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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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Working on a trip to Duna with Kerbalism. Here is the present design using the largest kerbal atomics engine. Also, energy is a slight problem with only eight gigantor solar panels, it probably needs sixteen solar panels.


I am also am using the new near future launch vehicles pack for the five meter first stage, with vectors. (I latter removed that faring, it was horrible. It kept wrecking my spacecraft when being deployed.)


Another picture of the Mars 1 boosting into orbit for the first test. Yes, this is in sandbox, but i like to test my space ships. Anybody have a problem with that?



Here is the space craft ready to leave Gaia and head to Niebos, another beautiful planet by Gamelinx. There is a thousand meters a second Delta-V left in the first stage which will be used for the departure burn. But off course, since there are twelve days to the offical window, I think I will add an atmospheric lander. Also if you are reading my story, I am very sorry for leaving you hanging but this has been the first time an interplanetary design has worked(out of three) and so the eighth chapter will be coming today. 

(Also wondering, is it legal to say the above?)

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I can't believe it you guys! I FINALLY I DID IT WWEEEEEEEEEEEE:confused:



It's a FULLY AUTOMATED rocket launch to orbit . *Wink* *Wink*

Took me +2 months of stress eating , swearing , hating anything with math/programming in it and almost giving up KSP entirely  .  But now i can sit back , design something fancy , hit launch , get some coffee , come back and BAM ! VEHICLE ORBITAL:cool:

Phew! Learned a ton yet still , i don't know a dime about the real science behind the stuff . Guys , space IS hard

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More failures in RO/RP-0! Five consecutive failures, in fact!

  1. Incsat 1. Small satellite that would launch to the moon's inclination but in LEO so that I can more easily judge launching to the Moon's inclination. Failed on the launch pad.
  2. Planetoid 1 (Venus 1). My first Venus probe. Failed because I didn't have a strong enough antenna.
  3. GEOsat 1A. Partial failure. Made it to Geostationary altitude, but at a high inclination.
  4. Incsat 2. Incsat 1 but with launch clamps. Failed to make orbit. Neutron 1 series of lifters discontinued.
  5. Sailor 1. Surveyor-esque moon landing probe. Would have run out of electricity had I not cheated by exiting the flight scene during warp (I thought I grabbed the hibernating core, but nooooo!). Failed instead because I forgot to change the lander RCS to Hydrazine instead of Nitrogen.


I'm in the process of launching Incsat 3. Let's hope it works!

EDIT: Incsat 3 was successful! Finally!

Edited by Ultimate Steve
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Hey Bob, you might want to, you know, come to a stop before you try to clean out the experiments. Just saying. 

You can tell it's Bob and not Jeb - if it'd been Jeb, the speed would've been higher by at least another two orders of magnitude...

Tried out a redesigned early Scimobile yesterday. Worked a lot better - later on in this run Bob got it up to 130 mph and did a nearby ground survey with it. Also turned out to make a pretty decent boat. Got Panthers and Skippers for my efforts.

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I redesigned and tested my new helicopter. Gives sort of an attack helicopter feel now. Wanna build the aesthetics on that. 


Can go pretty fast too.


Wish aero effects were based on the velocity of individual parts instead of vessel COM, it's kind of disappointing to see aero effects on the wrong side of the retreating rotor blade.

Also designed a robotic arm thing to help deploy sats from my shuttle for the next mission.


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oh well can you tell me about your shuttle?

i also bring to the three orange suit men to the surface of duna, one of them will also go to the south pole, walking

here for images

i first made a mission to flyby mun in an orion launched by sls block 1




and then in SLS block 2 launched them again but now for duna!





i still not know how is possible that the cryogenic stage is still entire even after ike encounter

Edited by Spaceman17
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3 hours ago, Alpha_Mike_741 said:

Took me +2 months of stress eating , swearing , hating anything with math/programming in it and almost giving up KSP entirely  .  But now i can sit back , design something fancy , hit launch , get some coffee , come back and BAM ! VEHICLE ORBITAL:cool:

Phew! Learned a ton yet still , i don't know a dime about the real science behind the stuff . Guys , space IS hard

... and here I am just flarping about with MechJeb/Gravity Turn and carping that it's never quite right. :/

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Doing a Galileo's planet pack career game. Got a contract to transfer crew between two vessels in orbit around Iota (the analoug for the Moon/Mün, but smaller). I figured I would test an idea of putting a small probe with an inflatable hab module that can seat two, and send up a Gemini like capsule to it, thus starting the "Hercules" Program.




Yesterday, I also did my first docking for that save, with an "Explorer" capsule, and a probe named RT-1


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You had two missions.... well a lot of boring sat launches that all looked the same waiting for tech to catch up. RP-0

First I wanted a more serious lunar lander mission. So north pole it is.

This craft I called lag monster, to many engines grinding Test Flight into a crawl.

Had to be careful to not break from too low an orbit, upper outside drop tanks for tuning and breaking orbit. Main descent stage included



hi Southpole


hey northpole, begin burn


tanks emptied and dropped half decent fuel gone, 74km and down.


Landing, forgot a landing light.


Heading home


Goodbye lander


Everything was Cavea-B engines and RCS, load was unbalanced so some constant RCS correction throughout the ascent was needed.


Making a horrible return orbit, barely had enough fuel to lower PE to reenter.



Then my kerbs needed to try out new capsules.


TLI Stage (only about 2500m/s) then finished off by the Kerolox CSM. 32+ days of life support. Tight quarters of the Gemini. Three communication antennas on CSM, additional antenna on the TLI stage plus integral avionics, power and RCS allow it to lower PE at its drop AP and burn up over the pacific.



