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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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Finally going to Moho for my first time and.............Moho is a No Go.... twice! Third trip took all day and I didn't save the game I only used F5. Welll F5 works great for the time your playing but once you exit the game that F5 save is GONE! :mad: Gotta have a game save or you could lose hours of your travel. Yes this is what I did today in KSP ;.;. Also getting close to my 200th Craft release and I plan to release an old craft build that's getting a new Launcher and many other tweaks. When complete you should be able to single launch a 29t Space Station to every planet in the System.



Edited by Castille7
I posted 25t it's actually 29t
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@Castille7 The F5 save is always there, it's not gone. The game loads the persistent.sfs file by default, just go to the Esc menu and load your quicksave file from there or press Alt+F9 for a quickload menu.

You can also create named quicksaves with Alt+F5 at any time.

Edited by Enceos
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10 minutes ago, Enceos said:

@Castille7 The F5 save is always there, it's not gone. The game loads the persistent.sfs file by default, just go to the Esc menu and load your quicksave file from there or press Alt+F9 for a quickload menu.

You can also create named quicksaves with Alt+F5 at any time.

Exactly what I did but my last F5 wasn't there when I restarted my game. It referred back to an F5 from about three F5's saves previous to the last one. No big thing just a little venting going on :D

Avatar still the coolest cat in town :cool:

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Today I continued working on my GrandTour ships.   I have the lander done, but not sure it's final, so no screenies.
I did finish the Mining ship tho.  Well I kind of cheated.  I imported a design I had already done for 1.1.3 (any long time poster might remember my very Rotund ship of 2016). 
After a few tweaks here and there, I went to test it on Vall, and it performs marvelously. 


So can dock from top or bottom, with the docking alignment helper from MRS (those are awesome, I highly recommend those to anyone with docking OCD like I have !)
Has roughly 6k of Delta-v, tho that drops when loading with ore.
Six FTmN280 (240 thrust / 800isp engine... each replacing 4 nukes, lots of parts saving)
Three Convert-o-Trons, 6 drills, 3 huge radiators (I thought they would be overkill, but when those 6 engines are running it really builds a lot of heat over time).
A nuclear reactor (tucked under the 2-kerbal pod on top... so hidden in the big white LF tank)
Ore carrying capacity of 50k ore, tho with that load even Vall's gravity is too strong.  But for Pol or Minmus ?  it can do it.
Also carries roughly 2.2k Monopropellant, so can refuel just about anything... except the Mothership which uses Xenon.
We cannot see it, but has Six of those large white landing gears from MRS, and three radial batteries.

The whole thing is 70 parts... But I didn't use only stock parts. 
I really tried with the first iteration, but imagine how many large ore tanks I'd need?  how many nukes?  How many Liquid fuel tanks (and no large spherical ones) ?
So I settled with mods again. Which means I'll be stuck in 1.4.5 instead of KSP1.5.

Still, almost ready with all parts of my GrandTour ship. 
Only missing my official version of the lander (very tight on Tylo, my best test was me making circular orbit with remaining RCS !), and my early Kerbol system Power module to save Uranium.
Soon my fellow kerbanots, soon we set sail for our grandtour !

Good week-end all !

Edited by Francois424
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I made a small change to a booster [Y] and wanted to upgrade it within a vessel containing a payload mounted on it: [XY]

This can be a pain because the stages of the two pieces get commingled and must be separated accurately.  Before adding in this modified booster:


I added 5 couplers to the top, set them to stage and them separated them into their own stages.  After merging the upgraded booster with the original payload, I was able to quite simply remove the superflous couplers resulting in the booster stages automatically ordered correctly after the payload stages.  Seems to have worked fine.  Was it worth it?  Yeah, I think so.  Is there a better way??  I dunno...

In other work, I've started a project to gradually remove MechJeb from all craft and eventually as an installed mod.  After fours years of faithful service rendered and lots of invaluable insights gleaned from it, it's time.

MechJeb is dead!  Long live MechJeb!!  And sincere gratitude to Sarbian for one of the greatest KSP mods!  Arigatou.

Edited by Hotel26
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4 hours ago, Castille7 said:

Finally going to Moho for my first time and.............Moho is a No Go

Moho is cursed. Cuuuuuuursed! Abandon all hope, ye who enter there!

14 hours ago, FinalFan said:

Today my Duna mission truly began* ... and I immediately got a bonus encounter with Ike.

If you go into your settings, you can increase the number of predicted future orbits (look for a thing that mentions “conics”), and see where that encounter will spit you out. A pass by Ike can save you a ton of dV, or it might fling you directly into Duna or out of the system completely. 

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40 minutes ago, CatastrophicFailure said:

If you go into your settings, you can increase the number of predicted future orbits (look for a thing that mentions “conics”), and see where that encounter will spit you out. A pass by Ike can save you a ton of dV, or it might fling you directly into Duna or out of the system completely. 

Thanks.  I don't recall changing that setting from default but I did see what it was doing after Ike.  I just don't remember since I put a maneuver node over it.  

I seem to recall it was a fairly cheap capture burn, so I can say with some confidence that it was at least not a disastrous change in delta-V.  

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Today, I've sent my first probe to Tellumo.


I've also prospected another potential site for EL base on the surface of Ceti. It has whooping 10% ore concentration but isn't as flat... Damn, I kinda miss Minmus with its perfectly flat - well - flats.

