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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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49 minutes ago, Tomato29 said:

today I struggled for hours on my not working infernal robotics mod to make it work... 

still doesn't works

Been there, but thrust me, it works.

Do you have MagicSmokeIndustries mod ?

I believe that helped, not sure but the answer is on this forum somewhere...

Don't give up, goodluck. :cool:

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7 minutes ago, Triop said:

Been there, but thrust me, it works.

Do you have MagicSmokeIndustries mod ?

I believe that helped, not sure but the answer is on this forum somewhere...

Don't give up, goodluck. :cool:

The 1.2.2 RO/RP-0 dev version works mostly.  https://github.com/MagicSmokeIndustries/InfernalRobotics/releases/tag/2.0.10  if you have the right KJR release


Waiting the eternal "release version" time. 

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37 minutes ago, Cristy2017 said:

Exploring some Jool moons! :D

I also tried to build some shuttle/plane/something that can actually flight nicely, but i'm horrible at it, do you guys know about any good basic guide? 

RCS Build Aid Mod.  Keep Dry (Red) and Wet C.o.Mass. (Yellow) close together.  Keep C.o.Lift. (Blue) slightly behind both CoM indicators.  Put Rear Gear behind rear CoM but close.  Put C.o.Thrust(Pink) in line with CoM.

Set one control surface pair to Pitch only (Canards and or Rear Elevators), Set main wing control surfaces to Roll only, others on main wing to Roll/Pitch if needed, Set Rear Stabilizer to Yaw only.

Lower most of the the control Authority to 30-50%.  If you're stock, find out the Dry CoM by emptying the tanks.

Make sure wheels are all aligned vertical and balance biaxially (side to side).  Wheel level front to back will change how takoff and landing are, simple is keep them flat.  Tricycle gear is easiest, others have various advantages.



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19 hours ago, cantab said:

Designed a crew shuttle called Knight and took it for a test run. Found I had hardly any screenshots when I went to upload them. This keeps happening :( I'm starting to wonder if my keyboard's F1 key isn't broken.

Isn't there a mod that automatically takes screenshots for you at set intervals? 

Also, I'm out of likes again! And I'm still back on page 1316!

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Here are 40126 m/s dV on the launchpad.



The two Kerbals start a mission from which they maybe never return.



The rocket puts the two poor dogs in their fire chair.



For far too long, the scientists are guessing about what's it all about with this red point. They made calculations to determine the distance and came to the realization that no known technology exists to send a remote-controlled probe there. No antenna as large as possible would be able to bridge such an enormous distance.



The only way they saw was a kerbaled mission. And so two dumb idiots brave volunteers were chosen to fly there. Although it has been possible to calculate the required range of a rocket to get there, how the two will come back home but they have to find out for themselves. From home, they can not expect any support because they can not communicate with each other. The only thing the engineers could do is give them a rocket with great reserves. The engineers gave them one with an impressive 36111 m/s dV available. So they took the maneuver and flew into the unknown.



It should last 22 years until the influence of the red point is reached. The scientists have also calculated that the point of greatest approximation should be reached after over 37 years of flight time. Whether the space ship is able to withstand the enormous heat is uncertain, so the dumb idiots brave volunteers themselves should adjust the flight path at this time. Optimistic estimates assume less than 90 years of flight time.


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2 hours ago, Bornholio said:

The 1.2.2 RO/RP-0 dev version works mostly.  https://github.com/MagicSmokeIndustries/InfernalRobotics/releases/tag/2.0.10  if you have the right KJR release


Waiting the eternal "release version" time. 

yup everything was perfect but I was using the latest non-dev version of KJR making my parts glide and wobble around. Thanks for help but V8Jester already replied to me guiding me into the path of perfectly-working modded ksp

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The Second Crew for Prospero Station rendezvous with the station and makes a docking approach:


The Koyuz-KC2 closing on the docking port (its the one on the right, shadowed):


Prospero Station's Second crew has arrived and is preparing to embark the station:


Mean while on the Outskirt's of Kerbin's SOI, beyond Minmus, the first two man permanent crew for Outpost 1 arrive aboard a heavily modified Koyuz-KC1 and dock inside the SpaceDock to run some performance tests and practice docking maneuvers with the station:


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Hi there

I´ve just launched my first manned career mission to Moho a few minutes ago.

Yesterday I noticed, that the perfect launch window for moho was happening just now. C´mon, you can´t let such an opportunity slide. :wink:

No time for orbital assembly, so I had to build a new ship, that could get there in a single launch:


Separation of the second launcher stage and fairings.


Even the Mun is at a nearly perfect position, so the burnt out final booster stage will crash into Mun at quite an impressive velocity, (I just don´t like to leave spacejunk floating around)


and the XKS-Helios will do a Munar swing-by maneuver at 13000m in about 20 minutes. I already LOVE this mission. :)


If everything goes to plan, (and we all know it won´t) the Phaeton lander will be refueled and stay in Mohos orbit after it´s first landing and a second mission will carry a rover undercarriage for the lander, so we can search for interesting places and all that jazz.

My very first Moho mission from years ago was pretty much an utter desaster and the refueling/rescue mission just barely managed to get the crew back. So let´s see how it goes this time. :cool:

Have fun folks, cu

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Amazingly, the tr2l (the ruggedized tire) can chuck a vehicle over the admin center without hacking gravity. Or mods.