Fairing had weirdness so I ditched it. Need to do testing to see which ones need fixing or deletion.




Self de-orbiting TLI stage is dropped. Had to scramble to turn off its RCS and lost my maneuver node during the bounce.



Hi Earth!  Oxygen and Water are heavily stocked, large batteries are probably not needed.  Science was included but everything has already been gathered except crew reports and EVA. Solar Tucks into the CSM when not needed and even a backup antenna is stored inside.


Space is so busy I needed running lights.


My little tricks to actually using the CSM with an extra heat shield installed (worried that engine failure might force a lunar speed re-entry).  Auxiliary propulsion is 4 pairs of LR-101s that allow for 4 ignitions and maneuverability even if RCS is fully depleted.





Last few puffs of RCS as we return to Earth gods know where.


Edited by Bornholio
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1 hour ago, CatastrophicFailure said:

... and here I am just flarping about with MechJeb/Gravity Turn and carping that it's never quite right. :/

If you like spaceflight, you WILL kOS the S*** outta your rockets . It's just a matter of time :)

44 minutes ago, Bornholio said:

You had two missions.... well a lot of boring sat launches that all looked the same waiting for tech to catch up. RP-0

First I wanted a more serious lunar lander mission. So north pole it is.

This craft I called lag monster, to many engines grinding Test Flight into a crawl.


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hi Southpole







Heading home

  Reveal hidden contents







Then my kerbs needed to try out new capsules.



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Fairing had weirdness so i ditched it




Self de-orbiting TLI stage.





  Reveal hidden contents


Hi Earth!


Space is so busy i needed running lights.





My little tricks to actually using the CSM with an extra heatshield installed (worried that engine failure might force a lunar speed re-entry)



  Reveal hidden contents





Idk what to say , Overwhelmingly awesome CSM ! Gonna steal borrow that around-the-shield raceway idea shamelessly

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Now that my Laythe rover has arrived, I can start focusing on my colonization of Ike! (I refuse to call it kolonization)

My Minmus base ended up being a science-only base because I was having issues with the drills, but I've redesigned the module and they work now! That being said, I need to launch the scanner first before I start sending up base pieces.





Alright, one down!


Nine more to go.

(And this is after I made the base smaller)


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2 minutes ago, EpicSpaceTroll139 said:

Well this is the thing:


My shuttle is definitely way overkill for launching a few satellites to geo orbit... Maybe I should go overboard on the size of the sats so it feels more reasonable...

it doesn't help much me but...

you given me an idea:

in ksp 0.90 aren't fairings, so i'll make them with some deouplers, cargo bays an aerodynamic nose cone

4 hours ago, Brownhair2 said:

Now that my Laythe rover has arrived, I can start focusing on my colonization of Ike! (I refuse to call it kolonization)

My Minmus base ended up being a science-only base because I was having issues with the drills, but I've redesigned the module and they work now! That being said, I need to launch the scanner first before I start sending up base pieces.





Alright, one down!


Nine more to go.

(And this is after I made the base smaller)


you are going to colonize ike? i'm going to colonize laythe, cause that my wich of sending a probe to there

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Finished my adventure around Duna, returned to Ike on the way home to park the Reminer in orbit, then off to Kerbin.  About halfway home we realized we forgot to transfer Bill out of the lander can on the Reminer, and he was still back orbiting Ike.

Val, going mad after spending over 4 years in an MK1-2 command pod and realizing she left a man behind


Did get to land two pods from the same ship together.  That was nifty.



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Been testing that "robotic arm" thing I made earlier. Looks like I'm either going to have to do some redesign, or get a lot of practice using it, because the sections inbetween the grabber bit and the shuttle like to hinge in directions that block me from moving to where I want to go, like directly across the cargo bay, and which might also make it hard to fold back into the stowed position.

Still, it's a neat thing.



Might try to create a kOS script to limit the speed in each direction, since sometimes I can accidentally get it moving such that it acts like paddle-ball.



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Today I made realism (and sci-fi) games just a little more enjoyable. I finished my sunflares and installed BDB just to show off one of the realism ones. :) Linked in my sig, right next to the skyboxes.




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On 7/27/2017 at 4:21 PM, Jimbodiah said:

Sent a station to Mecury (RSS), did some landings and sent a resupply mission.

90% is made using SSTU parts. For the rest: NearFuture Propulsion, J2X Antenna, WildBlue DSEV

Wow, really nice ship! Is the torus from SSTU? Never seen that before

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37 minutes ago, Tyko said:

Wow, really nice ship! Is the torus from SSTU? Never seen that before


Everything but the engine (NF Propulsion), Antenna (J2X) and radiators (WildBlue DSEV) are from SSTU. It has a recoloring option since KSP 1.3 which allows you to customize the part colors so it's not the default and cliche white/black/grey.

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Just now, KerbMav said:

I learned how to use Windows' video capture thingy and how to upload on youtube.


I use shadowplay.

Also, the issue shown here has not yet been fixed.

I did not touch anything except for the spacebar once.


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15 hours ago, Geonovast said:

Finished my adventure around Duna, returned to Ike on the way home to park the Reminer in orbit, then off to Kerbin.  About halfway home we realized we forgot to transfer Bill out of the lander can on the Reminer, and he was still back orbiting Ike.

Val, going mad after spending over 4 years in an MK1-2 command pod and realizing she left a man behind


Did get to land two pods from the same ship together.  That was nifty.



i've tested my SLS Block 2 and it can get to duna, the thing is how to land

43 minutes ago, Adstriduum said:

Did some aerobraking at Laythe.


how... why... what?... why your jool is not green?

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