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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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I am very busy with Upsilon and school I forgot to give an update on KSP. Here is a cool map that which you probably won't understand just yet. This is for something on upsilon discord server


here is a train made by me


here is a fuel depot by Mi-28n attack helicopter


and of course a mining spider by snosisnob


and here is an orbital transport spacecraft made by alexandre A / A.M. aeronautics


And that's from the project I am managing

There is also another project called Ortus City. Led by Stratzenblitz 75 and KnightofStJohn. Here is a craft made by KnightofStJohn. Which made this awesome artificial ring and all. It was an amazing craft and you must see it. Big kudos to KnightofStJohn for making 


So anyway. That's what has been happening in KSP for me in the past week or so. If you want to participate in the colonization project  here is the discord

I am way more active there now than I am here. Which I hope I can be more active in forums soon. But anyway that's all for now...

stay doodling!


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  On 11/14/2020 at 10:47 AM, Miguelsgamingch said:

should i tell the people that im working on this.

im sure there will be allot of criticism


yes ofc, tbh i dont really like curse

update: geofdard kerman is gonna get a pay cut cuz he broke a solar panel

quick question: is 1330m/s dV enough to return from the Mun to Kerbin? cuz I landed at an ore-poor spot, and mining is useless

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Been a while since I was here.. So I got back into the game after months, and after a quick reminder what I was doing, I continued my mission to bring back the trainees from a ship that had no means to return and was just floating in low orbit. 

There was quite a lot of crew up there so I had to do it in 4 launches. First three went smooth, now for the last one... I usually set up the maneuvers myself, sometimes with the help of Mechjeb, and I let it perform the burns. It went good all the way to actual rendezvous, when at the braking burn I wasn't looking at the screen.


What the f, I said, as I looked at the screen to see what happened. I lost a solar panel, and thankfully only that, but the trainee ship broke apart, as it turned out, one of the hitchhiker pods in the middle hit my ship and exploded, sending two remaining parts into space. And I can't believe my luck, as the only part that survived on one side of the explosion (and flew away quite fast) was the capsule that held the last crewmember. Few meters to the wrong side and he'd be dead. I left the remainder of the ship as the biggest space debris I've ever made (I planned to deorbit the whole thing, but yeah) I began chasing the stranded guy. I don't know what was the velocity of the hit but trajectory of his pod was few degrees off. In the end I got him and returned safely.


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  On 11/14/2020 at 10:48 AM, iamn00b said:

yes ofc, tbh i dont really like curse

update: geofdard kerman is gonna get a pay cut cuz he broke a solar panel

quick question: is 1330m/s dV enough to return from the Mun to Kerbin? cuz I landed at an ore-poor spot, and mining is useless


i should make a post in the lounge, shouldn't i?

ok then, if you say so ksp forumis gonna be hostile

Edited by Miguelsgamingch
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And again it's been a while since my last post. During these last weeks I've just reinstalled the KSP Demo (0.18 if I'm not mistaken) and made it to LKO and back alive with the few available parts. Damn, the SAS works like sh*t in that version :D 

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A first for BAK -- a craft with wings that fold away for packaging. It's a little probe plane built for Eve. I launched it with a conventional rocket, tucked away inside a fairing, then flew it to Eve. The orbiter/relay module put it on a suborbital trajectory, then burned back up to a safe orbit; the plane unfolded and locked its wings, entered, and started flying around Eve on prop power.

The wing-folding is a one-time operation only, if I unlock the wings under gravity, the hinge and servo are too floppy to re-lock them again in some other position.



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I finally fixed the design of the Port-A-Missile craft and knocked down the vab with a 5 part quick missile going 500 m/s. It was fun. The craft is basically a moving platform with a missile on top pointed 45 degrees above the ground. The control surfaces on the missile don't work too well and the electricity drains quickly for turns in air.

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I did some testing of the launch clamp.  I don't like drag much, so I figured if I could get out of the thickest part of the atmosphere by just raising the rocket up, it would save some precious (oh so precious) dV!

Attempt 1:


Yeah, okay, that was pretty sad.  Not much to brag about here.  Let's try this again.

Attempt 2:


Hey!  Not bad, not bad!  I dragged it as far through the VAB roof as I could see, and reached a height about 2.5 times the Burj Khalifa.  The atmosphere gauge even moved a notch!  I bet I can do better, though.  Time to bring all my VAB manipulating skills to bear.