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I'm conquering the solar system but covering it up with capitalism and commercial missions so here are some space stations I launched:





So far I have these around Kerbin, Mun, Minmus, Duna, Eve, and Laythe. I'm planning on launching more to Tekto and Thatmo around Sarnus and Neidon. I'll place refueling stations around Kerbin, Mun, Minmus, Ike, Dres, Vall, and Eeloo.

I'll put one or more mining bases on those planets/moons as well. (Missions to those stations/bases will actually be launched and not cheated)

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Took two contracts at the same time for a "rescue so and so and his craft" around Jool. One at Vall and one at Bop. Decided to do something a little different this time.


Built this two-headed monster (dubbed the Twin Turbo) to do the job in one go. It's a bit pricey at 460,000 and some change, but the two contracts are worth 2.2 million, so it was definitely worth the money.


What was really different about this ship from what I would normally do, is that I didn't use docking ports. I just built the ship with two command pods, both with their own ship obviously, and just connected them with decouplers and strut connectors.


It worked great, but the game didn't seem too sure what to make of it. Each ship was ready to go, the green staging light was already lit (not blinking), but the engines weren't active. Just had to engage each engine manually, and everything was fine.


All went well at Vall...


And Bop as well.

Now they'll just hang out and wait for a window home.

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A lot of these modules are redundant and slated for demolition, but they sure do look nice all together. Anyway, I've been experimenting with @allista's Ground Construction mod today and it certainly makes some fun things possible.

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Nothing particularly useful, though I had some fun mucking about with Junos, Terriers, and a 2 ton payload trying to get to orbit without boring myself to death.  Much amusement ensues when physics warp takes a reasonably flyable plane into completely screwball results with a reversed fairing payload.  "You will not go to space today..."

All I have for my efforts are a bunch of smiles, a few chuckles, a complete dearth of screenshots due to lack of forethought, a sad feeling of disappointment for 2,500 dV Terriers not making the grade from 10k and 500 horizontal m/s, and some confusion trying to figure out where those hours went before I add up the '5-10 minutes per test flight, I made how many... versions...? oh gods...'

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Well today I decided to start the beginnings of my Iota base. So I figured the first thing to do was get my relay comms network set up.


I managed to get everything working perfectly, until my payload ship decided to run out of electrical charge rendering it useless (had nothing to do with me forgetting batteries and panels)

So I sent up good 'ol Bill in a service craft to install the batteries and panels to allow it to launch the last satellite! Back in business, currently have my first payload with the first colony section aboard en route to Iota. Tomorrow should be a fun day! Need to send out a couple more satellites to Iota to allow it to actually deliver the payload ('cause of course I forgot to do that first lol)


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9 hours ago, CatastrophicFailure said:

This is awesome.  :D

But after 90 years in a tin can, what you get back will no longer be Kerbal...

...one way or another...

I feel quite a bit sorry for the both. At least they are two and I have thought of sending a girl and a boy. Perhaps they can use the many time meaningfully.


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After coming back from a short vacation, yesterday I continued my 3x resize gameplay.

I had calculated that I could SSTO still with a non-airbreathing rocket, but the margins are very very thin:



There is noting in that payload fairing, but it masses 1 ton. It also has 4.15 tons of fuel left. By the time I add Chutes and somethingto land on, and save some fuel for a deorbit, I don't think it will have any payload capacity left.

I put my airbreathing SSTO design I had tested to use with actual payloads, not dummy payloads:








Ok, so that last payload was launched mostly empty due to mass concerns, and I transferred as much fuel into it as I could while still leaving enough margin for the ssto to de-orbit and return to KSC.

I also launched the core module of a space station for LKO, or perhaps one that I may move to a moon of Kerbin (again, I swapped the orbits of Mun and Minmus)



It was relatively light, and the SSTO had a good dV margin, still a few hundred m/s left with rapiers in closed cycle, and the LF reserves for the LV-Ns were still disabled so those aren't showing in the dV display.

I also tried to develop a smaller SSTO using a mk3 cargobay rather than a payload fairing, as well as not using any nukes:


It's performance was... disappointing:


(yes, the design was changed from the pic on the runway). 364 m/s in orbit means that it does have some payload capacity... but it won't be much. I'm going to have to improve it a bit to have a SSTO for smaller payloads. Its about half the mass of my other SSTO, but not half the payload capacity it seems.

I also launched my mk3 mun/minmus dropship, and sent it to Minmus orbit where it will refuel from the Minmus ISRU craft I also launched. The ISRU craft was launched via SSTO, the dropship was launched by a 1000 ton "conventional" rocket (ie, a staged crossfeeding design).

I also tested my Rald Dropship design...I've got the design to the point where the landing speed before firing the vector is not ridiculous... and I also targeted Rald's "Ancient Airport" which has two strips of terrain that is "flat" (constant elevation), landed there...


(since then, I've tweaked Rald's color a bit, that was at only 70% brightness, and not well illuminated). Perhaps I'll always use that, and make another craft that isn't capable of orbit for moving stuff from the airport to other locations.

It makes orbit now with its test payload:


I wonder if it can self launch from Kerbin using extra fuel stored in its cargobay...


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TodayYesterday, I landed a plane (as seen on page 1272) on a Grunolith (also as seen in this week's KSP Challenge thread). I didn't keep track, but I reckon it took me about 30-40 attempts to nail it.



14 hours ago, NISSKEPCSIM said:

Isn't there a mod that automatically takes screenshots for you at set intervals? 

You want this mod:


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