cubinator Posted November 8, 2016 Share Posted November 8, 2016 (edited) I did this: I launched a plane, then didn't touch the controls after that. It went pretty far before the cockpit blew up and it spun into the ground. Might make for a good challenge, if it doesn't exist already. BTW that plane can top 1100 m/s just above the ground, in level flight. It's ridiculous. Edited November 8, 2016 by cubinator Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brownhair2 Posted November 8, 2016 Share Posted November 8, 2016 (edited) On 11/8/2016 at 1:41 AM, JadeOfMaar said: I like your New Horizons adventure by the way. I've wanted to see some action with that planet pack. Expand Thanks! Anyway, I've successfully landed on Titanus! Atmosphere is stifling. Came in for a landing at a mere 30 m/s. And on to our first (or rather last, since the day is almost over) challenge of the day: no ladders. I'm on a planet with 2.1 surface gees and I forgot ladders >.< It's okay though. We can just lower the landing gear. Edited November 8, 2016 by Brownhair2 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JadeOfMaar Posted November 8, 2016 Share Posted November 8, 2016 @Brownhair2 I've seen Titanus on a livestream. How can you just... land on -that- planet with a tiny Mk2 plane? o.o! ohoho... I see your X-43's. Looks like I've made a new friend. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ThatHomelessGuy Posted November 8, 2016 Share Posted November 8, 2016 I'm having fun with those wild goose chase contracts using Bon Voyage it's great I set my rovers to the next waypoint and then go handle something I need to actually pilot. Then when the rovers are there I just take my readings and then rinse and repeat. I used to avoid them in the past but now they are pretty good and are more like an investment in a contract slot in exchange for a small amount of cash over time. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brownhair2 Posted November 8, 2016 Share Posted November 8, 2016 On 11/8/2016 at 2:36 AM, JadeOfMaar said: @Brownhair2 I've seen Titanus on a livestream. How can you just... land on -that- planet with a tiny Mk2 plane? o.o! ohoho... I see your X-43's. Looks like I've made a new friend. Expand Honestly I'm kinda worried about getting back into space. It didn't occur to me that the orbital velocity would be so much higher. I did try to make it as overkill as possible, so let's hope it works. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Starman4308 Posted November 8, 2016 Share Posted November 8, 2016 My first Duna lander hit atmo at escape velocity. Simple little thing, but I was proud of it. The landing legs died a noble death cushioning descent at 15 km. I'll have to bear in mind for the future that even if RealChute assures me I'll touch down at 5 m/sec, that is typically 5 m/sec at reference altitude, and not 16 km up in the highlands. We do not speak of the Ike lander, nor of the new crater in an Ike mountainside. That was caused by a meteorite. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DBowman Posted November 8, 2016 Share Posted November 8, 2016 (edited) I learned that MechJeb in Real Solar System Realism Overhaul is a crazy docking meister. I'd never tried MJ's docking autopilot - when it works it's great, but MJ can get into oscillations that makes him circle his docking port around the other one like a planetary gear. here's MJ doing it well: These are two real life craft (Soyuz and Briz-M) I'm using for a manned crewed Venus Mars flyby I'm working on. I cannot use the usual 'zero velocity, point at each other, 1 m/s' technique because it takes the Briz about 6 minutes to get a stable pointing direction, and then it will have to do it again after the Soyuz re points etc. COM targeting would be great ... After this docking the Briz will boost the Soyuz into a highly elliptical orbit where it will rendezvous with the transfer stage (deltaV and lifesupport). Edited November 8, 2016 by DBowman add images Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tw1 Posted November 8, 2016 Share Posted November 8, 2016 It's a training exercise. We're going to have fireworks. I'm not amassing a warfleet. You're amassing a warfleet. And so's ya dad. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ROXunreal Posted November 8, 2016 Share Posted November 8, 2016 (edited) Finally our craft have started exploring Minmus! And what better way to do that than to make a horribly over-complicated craft that's supposed to split up into three pieces with no fuel redundancy which are all supposed to complete their own different contract objectives and two of them also return to Kerbin. What could go wrong? Behold the MintCan I mission! It all started with some mentally ill rich parachute company owner who wanted us to test their parachute on Minmus! While LANDED! Did you take your meds, sir? But who are we to complain when he offered 198,000 money-things? Thus we decided to design a trashcan with legs and a bottle-rocket landing system, which should suffice for Minmus. But then more contracts came in, someone wanted a satellite in polar orbit of Minmus, other people wanted us to return a craft from a flyby and from and orbit of Minmus. So we thought why not, let's make separate craft that will also gather science from high and low above Minmus and bring them back to Kerbin. And thus, the mission, and follow-up probe rescue: After repeated difficulties with achieving Kerbin orbit due to under-powered rockets due to being cheapskates, we finally made it off Kerbin and on the way to Minmus. As the craft made the encounter, the transfer stage burned until almost-orbit, and then separated from the orbiter and lander. The transfer stage then did high Minmus science experiments, before continuing on its escape trajectory back into Kerbin's SOI, where the engine and fuel tank detached from the science stage which then landed safely. Meanwhile, the orbiter-lander combo entered polar orbit and completed the satellite contract. The MintCan lander then separated from the orbiter and landed on Minmus, transmitting science data and testing the parachute, which did nothing. The orbiter also did some science experiments of its own in low orbit, and then departed for Kerbin. Only it ran out of fuel and ended up in a highly eliptical and inclined Kerbin orbit with a periapsis of 200,000 meters and an apoapsis near the orbit of Minmus. But NEVER FEAR! The Object Towing and Recovery Vessel is here! The OTRV took off and directly intercepted the MintCan orbiter in its exotic orbit with ease and without even matching inclination or periapsis, because the OTRV is all business. Perhaps we should have sent it to Minmus and not the MintCan.... Buuuut then it ran out of fuel as well, but not before an uncomfortably steep suborbital trajectory was targeted to somewhat near the KSC (for signal). The mission was a success. Next up, having discovered that the gravity of Minmus is as pathetic as a heatshield made out of dragonfly wings, we plan to send a three man crew to do 3-4 biome hops on Minmus and get all the science needed to close the 160 science nodes and unlock parts of the 300 nodes for unmanned flight to Duna and Eve, as well as for feasible space stations and off-Kerbin bases, Edited November 8, 2016 by ROXunreal Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
capi3101 Posted November 8, 2016 Share Posted November 8, 2016 (1.1.3, 1.5 to go - one of my critical mods has an unofficial patch now). Yesterday began with the continuation of the design of the Auk I and Auk III, with both craft moving from my desktop litterbox save to my laptop career save. After another failed test flight of the Auk I, I came to the conclusion that the Auk II could already do the same job just as effectively and that the tweaks I would need to make to Auk I would result in a near replica, so the Auk I design was abandoned. I also came to the determination that Auk III was actually carrying more fuel than necessary to perform its job, so I reduced it and tried to save some mass. I need to see if the tweak actually worked as expected; something tells me it might not have... I then did a review of the passenger manifest of Next Objective, and determined that four tourists - half of its load - were going to the Münar surface. I went ahead and launched a Spamcan 7 craft to rendezvous with the craft. While it wouldn't be capable of taking down all four passengers at once, I figure half that load is better than nothing. I'm considering a redesign of the Spamcan at this point for higher capacity, though I'll need to see if such a redesign would be feasible. Oughta be. Craft rendezvoused with Next Objective at the tail end of the night and I'll be sending down tourists Ansel and Lurod to the surface later today as likely as not. The most interesting thing I did yesterday, however, was retrieve the passengers from Strange Cargo and bring them back to KSC 27 aboard an Auk II craft. I went ahead and launched the craft on a close trajectory to Strange Cargo, and then performed a burn to try and even out the differences in the orbital planes of the two craft. I then performed a set of burns to bring Strange Cargo into a 900x70 orbit - this at 45 degrees inclination, with the ship making the circularization burn on RCS thrust only. With the ship out of gas at that point, I designed and launched the Exxon Valdez 7, a flying gas can, to dock with the ship and get it to where it could make the rendezvous with the Auk. Docking was successful though the nearly-empty Valdez incinerated on re-entry. Strange Cargo then made the rendezvous with the Auk and the plane was de-orbited, running