a massive difference in performance.  I had a Mk2 shuttle I used quite a bit before the latest update and as I didn't have internet access at the time (to look up what I needed to copy across when adding a vechile from a previous game into the current save) I decided to do it the "old fashioned" way.  

It's a smallish vechile, so I simply noted down the parts list and reproduced it in the Hanger.  Most parts were easy to place correctly as they were either in line, or there was a convenient way of noting where they should be placed.  The only difference between the original and the new versions was where I placed the 2 x Mk1 liquid fuel drop tanks under the wings.  As I didn't think it would make much difference, as long as they were still in line with the CoM, I happened to place them further away from the fuselage this time around.

That was enough to change this little shuttle from going into a 80kmx80km orbit and back with some fuel to spare to failing to get an apoapsis above ~70km and not even close to orbit.  It took me ages to realise what the difference between the two space planes was.  After moving the drop tanks so they were nice and snug against the fuselage the old performance was back.

I was really surprised at the difference caused by such an apparently small design change.  But KSP always has something new to teach you!

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Following the success of my Jool and Dres relays, I sent out relays to Moho and Eeloo. The Moho mission met with unexpected difficulty; after having to make a correction burn, the NERV did not have enough fuel for insertion, requiring that I jettison it and burn to orbit using an Ant engine. Given the large transit time involved for Eeloo, on the other hand, after performing the conveniently nearby plane change burn I set up a correction burn a ways off and set my sights on more immediate pursuits. That being a contract to land a 15-kerbal+ISRU mobile base on Mun. To my luck, the entire crawler, even with 8 RoveMax M3s, was able to fit in a fairing, which I placed atop a two-stage Kerbodyne rocket. Upon reaching orbit, I sent a small landing stage up separately and attached it to the obligatory docking port. I towed the assembly into low Munar orbit, and set off to land the blasted thing. The landing stage was destroyed as a lithobrake, leaving the payload intact and fulfilling the contract.

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On 10/23/2016 at 7:07 PM, magnemoe said:

Using the orion myself I'm impressed, also pretty shocked this worked at all. How large charges are you using and how high g force at peak. 

I'm happy this works:
Orion engine then the ship section with passenger cabin, fuel for refueling and for secondary engines. Mobile Ike base with greenhouse and lab, this is also used on the orion itself. 
Workshop for making smaller parts, got the mod after the orion or I would not need the probe and satellite cluster. 
Finally the duna modular science tug. It can use the crew cabin to land 6 kerbals or land the ore module for contract. Main purpose is gathering science from Duna and Ike. 

12 minutes to reach 20 km/s Duna in 37 days, this alows for an month long stay until Kerbin overtakes Duna around the sun and I return. 

That first Orion asteroid tug used NPU-500 charges, but I'm now using NPU-2500 charges successfully. Here is one such tug capturing a roughly 3 million ton asteroid. Acceleration with an asteroid grappled is practically nil.


Edited by Odonian
Totally misread my navball's G-force gauge.
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Added some habitat modules to my Minmus orbital station:


Everything above the lower left hitchhiker module is new. The sidways-mounted cupola used to be on the Mk2 lander can, but I decided to move it to free up an easier-to-access docking port (it has its own monoprop tanks and thrusters so it can be moved around a bit).


I also added a 4-way pressurized hub from Nertea's Near Future Construction mod. It has 2 Clamp-O-Tron Sr.s for large docking space craft (it's eventually going to be a refueling hub) and one of Nertea's octagonal docking ports for future construction.

Edited by Sidereus
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3 hours ago, Zaphod12 said:

Finally managed to successfully send a probe to Duna and insert in into a low Duna orbit. (I know that for some of you, it is insignificant, but it is my first probe that orbits another planet besides Kerbin and it's moons.)

Don't down your own achievement, even for those whose presence induces lag in reality from their incredible designs had to do interplanetary for the first time! 

Ive been doing it for about two years now and I still find it tough to get a good encounter! 


(Basically congrats)

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... and obviously, leaving yesterday my International Kerbal Space Station in orbit lead me there today too: I didn't settle "her" just to do nothing.



She was happy and quiet...
... all alone but safe...


... with all her labs happy and builded...


... it was in full sunbath, but also fresh and cooled...


... and then...





... THE MENACE!!!!


A shuttle was sent to BOARD "her"!!!



... "biiip-biiip-biiip!"

Nope: it's not the sound of some signals sent by my Station in search of any help. It's just the sound alert of the Shuttle going backwards (... or upward, as it was going to dock with the dorsal???? Who cares: FIRST, there is "up" or "down" in Space! SECOND, I was controlling by the docking port, so I had a different point of view :P


I'd like to commit myself in manual guided-strument assisted IVA docking procedure, having Raster Prop. <--- story to seem koooool>

... but in reality I just discovered how is difficoult to use RCS translation on an unbalanced vehicle like a Shuttle Orbiter U_U Mechjeb failed to keep it stable, so only using the game SAS, to spare monoprop (the shuttle itself has left 100-120 Dv in it's tank, barelly enough to deorbit), I had the idea to use the built in docking camera from RPM as reference to do not crash and aim my docking procedure:





Obviously run in the Cupola module to take some glamour images!





I didn't travelled up to there, with some kerbals, if not to "swim" around her!


Happy and sound, I recovered the poor Engineer Kerbalnaut back in the station, then (he was in reality on service duties, repairing some little fuel tank leaks... dang on DANG-IT! mod, always liking to fracture monoprop tanks)

Then I liked to add more, classy, images, for eventually desktop use: a station, a shuttle, a sun in background... :P



Edited by Araym
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Built this Space Glider with payload capabilities. Launched to a fly by with the mun. Released payload and got payload into orbit. Landed the spaceglider an ocean away from KSC right where I wanted to. I then proceeded to move the comsat into the retrograde orbit to satisfy the contract. All in all a very successful mission. FAlXTTF.jpgVk3l4pq.pngZatOGGn.pngJAUdRV4.png1knTnM1.pngEmHFvGt.jpg

I'm very inexperienced with Space Planes and thus have not figured out how to de-orbit them over KSC yet. 

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