Attempt 3:


Yay!  Although the kraken hates this tiny spindle of a rocket, we have achieved proof of concept!  There's hardly any drag up here, 10km from space!  Objective completed, everybody!  Objective completed.

...but I think I can do better...

Attempt 4:


Woah!  It's a good thing Jeb's not scared of heights!  Just a hair over 1.5 Mm this time around.  I tried to get Jeb out and see if he could make orbit with his jetpack, but he couldn't and died in the atmosphere.  It's all in the cause of science, people!



Attempt 5:


LOL!!!!! :sticktongue::D:sticktongue::D


:confused::confused::D  I think I just won that 30-second altitude challenge.  I just love this.  Let's get little Elbro out of his pod, shall we?  The kraken really hates this craft.  Look at it smearing the launch clamp all over the screen.


He managed to get out!  No way!


  Let's take a look at map view, hm?


Oh, censored. 

I'm sorry Elbro!  There's no hope for you now!

...science, people, science.


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I wanted to try and catch an asteroid for the first time. So I built a asteroid mover for the first time. Lift off!


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After adventures in plotting an  intercepting course we make a intercept burn.


And stick the capture. Maybe a little too well because we kind of clip inside the surface of the thing. 


And that clipping may have been a contributing factor to what happened next after a time warp.


 A Drawing Board,(one each, for going back to) has been requisitioned by the engineers. 


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  On 11/16/2020 at 1:00 AM, RoninFrog said:

I did some testing of the launch clamp.  I don't like drag much, so I figured if I could get out of the thickest part of the atmosphere by just raising the rocket up, it would save some precious (oh so precious) dV!


Yay!  Although the kraken hates this tiny spindle of a rocket, we have achieved proof of concept!  There's hardly any drag up here, 10km from space!  Objective completed, everybody!  Objective completed.

...but I think I can do better...

Woah!  It's a good thing Jeb's not scared of heights!  Just a hair over 1.5 Mm this time around.  I tried to get Jeb out and see if he could make orbit with his jetpack, but he couldn't and died in the atmosphere.  It's all in the cause of science, people!

LOL!!!!! :sticktongue::D:sticktongue::D

:confused::confused::D  I think I just won that 30-second altitude challenge.  I just love this.  Let's get little Elbro out of his pod, shall we?  The kraken really hates this craft.  Look at it smearing the launch clamp all over the screen.


A few months ago I was thinking about the best way to make a 'space elevator' but I didn't think about this original approach (which I like a lot!). I guess the main kraken-y problem is the physics range, put together with all the 'omg the vessel is both inside and outside the physics range' thing. Maybe you could call it the 'Schrödinger clamps'?  And about the impossibility to achieve orbit, have you tried to extend the clamps exactly to the KeoSynchronous orbit height? In theory, the angular moment alone at that precise height should leave the vessel (or kerbal) in a perfect circular orbit... but that's just the real world theory of course.... we need to fight with the limitations of Unity and the KSP implementation of the physics :D 

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  On 11/16/2020 at 8:48 PM, JorgeCS said:

A few months ago I was thinking about the best way to make a 'space elevator' but I didn't think about this original approach (which I like a lot!). I guess the main kraken-y problem is the physics range, put together with all the 'omg the vessel is both inside and outside the physics range' thing. Maybe you could call it the 'Schrödinger clamps'?  And about the impossibility to achieve orbit, have you tried to extend the clamps exactly to the KeoSynchronous orbit height? In theory, the angular moment alone at that precise height should leave the vessel (or kerbal) in a perfect circular orbit... but that's just the real world theory of course.... we need to fight with the limitations of Unity and the KSP implementation of the physics :D 


Physics gets really weird with high-altitude "Ready to Launch" vehicles.  Above about 30km, anything detatched from the clamp doesn't get any centrifugal boost.  However, with a really long launch clamp, you can get a vessel to be attatched to Kerbol, orbiting the sun synchronously way out near Kerbin. :P

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I wanted to land on Minmus and then start my space station project.  Didnt realize that the gravity of Minmus was way less than the Mun...so I ended up bouncing a lander halfway across the surface.  And then blew it up when I tried to launch from it on its side (I thought with the low gravity and it being inclined in a crater...).  Revert to launch and will try again tomorrow.

Edited by Popestar
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