I'll probably switch over to my stock + OPM game for a while. I should be something like 50 days away from arriving to Jool there, so one big time-warp should be enough to finally give me something more entertaining than shuttling tourists to do there

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today i was trying to repair my new rover, which was jumping everytime i docked it to my new base. After countless failures i tried to design small dron for this base, but id did not worked too. and lastly i managed to fix my new mk 2 bomber that was flipping every  i tried to takeoff(who would though that you need to align center of mass indicator with center of lift!)

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Today I landed a nuclear shuttle on the Mun in my career save.


I got a contract to land a base supporting five kerbals on the moon, and another to plant a flag on the moon.

Naturally to avoid doing a lot of work I just decided to land my plane on the moon and come back.


Sadly it couldn't get back into orbit after landing so the mission was reverted.

Edited by FezCool
double post lol
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Dilong 4 became an unplanned suborbital when a booster engine failed about a minute into the ascent.  The launch escape system performed poorly and tumbled the capsule due to aerodynamic effects in the transonic regime, actually colliding with debris from the rocket, but the pilot did survive.

Dilong 5, the last one-seat spacecraft to be built, will attempt to put a man...  excuse me, a woman, into polar orbit around the Earth.



Debris from the disintegrating service module burns up high above the reentering crew capsule.


The Tulong spacecraft is a development of the previous single-seat Dilong, cramming in one or two extra crew depending on the mission to be flown.  It also includes rudimentary docking capabilities.




Engineer Lai Bai spacewalks while the pilot enjoys a few minutes of stretching out in the cramped capsule.



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Yesterday Val and Bill finished up my exploration of the Mun with a 28 day rover mission, visiting the last couple anomalies and doing science in several biomes along the way.



With all the science they gathered it's time to start planning a Duna mission. I made a cargo lander that's capable of aerobraking through Duna's atmosphere on arrival and re-entry, and tested it on Kerbin with a 36-ton dummy payload of metallic ore.



Here's the upper stage in interplanetary cruise configuration. It's burning along the normal vector in order to dump fuel so as to better simulate the vehicle mass during a  Duna aerobrake.




Atmospheric entry configuration. The spent upper stage serves as a heat shield for the lander, and an inflatable skirt further protects the payload while providing aerodynamic stability.





Once the flames die down, powerful SRMs separate the upper stage from the lander in preparation for landing.



Landing configuration. The engines ended up being a little under-powered for Kerbin (impact speed of about 70 m/s), but I'm sure it'll be fine on Duna. A successful test!

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My third Duna crew for this career arrived in orbit today.  In addition, I had a larger ground base arrive & land, along with a mining expansion, as well as a Duna SSTO

First up was landing the Pegasus ground base.  I found a nice crater with a high ore concentration.


Partially finished base in a larger crater (with 11% ore concentration) with the mining addon landed & attached.  Next window will get the Pegasus reactor addon sent - I didn't have the funds when the first two parts were launched.


Rendezvous of the PCC-04 Dauntless with the Duna Operations Plane (by @blakemw).  The mission engineer proceeded to remove the no longer needed shock cone intake & replace it with a shielded docking port & RCS units.  I didn't realize how big the plane was (or maybe how small the crew cycler is?) until I rendezvoused them.


Docking of Dauntless & Duna Ops Plane after in-orbit modifications.  Tomorrow, the crew will head down to investigate an anomaly, then fly up to the old Lancer base to refuel.


Unrelated to the Duna mission, but I sent up a fuel tanker to top off the PCC-01 Avalon after it's return from Moho and caught a nice sunrise shot


Edited by Cavscout74
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And I finished my Lander.   I could not find any aesthetically pleasing way to fix the lander to have more margin for error on Tylo...  So I added a drop tank. 
Took very few extra parts thanks to procedural fuel tanks, but I did mess up strut placement and have 4 too many parts on that one (the connectors, and you can't get rid of them).
I will have to re-launch another one later on, and reattach it to the Mothership.

Here's a quick snapshot of the Lander :

It has my favorite 6-Kerbal capsule (from Ares mod, now defunct)... which is missing a lightbulb inside and the RCS FX are inverted.  Can't dix it on my own so stuck using like that unless someone offers to fix.
You can see in the middle 2 docking ports, the top section with science experiments in the bay is actually the light lander for anything Vall and under. 
The bottom part is good anything barring Kerbin, Eve and barely does Tylo.  And the extra droppable fuel tank below for that Tylo mission eventually.
Also has eight of those large white landing gears from MRS, a pair of FTmN280's and a pair of Vectors (4 engines, one below each side-tank) so it can handle most atmospheric worlds as well.

I also finished my power module with 3 ultra-large "Balka Wings" solar panels, but I didn't take any screenies. 
The next step is to assemble the whole thing in orbit and see if it works fine.  Then ready for the Grand Tour (with OPM mind you) to start.

Good night fellow Kerbonauts !

Edited by Francois424
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What did I do in KSP today? Absolutely nothing. What did I do in KSP yesterday? Forgot to install it and went with Space Engineers instead.

Granted, it is fun, but Intel GPU's do jack $#!% and just make everything run slower :(

I don't want to leave with only this, so have this pic of a rocket.


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6 hours ago, CatastrophicFailure said:

Art imitates life... -_-

I was amused by the timing, but I was not amused when the capsule spun around backwards with the LES still firing and flew right through the debris cloud of the shredding rocket, clonking into a detached engine.

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I finally created a light weight Eve lander, weighing around 20 tons with just the essential parts. I even tested the lander, it works!

Its named the L-EVE Mk5 because it’s function is to LEAVE EVE and its the 5th iteration of the design. Radically different from the others.

Now I need to get precise stats on Payload...

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