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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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Built the Mallard; a VTOL, high altitude (kind of) jet that can land anywhere and take off again.




At this point I'm about ready to declare the Mallard a dead duck. The fourth and final flight just about managed to keep the landing under control, but the thrusters (Deep Sky Air Verniers) being either on or off with no throttle makes for challenging hovering.

Next time we're going to need something a bit more subtle...

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3 hours ago, duesenmilan said:

It is actually possible to do this, if you are not opting for the realistic reason CatastrophicFailure. I did only translation with this code (I stole vom SXT was totally my Invention) , but it should also work for rotation.

As far as I can tell, this does nothing :(  My whole patch is now:

	  %rotation = 0,90,0
    	%offset = 0 , 0 , 0
		%rotation = 0 , 90 , 0

...but whether the @ Internal rotation is 90 or -90, the kerbal's feet always point to the east on the pad when the part is in standard orientation. The outer model does rotate, but the IVA/windowed view does not...

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4 hours ago, RealKerbal3x said:

That would vaporise my laptop.

I have a “gaming” desktop and it’s crawling with only a few hundred parts. Maybe it really is time for a new rig... :P

4 minutes ago, Raptor42 said:


I was shooting for my upcoming video, everything *definitely* went as planned...


[Exterior, wind-blown mountain range]

Protagonist, voice-over: So, I bet you’re wondering how I wound up in this mess... 

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I have done a few missions over the past days: First I did a contract for a surface base on minmus. The contract wanted a lab module and 4000 liquid fuel. The lab module i was going to put on anyways but the fuel became a bit of a problem. Becauce of that the first module was basically just a lab and a bunch of fuel tanks(empty of cource as i dont want to land with that much weight). So i launced a drilling and fuel processing rig up after but when i tried using it i became apparent that the large drill extended into the ground a Little more that i had expected. Specifically it lifted the entire station and it looked very ridicoulus.


But i got that contract complete and Went on to the second mission which involved sending a sattelite to Urlum. Note: becauce principia lags when at higher warp than max in stock, and that i am impatient, I moved the outer planets to various places in the inner system. So Urlum is slightly further out than Duna and has Dres as a moon. Despite never visiting Urlum before it was really fun especially considering its gravitationally interesting setup of moons and the fact that i use principia. I tried making my probe as tiny as possible while still being capable of doing the job. And i also landed on both Tal and Priax. 


A really fun thing was the fact that becauce Priax and Polta was in each others Lagrange Points it was really cheap and interesting to transfer between them. Here is me transferring from Priax to Polta with only 100 m/s from low Priax orbit to circular Polta orbit. I dont know if it is a remarkably low compared to stock orbits but it was very fun atleast. 


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51 minutes ago, CatastrophicFailure said:

I have a “gaming” desktop and it’s crawling with only a few hundred parts. Maybe it really is time for a new rig... :P

I don't know what qualifies a gaming desktop, but I have an i7 8700k overclocked to 5ghz, with 32gb 3200mhz memory and I'm running KSP off a 960 Pro. It is slightly faster than my old AMD 1600X @ 3.7ghz, which was exactly as fast as my older Intel 2500k @ 4.3ghz.

For a pure KSP build, get the fastest overclockable i3, a good motherboard to max it out, a basic graphics card, and as much memory as your mod list needs; but this is very probably not what a gaming pc is :) 

KSP really desperately needs someone to think about how to multi-thread it. The usual argument is "physics calculations can't be threaded" but... there must be an approximation. This is not like being the first person to invent the wheel; other games/research teams will have encountered this and there will by now be some algorithms which are perhaps not flawless, but are considered close enough that the scalability is considered good enough for most purposes. Heck, ask NASA! Some genius there would probably volunteer to help!

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On 12/17/2018 at 3:15 AM, CatastrophicFailure said:

You’ve got to video that. :o

Bit late for that now.:sealed: I ended up with this thing afterwards, then decided it was a pain to fly and started another one.



This one I did video. Early days and mildly less prone to self-disassembly, but umm.... yeah.


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7 hours ago, Tyko said:

Cool stuff...which Camera and extendable truss is that? It's really nice

Akron's Coatl Aerospace ProbesPlus, which contains a ton of parts based on real spacecraft. I only use the science experiments and probe cores to avoid part clutter, but they're really high quality and make designing probes a lot of fun. I think that camera is the called the "Torekka" science boom, and is modeled after the one on Voyager.

