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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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19 hours ago, JoeNapalm said:

Testing the Duna Dog Mk III rover:


This is what happens when you forget to properly stage your payload...I've read The Martian, I should have known better.

But, amazingly...I knew the Dog was tough, but I didn't realize just HOW tough...


Seriously...entire 22K DV lifter pile-driven into it at full throttle...and it only broke off the relay antenna. (It even has a backup antenna in case of catastrophe, so it still runs.)

Further testing on the MunManaged to break off relay antenna, there, too...along with, eventually, one headlamp...so now we've hardened the nigh indestructible rover into the Duna Dog Mk IV.

Now featuring a wider overall wheel-base, as well as re-positioned headlamps and relay:

I said "nigh" indestructible because on re-entry testing, I...uh...forgot to re-attach the chutes....

Tough rover, but not THAT tough, sadly.



I got tired of my rovers flipping over all the time. I inserted a reaction wheel into the stock rover body config file and I can just flip them back, the added stability control prevents them from flipping over in the first place, most of the time.

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15 minutes ago, Kerbital said:

I got tired of my rovers flipping over all the time. I inserted a reaction wheel into the stock rover body config file and I can just flip them back, the added stability control prevents them from flipping over in the first place, most of the time.

That's pretty clever. I like the idea.

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4 minutes ago, qzgy said:

That's pretty clever. I like the idea.

Thanks! Yeah, before I figured how easy it is to mod the files I tried to place a SAS wheel inside the body of a rover. It was weird. This is much neater.

You just need to tweak the torque to your needs. Too much torque and the driving gets a little weird. It's great for doing some funny wheelies and stunts though :)

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So something unfortunate has happened. With the release of 1.3, something has ruined my memory usage and as such I've had to stop using most of my mods, save some visual mods and a few others. Fortunately I've been playing on my Science save lately, and I haven't used any non-stock parts yet. So no harm done. I just can't play on any of my other saves unless I get my mods working again.

Besides, I might as well get used to it now that Take-Two owns KSP

While I'm here I might as well give a brief progress report on my science save, in the form of a picture:


Needless to say I've come a long way. Especially since when I first started playing on this save again I hadn't even landed on the Mun yet.

But who cares about the past! My current mission: the Songbird!


In case you couldn't tell by Gilly in the background, this is an Eve mission. The plane design was purely coincidental. I chose the Mk 2 fuselage since I wanted to have a cargo bay, plus I was planning on doing a small atmospheric dive to gather more science. The fins were then added for aesthetics, then I realized that if I made it aerodynamically stable it could function as a return vehicle. The current version has a small rudder, but originally it didn't have one because I didn't really need it. It uses two Spark engines for propulsion:


It has about ~2,100 m/s with its payload, and exactly 2,600 m/s without (how convenient.)

What is its payload? Why, it's the Moon Scoot!


For those of you who haven't played any of the scenarios, the Moon Scoot is used in the "Exploring Gilly" scenario. I'm using it to gather science from all 3 of Gilly's biomes. So far I've gathered science from only 2.

So yeah, that's where I'm at currently. Maybe I'll go back to posting regularly. We shall see.

Edited by Brownhair2
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Got an RSS/RO/RP-0 install set up for 1.2.2, finally. Started a new science mode game with Pap's new tech tree, basically been launching sounding rockets in between time-warping. Decided on Wallops for the launch site.



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On 6/15/2017 at 4:27 AM, Puggonaut said:

Did this........

Fantastic! Great craft designs, skilled piloting and fun camera shots. Really love the re-usable booster with the giant cargo doors :D 

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Did a glide test for a prototype shuttle.



Worked flawlessly first try.

Now to do the test again with a 50 ton payload and see what happens. I think for this next test I won't risk a pilot.

Also done some work on my Apollo replica:


Debating with myself over whether to actually fill the tube with fuel tanks, or save people's computers and just hack extra fuel into a single fuel tank. Either way I plan to make the tank bulkheads using fairings, so no need to worry about the stages looking like giant hollow tubes.

Edit: Shuttle has a minor problem. With payload it becomes a lawn dart. Which is a problem if I want to do the STS challenges.

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Today, I'm gonna have a look on my old crafts, when I was a little bit prone to making n00b designs.


So, at first glance, this may look like a typical moon base that hasn't yet been landed. That's why you can see those engines on top.

But that's how I messed up. The moment you activate these engines, it'll burn up the docking ports and dismember the whole base!! Needless to say, the Mun base project was cancelled and it was evacuated. ;.;


I tried to save it by adding another top mounted engine, but It does the same thing, burn up the damn base. (What did I expect?) 

I think I'm insane. "insanity is doing the same thing and expecting different results"



Next is this monster.

Would you board it? Or would you rather go to a United flight?


Hmmm, yes, seems legit



Last but not the least, this stupid fighter jet.


Talk about being aerodynamic. Attach an attack helicopter turret to a fricking fighter jet.


Oh and I almost forgot, I launched a rocket carrying a small jet plane to Duna, knowing that it has an atmosphere, I knew I could fly in it. Alas I was wrong


Plane crashed within moments of a landing attempt. I was unable to bring the nose up.


I guess we all have our fair share of n00b moments.


Isn't that right? Happy Kerbal with an overengineered Minmus Lander?

Yeah, you'll never need to worry about running out of fuel and getting stranded in Minmus.



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5 hours ago, NSEP said:

I spent like 4 hours trying to figure out what was causing extremely low thrust on my engines, turns out SSTU engine clusters dont work quite well.


Guessing you are using RO (or some other setup using RealFuels/ModuleEngineConfigs)?  (Clusters work great in stock)   But anyhow, reports such as that need to be filed on the bug-tracker or there is zero chance of them ever being fixed.

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30 minutes ago, Shadowmage said:

Guessing you are using RO (or some other setup using RealFuels/ModuleEngineConfigs)?  (Clusters work great in stock)   But anyhow, reports such as that need to be filed on the bug-tracker or there is zero chance of them ever being fixed.

Yep im using RO. I will report it to the bug tracker when i have time, but it is not a big problem now. I geuss my RO install is incredibly messy. Thanks for creating my favourite mod by the way!

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After stopping myself from fiddling with my mod folder, I continued my new 1.3 career game - with all the usual low-tech solutions in the hunt for more science. (After adding 2-3 science mods, I expected a higher influx and reduced science income to 70% - boy, it is slow ... :D )

First, an old friend from an earlier post - slightly altered to carry one Kerbal out onto the ocean. Flew remarkably well after three crashes - even better than some things I intended to be flying well ... (Imgur won't show the first picture here, just click it ... )

And a silly little rover for collecting science around KSC - and the shore.

At some point the Mun was an easier target for science. Only an orbital survey for starters, but at least there is a comm-relay with sciencing ability (and a transfer stage) up there now.

(Speaking of stage: See the lack of stars in the second picture? Yeah, Mun mission totally staged!)

Thank you Distant Object Enhancement! Jool was on the other side of the ship.

And a confession: I cheated my orbital relays into a perfect square ... first I put in the decouplers the wrong way, edited my save file instead of relaunching - and fuel was a bit less than needed to attain the required orbits ... I did it so many times in so many career games, I earned this just once. :P


Edited by KerbMav
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