out of oxidizer with the periapsis at only 53,000 meters. It was enough to get the craft out of orbit, and to boot nothing burned off during the re-entry, though it did put the plane 450 kilometers southwest of KSC with only 200 units of liquid fuel remaining. The plane ran out of gas with just under a hundred kilometers to she had to glide in the rest of the way un-powered. First time i attempted that, with nothing but ocean underneath the I was understandably nervous about the whole idea.Auk II after a successful landing at KSC 27. Made it on the first try, which was good since I wasn't going to get another. Made close to √500k from the return of seven tourists and pilot Jenwin from the surface of Mün. In the wake of the return of the Auk, I picked up a 4-tourist contract to flyby both moons of Kerbin, a Münar science contract that was easily wrapped up with one of the orbiting Beep-Beep probes, and a contract to put an outpost on Mün; I haven't checked to see if the Bates Motel design will work for the contract or not but I can't imagine it wouldn't. I also have contracts now to adjust the position of Beep-Beep 7a (again) and to mine 400 ore from the Münar surface. Looks like it might be about time to begin setting up remote refueling sites (finally)... Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Stewcumber Posted November 8, 2016 Share Posted November 8, 2016 (edited) Today I tried out a new (i.e. first) rover design. It's primary function was to look cool with six wheels, which, in my opinion, it achieves! I remember when I used to play KSP having a very minor issue with my kerbals dying in horrific high speed, low gravity rover crashes so as you can see I attempted to fix this with a roll cage / roof for Jeb... Then it was figuring out how the sub-assemblies work and getting it to the Mun: There were one or two "you're holding the map upside-down" moments on the way (note no prograde or retrograde markers on the navball...) But soon I had landed and was enjoying some high, speed low gravity roving! However, this inevitably lead to a crash, and I got to test out my new roll-cage. Success, Jeb remained seated (and alive), and can live to experience the sensation of being stuck in a washing machine again! Version 2 will have a few emergency solar panels for when I knock off my main set from the 'roof'. Edited November 8, 2016 by Stewcumber Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brownhair2 Posted November 8, 2016 Share Posted November 8, 2016 (edited) Alright, after my Titanus shenanigans yesterday, I figured I'd take it easy for today and return the Peregrine to orbit later. So, how's the rest of the space program doin-- OH [no] I FORGOT ABOUT THE AMBER! Yeah completely missed my encounter. Luckily I got another one for only 96 delta-v. Crisis averted. Second order of business: Now that I've actually seen the Peregrine in action I have some minor tweaks I want to make. Add ladders The side fuselages were a bit wobbly. MOAR STRUTS!!1! Cooling systems. I managed to survive re-entry without actually destroying anything, but I came dangerously close. Like, within 10°C close. That's way too close. So I'm gonna be doing some experiments. Edited November 8, 2016 by Brownhair2 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
eddiew Posted November 8, 2016 Share Posted November 8, 2016 Pondered the mod loadout for my next career... so far I think my primary theme will be Pathfinder, USI Life Support, Rover Science, Extraplanetary Launchpads and FTL Drive Continued, with an intentional lack of efficient engine mods. My thinking is that the FTL jump drive brings planets closer in real-time terms, somewhat mitigating the issue of life-support being deadweight during a mission, but if I want to establish long term science+mining colonies, I'm still going to have to deal with it. I shall be exploring Galileo's Planet Pack, plus Rald because... I need it in my game now. What I'm not sure about... is the goal of the career? What's my payoff for plopping down self-sustaining bases? Do I pump up the value of landed/surface science while nerfing orbital and flying? Do I want to turn the whole thing into a big nomadic trek across the system, whereby I mine materials and manufacture the fleet for the next destination on-site? Do I just plain set a funds target and aim to be a billionaire? So many questions... would love to hear thoughts from people who've tried these mods Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Thrawn889 Posted November 8, 2016 Share Posted November 8, 2016 (edited) So I'm at update 5. Day 7 of this log. My last update on friday/saturday had me attempting a landing at the Mun. This failed and i realized that there was an innate problem with my launcher/lander fuel loads. My partner who also plays KSP and has her own career account (which was