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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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11 hours ago, Mister Kerman said:

I know you guys probably scoff about Mun missions, but this is my first in literally a year since I last played on my new vanilla career so I'm rusty.

Here's how it went. I posted a little further back explaining my mission goal. Crew/EVA reports, goo, thermometer, and science jr.s in Low and High orbit conditions around the Mun, and EVA reports from a Low polar orbit above every biome. I think I could have missed some but I got every one of the KSP wiki listed biomes so that's good enough for me. This rocket cost just about every last cent I had so this mission would have practically crippled my space program if it wasn't a success. I worked out the kinks in my rocket design and it went almost flawlessly. (I experienced phantom forces practically the whole time. EVA reports were difficult to get without losing control of my craft once stepping outside. Time warp was helpful in stabilizing it to get back inside if it managed to pick up too much rotation speed and get away from me!)


I think I have enough science to start working on a proper Mun landing and get even more science. Either that or observe Minmus in the same fashion with better equipment! Very excited to be playing this game again.

Nah, we don't scoff about Mun missions, Mun missions are fun. :)

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I launched my first station and then successfully planned and piloted a rendezvous from a lander launching from the Mun. This is by far the most complex mission I've planned so far from a piloting standpoint.


Here's a quick show of the approach and docking sequence: http://imgur.com/a/zaeeh

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33 minutes ago, Mjarf said:

I like the Mun, it feels cozy. ^_^

I think I'm going to send another observation rocket to Minmus next and unlock as much lander stuff as I can before landing on either. It's almost like free science. It really helps doing thorough low risk missions like this when you're early in your career.

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Added some lights to the near Kerbin rescue ship. In the spirit of MOAR 4 mk1's were fitted, on reflection <cough> they may be a bit too powerful.


Still the ability to melt debris may come in handy.

Meanwhile on the non minty body orbiting Kerbin further testing of the Grizzler rover was carried out. As the only spare bod Bill was tasked with seeing how far the rover could travel without recharge. As this would only really be an issue following an "incident" breaking off the solar panel and given Bill's past with rovers it's apt he should be the one...

With instructions to try and maintain a pace of 10-15 m/s Bill set off after dark on a randomly generated track (usually known as a science contract). No problems were encountered over the course covering the generally undulating terrain of the Midlands. The Blindalotti lighting rig giving reasonable vision ahead as long as the speed was watched. At 42km and the contract completed Bill turned back to base with enough charge left to get at least part way back. And thus it was a mild surprise when he drove off a rogue crater rim that apparently came from nowhere. Craters on the mun. Who'd have expected that. With Bill no longer in charge the Grizzler took over with couple of touch and go's before landing back on it's wheels. Albeit facing the other way. After reasserting his authority our untrepid engineer drove the rest of the way down the slope backwards whilst complaining that nobody had thought to put lights on the back.

With daylight and a full recharge he was able to climb out and get back to the lander for a kipper and a suit rinse.


By noting the EC use and distance it was learned the Grizzler could manage *60km on a full charge. And that driving in the dark isn't big and isn't clever. M'Kay.



*Figures obtained by an inept engineer, user experience may vary.


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Hello everyone!

I am new to the forum but I am reading the threads here for about one year.

Today I want to post some of my SSTOs. I play for about 3 month a new carrer game with mods.

I used for my SSTOs B9 Aerospace, Mk2Stockalike Expansion and Orbit Portal Technology.

Picture 1 and 2 is from B9. I had some problems with my CoM and my SSTO had problems with the reentry. To solve this problem I put some Sabre S Engines to the front.

Picture 3 and 4 is from MK2 Expansion,

Picture 5 and 6 is from OPT with two TurboRamjet Enginges at the Mainwingend.

Picture 7 is also OPT and it is not a SSTO but I like ScreamJet :)




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Went to Serran in New Horizons. Not a big pictures guy, but this should be enough:


Mission almost went horribly wrong. I forgot to include oxidizer for my LANTERNs while refueling, so I couldn't use the afterburners. Luckily it turns out I didn't need them.


(Sorry it's dark, but I'm too lazy to choose where I want to land)


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I continue the (long and tedious) process of final orbit insertions for my Ginormous Flotilla currently arriving at Duna and Ike.  (6 craft in low orbits around their respective destinations, 10 to go; then I'll find a good spot on Ike for the ISRU facility, and can finally get on with the POINT of all this!)