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6 minutes ago, BadOaks said:

Akron's Coatl Aerospace ProbesPlus, which contains a ton of parts based on real spacecraft. I only use the science experiments and probe cores to avoid part clutter, but they're really high quality and make designing probes a lot of fun. I think that camera is the called the "Torekka" science boom, and is modeled after the one on Voyager.


Here's a probe using it I made for a Before Kerbin playthrough a while back.


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11 hours ago, CatastrophicFailure said:

[Exterior, wind-blown mountain range]

Protagonist, voice-over: So, I bet you’re wondering how I wound up in this mess... 


Psychotic pilot of the plane*: Oh, it definitely is a good idea to open airbrakes and stop mid-air nowhere near the ground

*In my case it was only computer

Edited by Raptor42
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Yesterday began with the design of a single-Kerbal launch and recovery craft, with the intention of launch from Mun; the craft was ultimately dubbed G-LOC 7. One of these craft was printed up and launched from the Piper Alpha outpost on Mun by the end of the day, with pilot Gregald Kerman on his way back toward Kerbin; he'll arrive in a few hours. In between, I added a new warehouse for Rocket Parts to Piper Alpha and began the preparation of a Glass Cannon 7 orbital mass driver module for space station Munport. After three days of construction, the module was ready and affected a successful launch.

Glass Cannon 7 at launch. Adding those SAFER reactors, as it turns out, doesn't do me a lick of good - they don't work without nuclear fuel, which I can't manufacture off Kerbin apparently...

The module arrived and docked successfully at Munport later in the day. The attached transfer stage was sent on a trajectory to take it to Kerbin; I'm hoping to be able to recover it and gain a little cash from the parts. Construction of a similar module for space station Minmusport commenced at the Deepwater Horizon outpost on Minmus; this was before I'd discovered that the SAFER reactors were going to be unusable, unfortunately. I may have some power supply issues with using the modules; if so, I'll deal with correcting that when I can. Nothing that can't be done the old-fashioned way...

Deepwater Horizon also printed up a Bill Clinton 7b grabber probe and launched the craft to rendezvous with Haydorf's debris in a high, inclined orbit over Minmus. Affecting a rendezvous turned out to be a simple affair, and at this point the probe has the craft (a Pathfinder Spyglass module) and engineer Haydorf in tow and heading towards Kerbin; it should affect entry in four days time.

After some more design work (I built a surface sampler probe dubbed Mosquito 7 to take surface biome readings on Mun and Minmus - will be printing some up as soon as the workload will allow it), Bill signaled that construction of the Superfortress 7 passenger ferry Strange Cargo was complete, so it was time to head over to the Dystopia Planitia orbital shipyard for the launch.

I don't know what exactly I realized here - either the Superfortress design isn't as big as I thought it was or that drydock can handle some truly massive works...

After the docking clamps were released and the ship was under power, I noticed that I had one slight problem...

Strange Cargo, clear and under-powered...under-fueled too, apparently......

Instead of hitting the buttons in TAC to transfer fuel to the ship, I had hit the button to dump the fuel. Which might've been an issue, except that the monoprop transfer had gone smoothly enough and Dystopia Planitia had a docking port compatible with Strange Cargo. I maneuvered the ship to the docking port, linked up and shot more fuel up from the Swamp Castle outpost near KSC via the Pipeline mass driver network. After ensuring that she was fueled, Strange Cargo finally headed out for delivery to space station Kerbinport.

Little bit of a flub in the grand launch; hoping that's not a sign of things to come for this, the fourth Superfortress 7 craft to bear the name Strange Cargo...