started with a bonus of science to help her.) She had me 'practice' landing on mun on her account as she had better tech to build with. This is where we decided that 'F5' and 'F9' were our best friends. After more attempts than i can remember and several attempts to watch let's plays for help. I got a basic lander with Jeb in it to land on the East far crater... I was ecstatic.... Until we realised late Sunday night Jeb was stranded with not enough fuel to get into Munar orbit let alone back to Kerbin... This resulted in me watching a series of let's plays and learning how to 'Asparagus' stage my launch vessels. With the Science that Jeb sent back and some extra that i found lying around at the KSC. (Science bug thingy i built XD)I managed to build a Rescue mission with the Mk1-2 Command pod, Valentina and several Rocomax jumbo fuel tanks in an asparagus staged launcher with the corresponding mainsails engines. After trial and Error again we managed to get within 30km of Jeb with valentina and the rescue ship. (she managed to land the rescue ship.) After an attempt to 'walk' jeb the 30km (4 HOURS and he moved 10km) we decided to fly both ships to each other using all of Jeb's fuel and a tiny bit of the rescue ships fuel to pick Jeb up and bring him and Valentina home. This resulted in a great 2149 science from them both... Now back to my game... After several restarts to a quick save i managed to find a place to start from that i was happy with. This turned out to be before my attempts to get Rodney down XD, when my Munar Science pod returned from the Mun encounter.) I spent the science about 400/500 wisely (this time) and researched the mainsail engine and the poodle engine with the corresponding Rocomax tanks. These i then used to build my Mun Lander. (Mun and Back Again) As you can see below I utilized a Mainsail engine at the main body and then 6 Reliant's (as the Asparagus stage rockets.) While this is an ugly thing i managed to put together; (with lots of duck tape and wonderglue) it did the job. I much preferred the mun lander version that was built with the multi mainsails) but i couldn't afford the Launch pad upgrade and hadn't unlocked the Rockomax Aero frames 2.5m ones. (It weighed over 180 tonnes.) So there was several launch failures as i attempted to get the Asparagus staging right along with the landing itself. After 2 attempts i managed a landing with Valentina in charge, however, because i landed at a 60o angle relative to the surface she couldn't plant a flag. Valentina was a very happy bunny to be successfully landed and not blown up XD. After looking at my fuel on full burn and despairing i realised that the Mun's gravity is negated by extremely small amount of delta V being burned by the Poodle rocket, so while it took time, (about 3/5minutes burn) i escaped orbit and found myself in the below orbit escape for Kerbin return. I think Valentina was happy to come home in the end. Once back on the surface Valentina took time to pose for a photo op before carrying on with our mission. Next step i think is going to be Minmus orbit/landing and science. I also have mission to rescue another kerbal from orbit again Rushvin or some such. I need to look at docking more carefully. Lost of RCS seems to be the consensus. Well Kerbalnauts not an amazing trip by any imagination but its a start and i need the science that all of this is giving me. I will work on a Rover for the Mun and putting a Polar Orbit Relay in space when i can. Edited November 8, 2016 by Thrawn889 grammar and spelling errors... Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Galileo Posted November 8, 2016 Share Posted November 8, 2016 On 11/8/2016 at 11:22 PM, eddiew said: Pondered the mod loadout for my next career... so far I think my primary theme will be Pathfinder, USI Life Support, Rover Science, Extraplanetary Launchpads and FTL Drive Continued, with an intentional lack of efficient engine mods. My thinking is that the FTL jump drive brings planets closer in real-time terms, somewhat mitigating the issue of life-support being deadweight during a mission, but if I want to establish long term science+mining colonies, I'm still going to have to deal with it. I shall be exploring Galileo's Planet Pack, plus Rald because... I need it in my game now. What I'm not sure about... is the goal of the career? What's my payoff for plopping down self-sustaining bases? Do I pump up the value of landed/surface science while nerfing orbital and flying? Do I want to turn the whole thing into a big nomadic trek across the system, whereby I mine materials and manufacture the fleet for the next destination on-site? Do I just plain set a funds target and aim to be a billionaire? So many questions... would love to hear thoughts from people who've tried these mods Expand Galileo's Planet Pack? Never heard of it. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
