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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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wow over, I hadn't thought about removing the fuel to check the balance of COW and COL along with removing oxydizer from my tanks... now that i see that i realise i know approximately how much fuel i use that doesn't use oxydizer on my SSTO, so i should remove that amount and BAM, saved some weight!

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@Geschosskopf Thanks buddy :o)

wow over, I hadn't thought about removing the fuel to check the balance of COW and COL along with removing oxydizer from my tanks... now that i see that i realise i know approximately how much fuel i use that doesn't use oxydizer on my SSTO, so i should remove that amount and BAM, saved some weight!

Oh yes, those "new" plane tanks rock the house!

By the way... that plane is now a SSTO.







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Bad night in KSP - the new Ranger Baker Two, Ranger Able and Storax Sedan missions all failed to make their respective target with sufficient delta-V to insert orbit and were each aborted in turn. A new mission has been launched for Eeloo and I'm sending a Sandstone Xray probe to Bop; this time I'm doing it the old-fashioned way (using maneuver nodes) as opposed to relying on Protractor for the transfer (I am still using Protractor for setting the position of the node for the ejection burn). So far things are going well with the new missions.

Still in the process of sending a Constipation XIII-C probe to Moho; I think I've figured out the transfer process now and I've sent up a new Orthus Moho lander. We'll see if I can actually make it to Moho for less than 6,000 m/s of delta-V.

Redid my mini probe design; actually worked with just two FL-T100s as it turned out...

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Well after playing around with my space station a bit today I came to the conclusion that it needed a lot of fixing to making look a bit better. One of the major issues I had with it is the science lab has in IVA mode, yeah this sounds silly but I like to look inside. Also I had left out a bunch of other ideas I had found after looking around at other stations. So after the old station "being shutdown" I made the Kerbin Interplantary Snack Station (Still calling K.I.S.S. for fun).

Here is the redesigned K.I.S.S. now in orbit around Kerbin (Not sure yet if I want to keep that nuke engine attached now or not).


Then I also worked on making a refueling pod and habitation module, but now I think I will do those as separate pieces instead of one long one. The ports on the refueling cell will hold the return pods for Kerbals that have been away on missions to come back home. Sorry the pictures are dark I needed a break and did not feel up for another orbit around Kerbin.


If I drop the nuke off of the bottom that would open up another port to make the base even larger later on if I wanted too. Also right now this thing is solar only, so I may need to make a habitation module with a generator on it for good measure, though there are 4 of the 400 battery blocks on the station and 2 more on the habitation module with its own solar panels as well.

Edited by Liowen
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It was a working day for me. Did some mods to my Jet and took atmosphere samples all around Kerbin:


On the side of the cockpit you can make out the Sensor Nose cone. I flew around different area's of Kerbin, took samples, and earned 200 points for 30 minutes of work. Not bad. Jeb earned his pay check. :D

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Went to all the planets and moon and landed on them in less than 4 years, using one launch.

And then I took the recorded footage and made it into a video.


I went hunting for prey.

I figured out a way to get my bike over the mountains. I now use this to jump islands on Laythe.


Today for the 1st time I made a good aeroplane & for the 1st time I've landed one! Thanks to the new update, we can now see how emptying fuel tanks shift weight centre, and any fuel tank can be used as a plane tank by emptying the oxidizer. One might think that, even if you empty the oxidizer from the rocket tank, it still might be too heavy, but no! not at all! The relative weight is about the same as the plane fuselages!

So here's my Freakishly AWESOME aeroplane :D :



First off, maccollo, that video was amazing! Definitely video of the year for me. I had no idea that so much could be done with those little engines!

Whackjob, that is whack, even for you! :sticktongue:

Levelord, wonderful job blending aethetics with function. I love the seismic sensor cylinders!

Overfloater, great job with that biplane. Looks great!

As for me, I did my 2nd ever Duna/Ike return with the SS Stephen Hawking and Penrose I lander. I sent the whole thing at once, and assembly was the hardest part of the mission. As you can see, subtlety is not my specialty:


Thanks to everyone who shares in this thread. I've gotten tons of inspiration from seeing your creations, and have gotten more than a little jealous of your creativity and skills. Happy holidays! :)

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Tried to rendezvous with a space station. Failed miserably. I need MechJeb...

It's not easy, but it can be done without MechJeb. Timing, practice, and patience. Small moves pay off big in space.

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Today was a busy day in KSP.

In launched and docked the last two fuel tanks of my K7 space station. These last two tanks are equiped with sas and thrusters to help re-orient the station should it be nesicary.

I created and launched the Orinoco and Rio Grande ships. These are intended to be used solely in space, but are equpied for emergancy return to Kerbal. The Rio Grande is large, powered by 2 of the Nuke engies. Plenty of fuel. The engines are on pylons on the sides. Allowing for a docking port in the back as well as the front of the ship. The Orinoco is smaller, less fuel, and has an engine in the back instead of the docking port. This gives it more power if needed though normally will use just the nukes on it's pylons.