The craft arrived and docked successfully, and what resources she had used in the transfer were re-fueled from the Minnow 7 craft already docked at the station. I'm awaiting Heydorf's retreival from Minmus at this point; once she's recovered, she will go up to Kerbinport along with tourists Derble and Marus Kerman via spaceplane, joining Jeb, Val and tourists Sarah, Rado, Anger and Phobrett Kerman already at the station, at which point Strange Cargo's maiden voyage will commence. The ship is scheduled to do a tour of both of Kerbin's moons, affecting tourist landings at both. The intent is to have Heydorf replace engineer Sulan Kerman, another rescuee, at Piper Alpha. Strange Cargo will then return to Kerbinport and Sulan, who will return to the surface just long enough to get the contract ticket punched, after which she'll head back up and Strange Cargo will depart for Minmus. Sulan will be replacing engineer Nadard Kerman - yet another rescued engineer - at Deepwater Horizon. I'm hoping that by shuffling in some two-star engineers to these various outposts I'll boost their productivity values substantially. Plus contracts. Contracts are good. Money is good.

Last thing that happened yesterday was the construction of the first Castillo module at Deepwater Horizon. I need to find out about some of the changes that have been made to the Castillo since it was called the Hogan; it may be that it will be the only one of those modules that will be built at DH, and if that's the case, construction of the outpost is effectively 100% complete as of this morning and I can recycle the other two I intended to build there. Did note a three point drop in the outpost's productivity once the Castillo was in place; still don't know what happened there, but I'd like to bring that number back up...

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Sooo.... after almost 3 hours of editing my new video about Kerberos Spaceplane is finished.
You can watch it here:

This was everything I've done in KSP today. Oh and I've opened my old career save from like a year ago, I learned a lot about building rockets since then.


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2 hours ago, CatastrophicFailure said:

 But sadly, the video does not seem to be working. :(

Strange... Works on my end. Curious if there's an error message of some sort other than "I'm broke pls fix" 

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22 hours ago, eddiew said:

As far as I can tell, this does nothing :(  My whole patch is now:

	  %rotation = 0,90,0
    	%offset = 0 , 0 , 0
		%rotation = 0 , 90 , 0

...but whether the @ Internal rotation is 90 or -90, the kerbal's feet always point to the east on the pad when the part is in standard orientation. The outer model does rotate, but the IVA/windowed view does not...

Now I got you. There is no support for rotation in the internal module. Instead you can actually rotate the model of the IVA using this code (This just costed me half of my KSP time today):


      %translation = 0 , 0 , 0
      %rotation = 90 , 0 , 0

Fine tuning of the values is up to you. I suggest to use an otherwise unmodded KSP, not as what I did...

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Finally landed a crew on Moho:


In quite a big ship (seven sets of ladders to get down from the cockpit) :D


The Discovery is powered by four NERVs and three Darts, with one bow and one aft drill to replenish fuel on the way.

The route was Mun (no refuel, landed on poor soil), Minmus (refuel), Gilly (refuel, had to retract legs so the drill would reach the surface), two asteroids near Moho orbit


and then...

...had to dispatch two tankers, of which the first had too low dV and delivered a lowly 1200 units of fuel. 

Now, time for outer planets :D

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I spent all day in KSP and Unity.....just to make [your] pre-launch moment look this much better. The smoke is entirely my work but the rocket is Tundra Exploration by @damonvv

No plugin will be required in order to use this smoke. :)



I know this should not be allowed to happen but just in case......


Edited by JadeOfMaar
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I launched a few more ships for my upcoming Jool & Duna transfer windows and made time for a dual Minmus orbit rescue.  Finally, I did something I rarely do - I installed the Giving Aircraft a Purpose contract pack, and took a passenger contract from KSP to the Desert airfield.  I built my airliner based on the idea (from a previous contract) that I was taking them to the Island Airfield & back, rather than the desert.  Happily, it still worked well, although it did require refueling at the desert airfield.  On the other hand, the large wings made for an easy to land plane - considering it was built for STOL operations, having a full length runway was quite easy.

Preparing the double rescue ship for reentry - first rescuee is in the pod, second had to ride home in her cupola, probably wondering just how good a grip that claw had on her windows


Test flight of the so-far unnamed 8-passenger airliner


Test landing at the Island airfield.  I touched down just past the start of the dirt and was stopped before I passed the tower.


Passenger flight to the desert airfield.  The passengers even got a glimpse of the pyramids on the way


Landed in the desert, swapping out passengers before returning to KSC


Final approach to KSC.  Manged a nice safe landing.  I'm not sure what got into Jeb, he completely behaved & didn't do any loops, rolls or high-g maneuvers.



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Bradley Whistance set up a challenge to do a river run. I've been trying to make a stock heli do it, hence the heli development.




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