eddiew Posted November 8, 2016 Share Posted November 8, 2016 (edited) On 11/8/2016 at 11:39 PM, Galileo said: Galileo's Planet Pack? Never heard of it. Expand Uneducated yokel... *sniffs* Edited November 8, 2016 by eddiew Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Element4ry Posted November 9, 2016 Share Posted November 9, 2016 Today I've made another VTOL plane, codename Hedgehog. It flies embarrassingly slow but very stable, perfect for sightseeing. In VTOL mode it's controllable without aids to some degree (until it runs out of very limited fuel supply). TCA helps alot, especially to save fuel. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Raging Sandwich Posted November 9, 2016 Share Posted November 9, 2016 Starbird Flight 4 (A training flight for the second Kerbalnaut into orbit. [Katzy Kerman I think her name is...]): Success Gilly 3 (The second orbital mission. Conducted 10 orbits, an altitude change before retrofire, and a successful splashdown.): Success Discovery 6 (A redo of Discovery 5. Launched on a new rocket designed for launching small probes into a Molniya orbit, the Molniya A.): Success Messenger 9 (The first attempted lunar landing. Launched by an Eve B rocket. Lost contact with Kerbin and crashed on the far-side of the Mun.): Failure Tami, Mocine, Jancy, Tedford, Irca, Lura, and Tomming Kerman were named the next generation of Kerbalnauts. Transit 5 and 6 (Due to the loss of contact with Messenger 9, relay probes around the Mun were needed. The reached a Mun flyby successfully but the solar panels failed to deploy, causing it to skip orbital insertion and then crash into Kerbin.): Failure Mun T1 (The first test flight of the next generation spacecraft, Mun. It tested the LES.): Success Starbird Flight 5 (A training flight for Tami Kerman who is joining Rosanda Kerman on Mun 1): Success Next flight: Mun T2 View before reentry of Gilly 3 Sunrise faiding: Discovery 6 awaiting liftoff Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Martian Emigrant Posted November 9, 2016 Share Posted November 9, 2016 Good day Kerbal Aficionado. Been working on the old 1.2 career. Today with new tech unlocked we have the careful deployment of a Mun science station. Don't worry about the height and the lack of legs. Valentina was very careful. Where is Jeb you say? He was designated as the token "One pilot must be on board " required by the Minmus Orbiting Lab contract. Usual flag planting party. Still not clear if the guys inside benefit from the flag planting....So what the heck. Knock yourselves out. Have fun. The whole Mun landing was broadcasted live thanks to the new "Relay-Technology©®" Similar ceremony was later had on Minmus. Those landings were of course just preliminaries for the landing of the "Contract Stations" with accommodation for 6 that followed. Miam. Mun science. I am at that point where the science labs start producing science faster than you can care. Everything is fully upgraded. Even the administration building. Over 1.5 million Roots in the bank. The early days are hard but then it gets too easy...Too fast? Next time I play there will be a lab on Minmus. Maybe a Solar one? What is that I hear? A call for help from a desperate scientist that need rescuing? I am on my way. ME Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brownhair2 Posted November 9, 2016 Share Posted November 9, 2016 (edited) I think I broke the game Edited November 9, 2016 by Brownhair2 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JadeOfMaar Posted November 9, 2016 Share Posted November 9, 2016 Today....yesterday I did two more forms of testing. One was launches from worlds with atmosphere, to nearly complete the dV map, and the other was (actually pretty casual) flying of a non-space plane in various ratios of atmosphere pressure and gravity to measure an experience I'd like to share and know how to build more crafts for. The planet I was hoping to be the best for this turned out to be the worst but it's not a bummer. It's a fun little challenge to overcome. There was more epic screenshottery but I don't wanna spoiler too much. Here are the better of the casual flights --with interesting titles: The Beast Rising Desert Thunder Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tw1 Posted November 9, 2016 Share Posted November 9, 2016 (edited) In light of recent political events: I'm moving to planet Eve, Where I intend to live on a boat. Or perhaps a mermaid. Edited November 12, 2016 by Tw1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ROXunreal Posted November 9, 2016 Share Posted November 9, 2016 (edited) We made our first Kerbin SOI grand tour - visiting and conducting missions first in Mun, then in Minmus orbit with a single craft (without landing...well strictly speaking). The craft