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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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Build a new 5 man spaceplane. Its kind of based off of Harv's from the HOCGaming YouTube channel, but it has quite a few differences. The biggest being RAPIER engines, though it also has science stuff and rover wheels to drive around with.

After bringing it down from orbit, I overshot the KSC and headed for the island airstrip. I hit the runway, but still managed to glide it about 20 metres further to land safely.


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I put 4 communications sats (remote tech 2) in 500km orbits, 90-degrees apart +/- 2 degrees, all on the same plane, all with their apo/peri within 800m of each other. However, I was an idiot and used the 2.5Mm antennas and not the 5Mm antennas, so my relay satellites are destined to be closer to the planet than originally planned - but overall that's a very small thing.

I am using solar and batteries only, no RTGs.

I chose my method mainly because I'm still not very good at 0g EVA.

Try turning off the automatic view alignment in the input settings, and using spacebar to change your facing (rotate camera to look towards where you want to face, and hold spacebar - the EVA will rotate to face that direction.

Also enable fine control mode (capslock by default - changes the bottom-left indicators blue when on) and you'll find the controls much less twitchy. Just take it slow and easy.

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Today i learned hard way that its damn hard to make ancounter with gilly. And if you do this, try not on its peryapsis. And have some resonably TWR on your craft or you just wont slow down to close orbit in time.

Whole encounter lasted 1,5 minute!

Next time, i will try docking approach rather than standard planetary encounter.

Heres my craft


Unfortunetly roght now its in eve orbit with not enough delta v to do anything. I guess i will send it some fuel and try docking approach.

Edited by kiwiak
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Decided to send out the first interplanetary craft of my 0.23 save. 60t CM and 18t LM. In previous versions I would have launched this all in 1 piece, and probably bloated both craft considerably, just strap it to a monstrosity 300t+ rated launcher.

Well, not a single one of my older designs made the transition to using FAR. Not even slapping nose-cones on everything fixed the stability issues, so a new line of launchers is being drafted. This was assembled in orbit as seen below. Lander has about 4.5k dV ssto running on a poodle. The 2x FL-800s strapped to it are destined to be fed into the CM stage (also a poodle) and dropped en route. CM has around 3k dV once it has pulled juice from the lander radials. Im thinking probably Duna first, landings on both the planet and the moon, then return in the CM pod (its got the only heatshield so a duna landing would have to be powered). Lander also carries a RADAR altimeter, multispectral biome sensor and a kethane scanner.

The rearmost section is leftover launcher, maybe 350ms in that tank with the KW dual-motor and 6x rockomax radials


Was fun to build with the limited parts available at this stage of career. Have skippers but no 'sails. No nukes either.

The dock of this craft was by far my best since beginning KSP. Got a 900m intercept in my usual fashion, then burned a tiny bit radially as i closed past 5km to yield a collision course. Brief engine flare at 600m and all I ended up doing was flipping the lander to coast in straight as an arrow at 1ms. Didnt even turn the RCS on.

Edited by celem
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I've almost got the KSS Storm as I've decided to call it ready for its shakedown cruise around the Mun and back. Honestly I'm scared to take it out for fear of what might happen... But I guess no gain without risk. I'm deciding whether to go ahead and dock the lander and possibly a rover to it before the shakedown just so it's at its full working weight. This is it in its current state docked to my tanker station (in this pic it still has probe core + MonoPropellant tanks attached to one side). I know it has a ton of docking ports but I thought why redesign the entire ship if it turns out to be a success and I want to add to it. I'm really not that confident that it's going to work the way I intend though... It's meant for a Duna trip (with return this time) and it will tug a lander; I'm still debating the rover. They usually cause me more trouble than they're worth and usually end in long hikes after I wreck them.


