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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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  On 9/13/2018 at 1:57 AM, Triop said:

Awesome picture.

That's it, I'm selling my kid to get a better computer... :lol:


Thanks.  EVE isn't too bad for performance, and that's the only graphics mod I'm running..   My laptop is no super computer, and it runs decently with EVE and assorted other (mostly parts) mods.  You may even be able to keep the kid :D

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Hardest part is done! It's in space, and on its way.

On the pad:


Definitely pushing the record for my heaviest rocket launch at 1600T on the pad (Record was 1900T). First attempt at launching it went exactly as Jeb intended: Snapped in half in the middle and promptly and violently exploded. Adding more of the ever trusty struts rectified this problem, but apparently I wasn't paying 100% attention during the design stage as one of the separated boosters whacked the core engine cluster and took out an engine.


Supposed to be 9 engines. The missing one decided it wasnt going to go to space today, the slacker.


And after the transfer burn to the Mun, already oriented and ready to go for the capture burn.

Tricky part now is actually docking it to the station as I'm pretty sure at 133 tons it out-masses the target station by a good 85% or so.

Edited by Cyrious
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Venokhod in is way to enter Venus hot atmosphere:




Hot again


Now slowly going down, watching nice venusian sunset :)


Nice, we can see the ground now


But, I lost connection with the orbiter (the one intended to give me connection during landing), 1500m above the surface, so I couldn't jetison the heatshield, and bottom interstage/fairings; hopefully, the chute was armed, and Venusian dense atmosphere did its job well, slowing me to 6m/s, fiuwh!


Then, 3 hours later, when the orbiter (this naughty unconnected Orbiter!!!) passed again my loaction. I released the top fairing, and all the stuff. Now Venokhod can go explore Venus:


I know, it's basically Curiosity, but as I designed curiosity first, for a Mars window, I was too lazy to do an other one just for Venus:D

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Much to my dismay, I realized after the fact that a recent rescue contract was for Thompberry Kerman.  I knew the name looked familiar, but I didn't realize where I knew it from  until he tried to take over my space program while Jeb & company were away on a mission.  Happily, it was just a short test flight & the veterans returned home before anything major was destroyed.

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Tadaa! And now the station's center of mass is way off balance, so this thing's not going anywhere anymore without another 133 ton counterweight on the other side.

Edit: Y'all remember that xbawks hueg fuel module in the combi-shot earlier? Turns out its a somewhat suitable counterweight. Yep, its gonna have to wait until the raw resources module and the docking module (going up next) are installed.

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Today I decided to land a very large mining vessel on the Mun in darkness, for reasons.  It turns out my intended landing site was the side of a mountain (70° or more), so I slid down the slope for a long time, but I had enough fuel to fool around some.  Eventually I got to the foothills, which were still about a 20° slope, but the lander is pretty wide and bottom heavy so I figured it would be able to stay put when I turned the RCS off.  I was mostly right, except for the "stay put" part.  I slid down the slope at 0.4 m/s for a couple of minutes.  I was worried I would just keep going (since the motion stops me from going to the tracking station) but eventually I stopped.  Whew! 

I considered taking a picture, but ... "on the Mun in darkness" pretty much covers it. 

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  On 9/14/2018 at 2:21 AM, FinalFan said:

Today I decided to land a very large mining vessel on the Mun in darkness, for reasons.  It turns out my intended landing site was the side of a mountain (70° or more), so I slid down the slope for a long time, but I had enough fuel to fool around some.  Eventually I got to the foothills, which were still about a 20° slope, but the lander is pretty wide and bottom heavy so I figured it would be able to stay put when I turned the RCS off.  I was mostly right, except for the "stay put" part.  I slid down the slope at 0.4 m/s for a couple of minutes.  I was worried I would just keep going (since the motion stops me from going to the tracking station) but eventually I stopped.  Whew! 

I considered taking a picture, but ... "on the Mun in darkness" pretty much covers it. 


Did you do a "spur of the moment" landing? I ask because what I usually do is scout out a suitable landing site in the desired biome for mining using a rover, and one an area with a flat enough slope is found, I aim for the rover and land nearby. Helps enormously in preventing messy or otherwise awkward landings for mining craft.

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  On 9/14/2018 at 2:31 AM, Cyrious said:

Did you do a "spur of the moment" landing? I ask because what I usually do is scout out a suitable landing site in the desired biome for mining using a rover, and one an area with a flat enough slope is found, I aim for the rover and land nearby. Helps enormously in preventing messy or otherwise awkward landings for mining craft.


Yep, very spur of the moment.  I was going to head to LKO with a partly full ore load, when I decided while on my way to the maneuver node that instead I would just stop and drop, fill up, and do a direct burn to LKO.  Gonna have to be careful of that mountain when I take off, though. 

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  On 9/14/2018 at 2:36 AM, FinalFan said:

Yep, very spur of the moment.  I was going to head to LKO with a partly full ore load, when I decided while on my way to the maneuver node that instead I would just stop and drop, fill up, and do a direct burn to LKO.  Gonna have to be careful of that mountain when I take off, though. 


Yeah, generally don't do that unless you have lots of lights (Stack Inline Lights is a godsend for general floodlighting, spotlights are also useful) to illuminate the landing site and/or you already know the landing site.