name is M&M. This was our first test of the new K2 pod (2-man pod Gemini-inspired mod - The mission was to first expand the Mun Orbital station with another habitat module, rotate its crew of one and collect the science from the lander docked to the station for transfer to Kerbin, and then fly M&M to Minmus to collect a derelict part and bring it back to Kerbin. Mission details with pics: Takeoff... Reveal hidden contents ...was slow. Bob fell asleep. Rookie pilot Lorigh Kerman flew the craft to get some experience. This was our largest craft to date. The booster stage was dropped at about 11,000m. The double Mainsail stage kicked in, along with a phenomenal burst of speed. We love these engines. Lorigh cried. This stage brought us up to near-orbit and were then dropped, along with the fairing. Forgive us, oh future victims of our space garbage. The 3x LV-909 transfer stage completed the parking orbit burn and set us off on a trans-Munar injection. Mun Orbital operations... Reveal hidden contents ...started with successful rendezvous with the small station in low Mun orbit. A complicated M&M disassembly and docking and undocking procedure started where the habitat module of the station was undocked from the rest of the craft and docked to the station by Lorigh, using the RCS thrusters on the module. Solar panels were the deployed to give the station some meaningful power compared to the pitiful amount it got from the basic panels on the Cupola module. The forward stage of M&M then docked to Mun Orbital to refuel the MMS (Miniature Mun Shuttle) lander docked to it. The large M&M transfer stage with more fuel lingered nearby and will be used later for the Minmus injection. Bob Kerman then went on EVA to collect the science stored in the MMS lander from a previous landing, and to reset the experiments. Bob will be staying on the station, replacing Jeb after his stay of 96 days. His flying is terrible though and he often has difficulty distinguishing between up and down or explosion and landing, so he won't be landing on the Mun before he is joined by another pilot at the station. Refueled, Lorigh flew the MMS lander down to the Mun and landed in the South-west crater. After work on the Mun was done, the MMS took off for a rendezvous with Mun Orbital again. This little lander really is something. Every time it has JUST BARELY ENOUGH fuel to achieve a very low Mun orbit and get a one-shot chance at rendezvous with a low orbiting target, and the final stages of the rendezvous must usually be done with RCS alone because the engine fuel is out. After landing on the Mun there's only enough time to linger until the station completes one orbit around the Mun. Due to the station's inclined orbit, waiting for it to complete more orbits would mean having to alter the lander's inclination by an unacceptable amount that fuel wouldn't permit, if we were to match orbit inclination before rendezvous which would make it much easier and more fuel efficient. With our 4th Mun landing done, and Lorigh's first, Bob again collects the data from the experiments and resets them, then transfers the data to the M&M K2 pod. The M&M then docks with its transfer stage and sets a course for Minmus, with Jeb and Lorigh on board... Minmus object collection Reveal hidden contents This part of the mission was much simpler. After Minmus capture we reduced the orbit to a hair-raising 5000m where the fuel tank to be collected was. Jeb wondered why he was risking his life to collect trash. After rendezvous, we abandoned the near-empty rendezvous stage and grabbed the object, then set an escape course from Minmus. Reentry Reveal hidden contents Now we had the problem of life support - there wasn't enough of it to get to Kerbin. Uh-oh? But oh well, we have a whole stage full of gracious amounts of fuel. So we burned for a straight suborbital drop to Kerbin all the way from Minmus, then burned prograde to increase velocity to Kerbin, thereby shortening the return trip dramatically. We had just enough fuel to burn for a highly elliptical orbit with a low periapsis, and then circularize it to an apoapsis of 400,000 before we ran out of fuel. Reentry was still too steep and we barely made it without exploding when the SAS couldn't work against the air density at 30,000m and the craft started tumbling out of control, but luckily the heating subsided seconds later. Lorigh went from pure rookie to level 2 in no time on this mission, he deserves it after thinking of the faster-way-to-Kerbin-without-exploding maneuver. We won't tell anyone that Jeb was flying. Edited November 9, 2016 by ROXunreal Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