Newton V:

Launched fuel tank for space station into orbit

1: Launched Rio Grande into orbit

2: Launched fuel tank for space station into orbit

3: Launched Orinoco Into orbit

4: Launched fuel tank for space station into orbit

Rio Grande:

1: Arrived at Space Station K7

2: Descended and retrived Fuel tank and assembled to K7


1: Launched, Currently in orbit awaint lineup for arrivale at K7

Galileo VII:

1: Launched

2: Retrieved final fuel tank

3: Placed onto K7:

4: Returned to Kerbal

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Completed my first mission to Dres using my interplanetary shuttle with a lander in the cargo bay. I barely had enough fuel to make it back to Kerbin, but I got a decent chunk of science from it. I'll probably shoot for Jool or Moho next.

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I only have two week's worth ksp experience and I spent the morning failing to design a successful airplane before ending up with my first ever successful take off and landing (landed at the dirt strip). It still tends strongly upward though. I then spent a solid portion of the day failing new rocket designs. I was trying to build a design to get both Mun orbiter/shuttle AND Mun lander up into orbit at the same time. After hours of failure I finally decided to send them up seperately on my old reliable. Worked brilliantly. Extra fuel from lighter load was transferred over before being dumped and now I'm ready to do my proof of concept run tomorrow. On Kerbal, trial and error is less of a process and more of a prayer.

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Two somewhat botched missions to Minmus that I managed to rescue.

Mission 1. Where I learned the hard way that polar orbits can be a pain to plot return trajectories from. The best I could do with available fuel left me around 90m/s short of getting home. Fortunately the Explorer 3 was equipped with a launch escape system (four sepratrons stuck to the capsule) so I had my 'Gravity' moment of using the LES to get me home. Unfortunately it was a little too powerful, putting me on a collision course with Kerbin. So obviously the way to fix that was to plot a course correction, orient the capsule (with about 5 units of electricity left), then get out and push.

Mission 2. Where I learned that leaving the SAS on can really drain your batteries when landed on a slope. Launched a rescue mission, landed around 10km away and was very glad that my brave kerbonaut could lug all the experimental data over to the rescue craft (yay for new science model!). Landed safely on Kerbin and scooped just over 1k science for my troubles (yay Minmus biomes!)

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So, what did you do in KSP today? I'm working on my project to touch down on every object in the system without mechjeb, so everything is done by hand. I launched a rocket (Project D-Man)to Duna yesterday and today I landed on Duna . After taking off, I realized that I could land on Ike too. This way I don't have to visit the Duna-system again. However - it seems I did a slight miscalculation and only reached Ike orbit....with a 30 km apoapsis.

So, I converted a space-tug I had in storage into a interplanetary towing service and left for Duna. Yeah, it has mechjeb, because I did all the landing allready and its better than just leaving my faithfull kerbals in Ike orbit (my project - my rules :wink: ). So both ships met in Ike-orbit, where I accidently triggered the last stage seperator on D-Man just after docking. However after a few months of waiting for the right planetary alignment - the D-Man capsule is on its way home :D And yes, I did not have to attend any lectures today - so there was plenty of time for KSP ;)

So, what about you?

What did I do in KSP today? I downloaded version 0.23 and (again) had to patch it so it would load PNG textures without crashing. Note this is only for 64 bit Linux version........ and the location of the bytes to patch has moved. Lots of fun trying to find them (but I did!)

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Today, Jeb went on a walk around his capsule after successfully returning from an minmus fly-by, cause i thought i could get so more SCIENCE!!!. However, a mysterious force grabbed Jeb and he fell through the planet and Dying!!! (I'm sorry that i let Jeb Die in such a simple way). Disgraced by this, i decided to take a break while waiting for a trans-munar burn. By some miracle when i went back to the astronaut complex and suprised. Jebediah was back!!! I was happy to see my best astronaut back...but how did he survive? who knows but i had fun. XD

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It appears my Kerbals have decided to research stealth rocketry...


(either that or my laptop is so underpowered I have to turn the graphics settings way down and my fps while Kerbin is in the frame rarely get above 3...)

Edited by Padishar
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Finally built a successful space shuttle. Big and way over engineered. For Kerbin's sake it can go out the Mun and back with fuel to spare.

After a successful flight test


At the Mun


Reentry returning from the Mun


With the Launch system.


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Hmm, approaching a big ball of bubblegum!


Slightly oversized lander this time, just experimenting with lifters & what they could load!


Touchdown! Minimus! Lets go check out the surfa.....oh, wait, yes, thats a solar panel blocking the hatch....! :(


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Thanks to help from maccollo, I finally put a satellite in orbit of Moho. I left Kerbin on the wrong date and screwed up the plane change so it turned out taking ~8,000 m/s of delta-V all told; anticipating a screw-up, I went with a Constipation XIII-C probe (14,000 m/s of delta-V available to it)...

Eve and Bop are the only two worlds I haven't put sats around at this point (Eve for lack of trying; I've got one around Gilly). Rover delivery is still giving me headaches.

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