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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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After a looooonnngggggg time of trying to do it, and many attempts, (as I'm sure multiple people in the help section of the forums are aware :blush:) I have finally not only landed on Duna, but also Ike! I took a big mother ship with me that included a small rover named spot and 1 lander. Thanks to the community for helping me make it there :):):):):):):):):):)!! Here are two pics I remembered to take.



Disclaimer!: Hyperedit was used because I accidently flipped spot upside on his head so I had to revert and I didn't want to take the time to land again (also why the clock says the mission took 3 minutes). The original landing was 100% by hand.



Edited by nascarlaser1
link was made wrong for pics.
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6 hours ago, SpaceTrashCan said:

I installed the Deep Space Diner on my Captured-Asteroid-Moon Munos, so my KSP crews in polar orbits can grab some Burgers :D 



The Restaurant at the End of the Kerbinsphere, by Dougless Kerman, sequel to his seminal satirical novel The Hitchhiker Storage Container's Guide to The Kerbol System.

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Not a good day. Reworked the mother ship for another shot at Moho. Fought my way to a circular orbit. The lander set down on a hillside so steep it still boggles my mind that it didn't tip or slide. Returned to orbit. Rendezvoused. Attempted to dock. Attempted because I used a decoupler instead of a separator. Access to the docking port denied. Started to spacewalk. That's when I realized I forgot a probecore and the hitchhiker can I intended to use for return doesn't work as a pod. And to top it off no pictures. Revert. 

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I landed my Foothold Base extension


The rover doesn't work too well due to Pol's low gravity and I likely would never have sent one if under normal circumstances, but I figured as long as I was adding a piece to the base it might as well do more than just be a place to stick a relay antenna. The antenna itself works fine, though, so the base finally has working two-way comms.

The Tug that I landed on Bop a while ago also made it back to Kerbin and I landed it on the surface using a cargo SSTO. This game me the "Recovered an object from the surface of Bop" World's First, which was nice, but I'd forgotten that the "Explore Bop" contract that I was trying to complete also required that I get some science there, which I didn't do. I think I just need to transmit some science from within Bop's SOI to tick off that requirement, though, so it's not a big deal.

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This was a busy month at my KSC with 3 missions arriving at destination within two weeks. I have now constellations of satellites around Moho, Duna and Dres. It's the first time I visit Dres and Moho !

Each mission is made of 4 satellites, one communication and 3 observation : one biome scanner, one ore scanner and an radar altimeter. All satellites have been placed in polar orbit.

y4mWHZo9uFYKH6P6frtMLu6h6zN8VExnHOOerGHG  y4mPV5uPymX9_lN7wnT5WOQtTIlv09Pw4Qwdp8D0  y4mQPBQaBDKZQ86PkcGJamFsb5nK-3T10ePWzTgd

Edited by Urus28
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Made the second release of Telemagic, "Bombs Away", which adds control towers that define "hub" airports with refueling facilities.

A hub airport is marked by a control tower that has a cupola situated >= 8m above the ground.  Refueling is performed for vehicles parked within about 30m of the tower.

Best of all, each download of "Bombs Away" Telemagic includes a free, bonus Aquila Cruise reference vessel.  Use it...  Build a better/prettier one...  Up to you.

So now you can build your own regional/global aviation network on Kerbin (or elsewhere!!) and stimulate exploration/settlement!

The third and final planned release will happen depending upon response/interest and will simply move Telemagic in-game and onto a single button as a first-class KSP plug-in.  (The current versions are prototypical and require a bit of imagination to use.  :) 1. F5; 2. run a Java program; 3. F9)



YouTube: Aquila Cruise flight test

Edited by Hotel26
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Continuing my Galileo Planet Pack, 3.2x resized, carreer mode.

Larger LVs were developed, enabling me to build space stations around Iota and Ceti, the two Gael's moons.


The whole thing could house around twenty kerbals, and serves as a stop between Iota surface and Gael.


The Glenn spacecraft that took the crew to the station


Reusable, single stage lander for a crew of four


Preparing for future ISRU operations, large docking ports for the resource convertor setup and tanks for ore/products.

The driller should be able to get around 12 tonnes of ore to the station while expending just under 8 tonnes of fuel, if my calculations are correct, so the ISRU should be viable. But we'll see, I'm not that good at planning :)



Edited by michal.don
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Well, yesterday i started to mess around with Airplane Plus and i made some experimental crafts.


cHYD2ha.pngI call this plane White Baron. 

COnXS0C.pngIt flies well, but not much high. I tried to land, but...

iuMfEkq.pngI pitched up the craft too much, and this was the result. :(

Still needs some improvements.



stJDfcp.pngThis is the "Citação". I adaptaded the stock craft Velocitze and make this jet having in mind the Cessna Citation, even in the name (Citação is citation in Portuguese).

wxGbFFv.pngTakes some time to take-off, but flies very well.





ssKhzf4.pngThis in not my craft. I dowloaded from KerbalX, and i'm using to try to control a helicopter.

aYGPjAT.pngI'm trying to land on the VAB helipad, but i never landed the craft sucessfully in anywhere.






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Well after a intermission i managed to finally finish construction of my Minimus Station . (No pic cause its really basic. But have a gif and you can kinda see what went wrong. 


So Yeah, I decided to play about with a MK2 plane or Kerbin itself. After a few tries i did a thing. 








So yeah i did sort of land it. But destroyed the engines in the process. But no Kerbals were hurt in the Flying  (sort of) of this Plane. :) 



Edited by Thrawn889
5 times to sort out my dumbass errors.
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