I also made a "Docking Assist Drone" to help out at the station. I WAS making everything permanently maneuverable under its own power with probe cores and RCS + propellant, but the probe cores especially aren't jiving with my build ideas right now. So this little guy is there to either capture things from nearby after separation from its rendezvous stage or re-dock them for a better position. It carries only a battery and 80 units of Mono Propellant but ideally whatever it docks to already has its own RCS thrusters since the center of gravity would be out of whack otherwise. Its first use was when I put the first set of nukes on the Storm the wrong way (I want to be able to fire off 2 at a time if the desire / need arises) so I did a quick rotate and reattach. I think I'm actually gonna take it with me and use it as an adapter -- the Clampotron on the rear of the Storm can connect to the drone which has a Clampotron Jr on the opposite side which will keep my lander looking a little better, by not having to put a standard size docking port on the nose. There is a standard one on the rear of the lander, but that's really a relic from another design meant to be decoupled to reveal a "last chance" engine when needed.


Funny story (well to me anyway), notice in the top picture how the right tank with the probe core assembly still attached has the cubic struts on it, well on the left side I made a slight oversight and had them pointed in the way of the docking ports and there was no way I was doing a relaunch when I was just meters away. So I got everything lined up pretty close to the Storm traveling about .1 m/s and decoupled the probe core to perform kind of a controlled crash. It actually worked perfectly and the probe core assembly bounced harmlessly off the central tanks, then Kurt got a bug up his butt about it blocking his view from the hitchhiker container and pushed it away from the station with his jetpack.

Edited by Duke23
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Got all my guys circularized around Vall, used two Laythe intercepts to set up the orbit after aerocapture; pretty proud of myself. Once that was done I went back to refining my little hopper. I removed the wings because they were causing phantom lift when maneuvering around, which made landing a nightmare. I had much better success once it was revised.


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Today I discovered an interesting bug. Most parts just rotate when you hover over them, but this one startled me:

I've encountered this bug also. I Narrowed it down to resource storage modules in the .cfg Most likely a oversight on squads end.

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I attached some extra engines and wings to my hopper and then made the (actually not so) long flight to KSC2. Accidentally broke off my parachutes on a slope during the first survey landing but they served their purpose as safety devices:



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Well. Last night I had a nice Minmus Encounter where I ended up short on return fuel. Had a Nice Mün Encounter to get me even closer back to Kerbin. Then ran out of fuel with Pe at 81 km up. Then got the Kerbals out and had them push it down to a Pe of 22 km up and only needed to do it 7 times once each for my 4 Kerbals.. While it was true I had enough fuel in each of my brake away pods which could have returned on their own with no need to get out and push. But, last time I tried to drop them all back at once and leave the main part behind. Only 2 of 4 survived the 4 seprate entires to Kerbin. Anyways here is the better result: 7A86722DA375D76B2943A06066A3608A62F2DE75

This is the they got out push and yes Leia it would help if you get out and pushed. With the 4 capsules braking of in atmoshpere.

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I'm still at the "develop a safe crew bus" stage of my 0.23 save. Today, I sent it to the Mun and back.

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Bonus station mockup (this was edited into orbit - now to split it up and fly it up there).


The moment that Bill and Bob realised they had no control over the capsule whatsoever in a later crew bus test.


Edited by SufficientAnonymity
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I've been having... issues... with my redesigned Mun lander. Most of last night took three failed missions. Either during launch, or landing. I took the hint and moved on to something else... so now I'm designing a space station. :D

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Today I registered on the KSP forums.

Also, after countless hours of launching random rockets with no particular purpose I got bored and decided to change things around, so I installed KW Rocketry, FAR and FusTek, deleting previous saves to start anew with a more thought out, result driven space program. So I start the day with clear skies and expectations of great failures ahead.

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Today I was working on a plan to do more Goo science on Minmus. Already did take samples and the seismic / temperature etc science in a 'hopper'. A lander that can easily lift off and land and a different biome, but I could only take one Science Jr. home. The lab is now in orbit.

I am now working a small robotic lander that can do an experiment and get back to the lab and repeat. Jeb was supposed to be on his way in a manned pod to the orbiting lab, to be the guy that retrieves the science from the Science Jr., but I had to cancel and fall back to Kerbin as I designed the rocket wrong and was too low on fuel to get to the lab. Tomorrow is another day ;).

Here is the lab on it's way to Minmus.


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