But (as mentioned above) it begins to get tedious after a while.  So, when it turned out that one of my Duna-bound ships was going to end up skimming through Ike's SOI (I mean, that's pretty much guaranteed to happen when launching that many ships, amirite?), I decided to make it a bit more interesting.  Sure, I was just going to skim barely inside the edge of Ike's SOI, and could easily enough have either tweaked myself just outside it or done a tiny correction after coming out... but I figured I may as well take advantage and make it a bit more interesting.

So I set out to make it my first-ever reverse gravity assist to help brake the incoming vessel and reduce the size of the orbit-insertion burn when it got to Duna.  In the end, I don't think I really saved much propellant (Ike was in more of a "get in the way" position than a "yay, gravity brake" location in its orbit, after all), but as a trajectory-design exercise it WORKED.  Plus, a bit of added fun during a tedious part of this interplanetary invasion mission!


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The imaginatively named "Station B", which unlike Station A and The Station I Pretend Never Existed has plenty of batteries, a big mess of solar panels, and amenities for...


Oh, for REDACTED's sake.  I forgot the stowaway compartment...!

Close enough,  :confused:

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I went to observe Minmus from a polar orbit. I got all nine biomes and every experiment I could bring. I used a probe core with some solar panels and less batteries instead of a pilot so that I could bring Bob to reset experiments. Since I needed only one of each experiment, I saved some weight and added another fuel tank.




Hopefully I can unlock the rest of the lander parts I want with this. I head home after work tonight.

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Difficult to screenshot for obvious reasons, but a long complicated docking which involved holding apogee through a high-atmosphere periapsis just to get the encounter closer, ditching the booster unit which brought the lander to the mun and back into the atmosphere, and an arduous night spacewalk to get the data to Station B and my scientist finally into the return vehicle.

This makes two musem ships (mun landers) docked to space stations now.  I wonder if I can find a use for them, maybe training, they're just a mk1 pod with the 90 tank and terrier engine.

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Had a ball with my first Juno-powered micro-jet - the Firefly. With some jerry cans o' LF strapped on, it eventually got to 14,000m+, even made it the next continent for a challenge (and a bit of recon for the upcoming Elcano challenge) and glided to a landing near the Lakes DistrictTM .

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since a longer break vom KSP i went back to my save and did an "not as a contract"-mission (because of the funds i have)... i've sent a probe to eeloo because i saw a transfer window comming.

i'm really happy with the outcome. the interplanetary stage was too overpowered and now have another 1000m/s in it. the last stage (the probe itself) still have 7500m/s in it (ion engines). i think i will change the orbit to do science from "far away". should have enough power.



edit: aaand yes... first time eeloo in carrer with +500h playing. and still never did a working SSTO or shuttle :(

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Today I am in the design progression an Eve space plane. Man is it ugly.:P Still in the early stages...

First attempt, notice the crooked rear wheels, this made for an interesting non-takeoff.



This would be the part where a lot of folks would rant about how the wheels are broken and KSP sucks. I however, persevered.

Fixed. I also elongated the plane with an extra fuel tank.



Flies good, orbit possible (I stopped short because I wanted to try reentry), reentry - not so good. It tends to want to back flip with all that heaviness in the back. Needs some tweaking for sure.


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An farewell to Bop, an disappointment outside of the dead kraken, very low on ore and all was in very hilly terrain making it impossible to an base structure.
Jeb, Valentina and Bill and two scientists will return home after dipping into the upper atmosphere of Jool for contract. An orion is build for high dV opperations, the base return to Pol. The science lander will go to Vall 

Please don't use the main engines now :)
Crew replacement for the Gilly base and picking up the Eve surface science. 
That orion has the scan probe the Jool mission should have had and I forgot an satellite for an Eve contract. 
The 20 man shuttle is an old design who has not been replaced, has an 8 man ssto so the big one is used rarely. 

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In Febuary, I decided it was a good idea to go interplanetary for the first time and sent the boys and girls to Duna. Now, about 150 days (380+ ingame) I completed the transfer burn to send them back home.


The Interplanetary Transfer Vehicle - Assembled in orbit, dV is around 3.4 km/s in the state shown, if full of fuel, mass around 400 metric tons, and parts are around 400 something. Two Poodle engines for the fine tuning and two Skippers for the more violent stuff. In fact, at full thrust the Skippers rip the ship apart...must be new to 1.1.3 - 'cause that didn't happen to me in 1.0.5...

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