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  On 9/14/2018 at 2:51 AM, Cyrious said:

Yeah, generally don't do that unless you have lots of lights (Stack Inline Lights is a godsend for general floodlighting, spotlights are also useful) to illuminate the landing site and/or you already know the landing site.


The one thing I never feel bad about "cheating" on is that if something goes awry because I didn't know the distance to the ground instead of the distance to "sea level", I shamelessly revert. 

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Docking bar is attached, the octo-girder port was being squirrely about it but locked after some working. Turned on the mid-station service light so it is better seen (docking bar is to the right). Without the service light on the whole station is bathed in a blood-red glow, like so:


Tomorrow (provided the northernmost reaches of Hurricane Florence doesn't knock out power to my area), I'll be bolting on the raw materials and fuel pods, then send out the various cargo barges that will be attached to the docking bar.

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In a potentially unwise decision, I added KSP Interstellar Extended to my stockalike career. The loading time is doubled now, and the mode switch on the LV-N's might have broken any active craft that use LV-N's but I haven't checked that yet.

Because I tend to make everything into a plot, I made the experimentation with nuclear technologies and antimatter detection a top secret program called Project Timberwind after the IRL Project Timberwind. Step 1, launch a top secret nuclear powered radio observatory space station disguised as a solar powered unmanned radio observatory satellite.


Launched on a standard Copernicus Heavy, the heaviest payload launched by this rocket to date.


Crew will be secretly launched in a few missions, possibly hidden in the interstage of a tourist rocket, or disguised as tourists. Next up i needed to look for Antimatter. Cue Timberwind-2.


Powered by an experimental Candle engine. Orbited the Mun, Minmus, and Kerbin, also landed on Minmus, and then entered LKO. So... Installing KSP IE broke my old nuclear augmented SSTO so I redesigned it but due to a glitch I had to delete KSPIE's config file, and that reset some of the stuff... The redesign wasn't necessary and the radiators added almost too much drag, I barely reached LKO and this was designed for Minmus.


The reason I launched the X-6C Pendulum was to make an attempt at recovering Timberwind-2. The crew, Bob and Sily (I ship them and they are the kerbs who are specially trained in atmospheric flight) took it up to the satellite with some difficulty and found that the klaw would not engage, so it was just shoved in the bay.


But we were going too fast for comfort so we opened the bay to 1% to act as an airbrake but Bob pushed the wrong button and the bay opened all the way, and Timberwind-2 disintegrated. Luckily the engine core was designed to survive without massive radiation leakage. This is top secret so there will be no public backlash, even Bob and Sily think it was just an experimental commsat.


Also, the front gear didn't open, but a landing was made at just over 30m/s, this thing glides pretty well.

Also this is a mostly no reverts career, so the mistakes are permanent.



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I made a plane so large it could carry the entire Saturn V assembly. And when I say the entire thing, I MEAN IT LITERALLY CARRIED THE THING TO THE EDGE OF SPACE AND LAUNCHED IT. It's on KerbalX, but the one I used is modified with a full-body bay and Whiplash engines. Oh, and it isn't a bomber, unlike the original.

Plane it was made from. That alone might be able to launch some smaller rockets, even if it is a bomber.

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My game-playing time yesterday was rather truncated; my wife surprised me and took me out to lunch, and then I wound up spending much of yesterday evening at the ER with my 2-yr old son, who managed to give himself a nasty little cut over his left eye that ultimately required a stitch. 

Val returned her Kerbal Tour Bus II 7 craft from LKO safely with tourists Raden, Newested, Johnsby and Criswig:

Dark Helmet wanted us to comb the desert, right? Do you think he meant literally?

After that, with the green light to do so, Bob was launched on a course towards Minmus aboard a Fireball 7a:

Yes, it's an asparagus-staged craft. Get over it.

Bob will arrive at Minmus in ten days. I've already considered bypassing the "orbit Minmus" contracts by putting Bob directly into orbit upon arrival - despite the current contract requiring me to return to Kerbin from a flyby of Minmus, it just takes too damn long to get out there to do otherwise. Scientist Lemgun Kerman will probably head out that way later today on a different craft so I can at least advance the Exploration contracts to the point where I can start landings. Meantime, Bob will probably do all the orbital sci stuff.

Speaking of Lemgun, I had him rolling around KSC earlier today in the Kerbal Scimobile III:

I'd call this a publicity shot if the Scimobile was less of a monstrosity.

With all the atmospheric analyses, seismic readings, surface samples and mop-ups of everything else, he managed to rake in about 290 all told from the space center and Shores. It was enough for me to unlock Mainsails and one of the other 160-sci tier techs. Don't remember which.

Hoping my RL day today is slightly less eventful.

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Wow, again this hole in Venus!! I was checking Venokhood, who arrived to its destination, and then turn the camera, and:


I saw it only once long time ago, when doing some landing there. It has to be some kraken venusian divinity dithing the clouds here:sticktongue:


Earth scientits are so amazed! (as me:D)

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  On 9/14/2018 at 3:13 PM, kurgut said:

Wow, again this hole in Venus!! I was checking Venokhood, who arrived to its destination, and then turn the camera, and:


I saw it only once long time ago, when doing some landing there. It has to be some kraken venusian divinity dithing the clouds here:sticktongue:


Earth scientits are so amazed! (as me:D)


Does it blink?

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