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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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More progress with my Elkano Challenge on Minmus. Almost 3/4 of the way around now and excited to finish the rest! Here our explorer finally came back around to the very first landing spot from the location survey mission.


You can see more of the journey at my Elkano Minmus Challenge mission report.

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4 hours ago, capi3101 said:


I love the use of the fuselages for the engine mounts and also landing gear placement. How does it fly in atmo? The Mk2 fuselages have so much extra lift/drag it makes it hard for me to deal with flying them. Any more beauty shots of this spaceplane?

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2 hours ago, scottadges said:

I love the use of the fuselages for the engine mounts and also landing gear placement. How does it fly in atmo? The Mk2 fuselages have so much extra lift/drag it makes it hard for me to deal with flying them. Any more beauty shots of this spaceplane?

I don't have very many screenies of the Auk II, as it turns out - which is kinda surprising considering how often I use it, but kinda not considering I've only been using it for about a year (and that's if you don't count the hiatus from the game I took early this year).

Found these two:



Not entirely sure the second screenie isn't the very first pic I ever took of the Auk II.Both of these shots are prior to a refit I did of the entire Auk series a while back (flipped the orientation of the docking ports onto the plane's belly so they could all dock up to Kerbinport without the fins bumping into one another). Like so:



Two Auk IXs, an Auk Ia in front and an Auk II in the back, if you were wondering.


She flies reasonably well in atmo, though I can honestly say I've never tried to use her for any job other than the one she's designed for: transport of passengers to and from LKO. I purposely designed her with a wing loading around 0.5 so she does have a fairly high takeoff speed around 120 m/s, and the thrust is a little on the low side considering her 40 tonne takeoff weight (which just means I have to keep the angle of the initial ascent a little more shallow than I prefer).  

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5 hours ago, Julien Kerman said:

Looks pretty cool! Could you give me more details about the space plane? :) 

Sure!  It's using the Taerobee X-1 cockpit and tapered fuel tank. 


The engine is the stock Spark (showing Ven's Stock Revamp cosmetic changes).  The tail also features a split-rudder airbrake that really helps control speed during steep landing approaches.


I'm using the Mk1 Cabin Hatch mod to add the top hatch to the stock passenger cabin. 


The wings and landing gear are just the stock wing parts, but the Historical Progression Tech Tree (very reasonably) moves them almost to the beginning of the tech tree.


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Tonight, more work on the Kommunity Space Station. Added a 2nd solar panel array ('cause, symmetry!) to the Munar station.


Anyone can add to the stations around Kerbin, Mun, Minmus, etc. Check out the main thread for the rules and sign up for a turn!

5 hours ago, capi3101 said:

Found these two:

Awesome work Capi. Looks like a workhorse for sure!

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2 hours ago, Julien Kerman said:

Perfect, thank you! One last thing I need to know, what is the mass (dry & wet) and the size of its tank, because I dont have such a tank, so I will build one with procedural parts.

This is an RSS game using SMURFF (with the "tanklever" setting at "1"), so here's the adjusted masses:

Dry Mass = 0.0881 t
Wet Mass = 2.5781 t

And here's the stock masses:

Dry Mass = 0.3225 t
Wet Mass = 2.8125 t

Capacity is:

LiquidFuel =  225
Oxidizer = 275


Oh, one last thing... there is a hidden canard on the plane.  I buried a single one of the same control surfaces used on the tail immediately behind the cockpit.  It's also rotated 5 degrees to give a permanent pitch-up trim to naturally maintain level flight with SAS off.

The tail elevon surfaces are also rotated five degrees for pitch-up trim, and only the inner pair are set to control roll.  I separate each axis onto their own control surfaces to adjust the control limiters to get the maneuverability I want.

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Today I have mostly been building a new space station for Minmus (contract).


The main command module was taken up first via shuttle (vertical lift) the array was taken up the following day via rocket. There were slight issues with the array in that someone forgot to include command/control options, so when the command ship disconnected from the 6-way the array had no control and would have been stranded 30 metres away from the Command module, fortunately there was still some mono-propellent left in the Command Module to use that to connect to the array and 6-way. Small blessings.

That wasn't the only unfortunate mishap though; the rocket used to launch the array was retro-fitted from an old cargo lifter. The parachute was removed from the command pod to allow the temporary docking port and someone forgot to fit radial chutes. Fortunately the three drogues offered enough drag to slow the pod down to 25m/s and the ablator took most of the impact force on splash down. Jeb and his cohorts survived, albeit a little bruised.

Still to come the array for the opposite side, sleep/recreational module with a science lab, the lower part opposite the command module will be for docking only and then the life support units will go up with the first of the crew.

Functionality wise, the open solar panels will not be used once the station is complete. The eagle eyed will notice there are three sets of panels on the array.The array will also be used for LFO tanks (6000units contract), Ore tanks (5000units contract), RCS (just because), and a large battery. The thrusters on the array are for emergencies, originally I was going to have thrusters on the living/work quarters but decided having them on the arrays would be better for rescue purposes, and all the life support modules will stay with the kerbals that way. The thrusters produce enough thrust to move the fully laden arrays away at 100m/s and that is the reason for the solar panels on the command module. Although the station won't have any batteries to store power, the kerbals can be moved to the command and sleep quarters and all other areas can be shut down to use minimal power while they await rescue.

The only thing I haven't decided on is whether to try and combine the final module launch with a tug, or take the module up first and have a dedicated tug launch later on to move the station to Minmus.

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Ore recovery mission.

Went to Minmus, mined 3000 units of ore, lugged it back to Kerbin, landed with the help of about 80 parachutes, and... clicked recover before the 10 seconds were up.

The resulting frown dimmed the lights.

Cancelled the mission in disgust.

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Last mission of the day was to take up the 2nd half of the array. Managed to get a rendezvous with the station of 0.0 separation and 7.2m/s relative speed. Quite chuffed with that. I'm either coming in much faster or I have to force the rendezvous a little. Did involve two orbits to do it though. Messed up the initial orbit burn and went to 350k instead of 250k. Oopsie.

If you look carefully you can just make out the command pod to the right hand side of the top/right most solar panel.


Gratuitous horribly inefficient rocket shot.

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I sent Klamath on its way to Jool today, and thankfully checked the status of its main reactor because apparently it was nearly out of fuel. That's fine, Klamath has a smaller one for everyday operations but that does mean I need to keep the main reactor shut off between burns, which is kind of a hassle. When I designed it I included additional fuel but the version of KSPIE I have apparently think it's cute to make those extra uranium nitride fuel tanks jettisonable, and not shown in the VAB. I probably lost them on launch long ago. I have a small ion-powered probe on the way to Jool, it'll arrive fifty days before Klamath does.

Aside from that, I said goodbye to Kerbin station, which was basically a system taxi, an old research craft, and a life support slug stuck together. I built something that looks nicer and includes the KSPIE science lab, then transferred the crew.

More pics later tonight for sure, I have some eight hours of volunteer work ahead of me for my kid's school. Klamath arrives next and I have some orbital ballet ahead of me (my favorite thing).

Here's Klamath leaving Dres station.


Goodbye, old Kerbin Station.


Hello, new Kerbin Station.


12 hours ago, Colonel Cbplayer said:

Today I took a relaxing jog

That's some damn fine QWOPing, sir.

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