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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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Caught wild Jeb on camera.

Isn't there any way to make those videos smaller on forums? It takes pretty big space without spoiler and they are just 2 videos no more than 2 minutes

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  On 4/11/2017 at 12:31 AM, fourfa said:

They end up clipping into the central core in some orientations then :(


Can't you lower the solar panels ?


Edit: I realise now that when they would turn to the sun they would clip indeed, a no go then, to bad.

Still a awesome station. :cool:

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  On 4/11/2017 at 1:11 AM, Triop said:

Can't you lower the solar panels ?


Edit: I realise now that when they would turn to the sun they would clip indeed, a no go then, to bad.

Still a awesome station. :cool:


Near Future Solar has round solar panels that can be scaled with TweakScale to fit this nicely. Although, it looks like you're playing mod-free.

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I'm actually getting around to the whole "space" portion of the game.

Sent a tiny craft to gilly, without part mods or mechjeb. (I dont really like either.)


Everything is so floaty! Also weird. When planting the flag, the kerbal slowly spun around before levitating on the flag pole...

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  On 4/11/2017 at 2:11 AM, Whisky Tango Foxtrot said:

I have crews en route to Eve and Duna. I've sent probes to Moho with more on the way to Dres and Jool. I've built space stations, submarines and SSTOs, but I'd never gone 30km offshore to visit the island airfield.

Until now.


Same here, I never even noticed it was there. I was half-expecting to get some kind of unique observational science reward for walking to the top and taking an EVA report, oh well...

I find it makes a decent short-trip landing and takeoff testing site for crafts that have limited maneuverability. That may not make sense for some, but it would if you were to see any of my terribly designed "planes", if you can call them that. I'm still trying to get to grips with designing things for flight WITHIN atmosphere. I expected planes to be very accessible after many successful rockets, it's turning out to be quite the contrary for me.

Interesting landmark, though!


As for myself, I finally got around to ferrying a tourist for a fly-by of the mun and back. I've been capable of doing it for a while now, just couldn't be bothered with actually adjusting my current tourism shuttle design because I had to re-attach some 10+ strut connections and what not, and it was a bit finicky due to placement.

Everything was smooth short of re-entry, I've never attempted re-entry with the lander can and more or less expected it to immediately disintegrate (due to the part description), considering my speed of something like 3300m/s. It held up, though, my landing struts burned off due to questionable placement and a momentary lapse of judgement regarding my readouts. I had the can facing orbital retrograde long AFTER I had de-orbited and started burning in, a discrepancy between orbital and surface inclination *just* large enough to sheer off my bottom landing legs, which could have been avoided had I simply switched to surface navigation a bit sooner, or had I just taken manual control for a few moments and tilted the can upwards a bit as the temperature gauge jumped.

All in all though, Jebediah did not die, and the VIP was brought in safely. Although, she was probably a bit bruised up considering I landed on a steep hill, and had to watch the lander can roll down a mountainside for about 5 minutes before finally collecting her and Jebediah from the craft. KSC does require tourists to sign a release of liability, right? Pretty fun KSP day, tomorrow is planning for my first munar outpost.

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Spilled beer in my keyboard during final descent on Vall. :o
Lost the lander, but the crew survived. :)
Used the Laythe lander (spaceplane) docked to one of my mission payload external tanks as a rescue vessel. :/
Crew retrieved (all 5 star veterans). :).
Scrubbed the Vall mission, moved on to Laythe.
Total cost: 1 beer (fancy czech pilsner ;.;), 1 lander, 1/3 LFO reserves, 1 sock (emergency beer rag).
Keyboard (pricey mechanical) survived, though slightly sticky.
Laythe base established. :).
I call that a win...

No pics, sorry. Too much panic impromptu planning.
Don't drink and fly folks.

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I'm having lots of fun with my current campaign by slowing down and smelling the... er, Minmus flats.   (?)  I wanted this to be a slower, more deliberately-paced campaign and so far it's working out nicely.

Having landed a series of probes on Minmus, I have decided to concentrate on the Lesser Flats.  I named a few of the features around it (partly for identification, mostly for fun).  In the process, I discovered that the area of flats to the northwest of the Lesser Flats (encompassing the little bump of Lowlands that I have named Theta Island, after Theta Site, one of my landing zones) is not a "Flats" biome as is noted on many biome maps, but rather part of the Lesser Flats.

I'm concentrating my development plans in the "South Bay" region, between 1 and 2 degrees North latitude and about 175 West.  Between the ore concentrations I'm measuring and the near-equatorial placement, it looks to be close to optimum for a mining/refining base.

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I tested out a craft that's going to appear in 'Kontakt' sooner or later. It was launched atop an...

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