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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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1. Sent some probes into Kerbin's orbit, because I like making sattelites for some reason :D!

2. Launched some Lander's and stuff into Orbit just to see how it went, then brought them back down.

3. (Planned). Since I haven't tried to go to Minmus yet, I shall!

Note: I have been away from KSP for a while so, I decided to go back to the basics and not launch for the other planets right away, but will soon!

Update: Success! Landed with a Lander. What did you expect? Space Station on wheels? Hah... Now there's an idea...

Edited by Custer
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Great, now bring it on the Mun. :D

I may be considering something......

Also, Just did some experiments. Landed an SRB plane on the Nth try. But now, the Infiniglider One has reached a stable crusing altiude, and angle. (Completely by chance, or divine providence.)


I should be getting to sleep now, but the ashes are on, and I want to see how far this goes. Maybe it's one of those nights to leave the computer on.

Edit: It seems to be going around it a huge circle... Another Edit: Confirmed. A big, infinite circle...

It's too crazy. Too fun. I'm addicted.

Welcome to Kerbal Space Program :sticktongue:

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Launched my second Duna satellite and docked it to the mothership. Now i'm in the middle of 10 minutes burn to get into Kerbol orbit. Then another burn to reach Duna. And another to brake into Duna orbit...man, i will spend so much time running the engines. And lag is terrible - methinks i've used too much Quantum Struts. At least nothing wobbles :) For a 400 ton beast carrying huge lander, two big sats and a lake of fuel it's not bad.

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I had my first successful rendezvous and docking today, that was one of the major things I never learned to do so I played around with it and docked with my unmanned (not anymore!) station in orbit on the first try using a modified version of my standard orbiter. Now I have to go learn space planes!

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Easy to do if you are going too fast when intercepting. Catch the right spot and an under speed loop will get a gravity assist for a flyby that returns you to Kerban.

On the laptop, Sent two more Redstone probes to Mun and Minmus. Both on intercepts that would return to Kerban if I didn't orbit them. Used four solid rocket boosters on one to kick the rocket to 5,000 meters at burnout. That places the second stage in orbit with an extra 100 units of fuel. the other used two in combo with the first stage engine. Got 50 extra units of fuel from that into orbit. Solid fuel rockets are risky as they tend to overheat. But the combo was still quite stable to fly. Have transferred the Craft files to the Steam desktop version to add to its one space program.

Will try to land the probes using the thruster stage in final approach, Should be able to do so on Minmus. Not sure about Mun with its higher gravity.

Next test, place a Kerbal capsule on one in place of the probe. Those will need the solid rocket booster in order to reach a Mun or Minmus orbit due to the additional 1/2 ton being launch into orbit.

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I got bored of the Arkingthaad project, so I went into the VAB and invoked the insanity clause. By the time they realize there isn't an insanity clause, I'll already be at 10,000 meters and climbing.

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I made it. I thought I didn't have a valid encounter, but I sat down and played with the maneuver node until I found the sweet spot, then made several correction burns on the way in. Here's a picture of the final deceleration and dropping the last two fuel slugs; we're currently in an 80km x 80km orbit. Tomorrow I'll go for a landing.


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Got a satellite into orbit around Eeloo today. I was lucky enough to catch it when it was intersecting with Jool. Took me a ridiculous amount of fuel to get me there though, then there was a 20+ minute burn to get it into orbit, but it was worth it. Now for Moho...

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Put Jeb and Bill on trajectories back into Kerbin's SOI.

Bill contemplates the red planet he just spent two years upon, now finally leaving.


This thing should just be able to pull Bob's casual home. I hope. Damn Moho.


Also, I have been infinigliding for a whole day. This has travelled some 35,000km. Some sort of record perhaps.


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