capi3101 Posted November 9, 2016 Share Posted November 9, 2016 (edited) (1.1.3, 1.5 to go) Yesterday I spent a fair amount of time fiddling around with the Auk III tanker spaceplane. I did finally get it into orbit with its payload intact one time, but just barely and with more mass than I'm typically comfortable with for as many engines as I have on the craft. The craft is going to be largely worthless if I can't get it into space with at least some extra delta-V for orbital ops. I might be going about the ascent portion wrong, I suppose. Could just as easily be the 0.3 wing loading; if I increase the wing loading to 0.5 (i.e. if I shrink the wing), the craft should still fly okay and it should reduce the drag acting on the craft. Might be in the cards for today. Next on my agenda was an overhaul of the Spamcan 7 craft for additional tech upgrades, increased passenger capacity and more delta-V. The result was the Spamcan 7a craft, which I plan on leaving at Mün after its initial run. Going to be trying refueling ops and all that, so I made sure to include a KAS connector port on the craft. I also had two contracts to put a new outpost on Mün and to mine 400 ore from the Münar surface. I decided to combine both into a single craft, designing a miner which I dubbed Wildcat 7. I wanted the craft to have KAS winches installed but I didn't have them unlocked and I was about ninety science points short of being able to do so, so I revamped the trusty old Scimobile and stuck Juluna aboard to pick up some KSC gravioli readings. She spun out and crashed attempting to turn towards the administration building (should've invested some money in rover wheels at some point), but the business end of the craft survived and I picked up a sufficient amount of sci to unlock the winches and get them onto the Wildcat. Launch was interesting - my computer must've been trying to update something in the middle of it and started chugging along at a very low, jerky rate, something I haven't seen since pre-0.90. I did finally get the craft into a stable disposition and switched over to another craft, which seemed to solve the problem. Rest of the mission to get Wildcat to Mün was uneventful, and using Beep-Beep 7k in polar orbit to find a suitable mining site, Wildcat was landed, fulfilling that contract. I have it mining the surface now, though its slow going at the moment. That area should've been pretty ore-rich, so I don't know what I've done wrong... Adjusted Beep-Beep 7a's orbit for contract again to end out my night. Mission Control's replacement contracts weren't particularly interesting to me, so I didn't grab any replacements just yet. I've got 21 tourists spread out over six contracts, the ongoing mining at Mün, rescue and outpost contracts for Minmus (which I don't see very many problems in combining; Bates Motel 7 is en route), the Rhino text contract and the Explore Duna contract at the moment. Niigata remains en route to Minmus for science plundering; if her mission is successful, Minmus will be tapped out science-wise. She'll arrive in just over a day. Strange Cargo remains in Kerbin orbit with only Jeb aboard at this point; I'll probably try to reduce the inclination of the craft's orbit later today to get her ready for a new load of tourists. Next Objective is still around Mün with two tourists loaded aboard a Spamcan ready for a Münar excursion. I should probably go ahead and land those folks... Edited November 9, 2016 by capi3101 Had a couple more thoughts. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ThatHomelessGuy Posted November 9, 2016 Share Posted November 9, 2016 (edited) I've been developing a modular Land Barge using the Buffalo mod, EPL and IR. I want something that can deploy a cargo around Kerbin (And later other planets with EPL) and pick it up. The important part is that it needs to have lifting legs that can lay the cargo down and then lift up the cab to give clearance to the payload. I also want to be able to fit a crane to the Barge and still be able to provide lateral support to the Barge to prevent it from tipping over. This is just an EPL test I intend to have these as separate modules in future. And this is the lifting mechanism. I have the legs on rotors so that I can turn the wheels that will later be fitted sideways and Parallel park so to speak. And for the crane state. There will be two running boards that can be swapped out with shorter or longer ones for different payloads and a rear cab that will probably be just a second one of these cabs. The nice thing about it is I can make a handful of specifically purposed cabs for different jobs and they should all just work together. This one is a Kargo Kab and has storage space for KIS/KAS parts and any other pieces needed for fitting the payloads in their location. I just had an Idea for a buoyancy module for deploying boats to the water. Edited November 9, 2016 by ThatHomelessGuy Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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