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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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Experimented with Kraken-Tech.

Also, today is the 1 year anniversary of me getting KSP! 


Crusing past Ike at the speed of very fast.


Close to the surface too.


More Ike.


Kraken SSTA.


Really like the design.


Nearly landing. Failed so many times I just cheated to the surface.


And by failed I mean the tail exploded.


Thing in the dark. 

I am now working on a SSTO base, which might be posted tomorrow.


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Today I finally finished my survey of all nine anomalies on the mun! I've never bothered to visit them all before, and I'm actually quite glad to be done with it because nine consecutive landings can be rather tedious. Should make for a nice mission report though - preview below without much spoilage:



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New Navalised Fulcrum I'm working on for a modern-ish style carrier, wings and nose fold as well as having a new folding rover wheel to taxi on the deck. With a little skill you can fly this thing through the R&D tunnel and live to tell the tale. Can PSM and stalls at around 40m/s

60's style carrier and accompanying aircraft should be released by the end of the week.

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Another day of stock KSP... This time I'll post some old screenshots that I found as well.

First of all, Merry (Late) Christmas! I got several space-related stuff: some NASA pajamas, a small encyclopedia, a Space Race DVD and a puzzle with rockets.

So, as I started building it, there were the 3 SLS blocks. SLS? YES! BIG BRAIN IDEA! SLS IN KSP!

I made it. It has a working Launch Escape System and plenty of Delta V! (I bet it can reach minmus...)

The test flight was just a small vacation for Jeb, Bill and Bob: a trip to the space station.







Good. But now I wanted to make my first Duna mission for this save. Its not the previously built Dunar 1, Its a new one. UltraMax MegaRover 2.

Derived from the legendary UltraMax MegaRover that was on my old save:


The original was easy to flip over though. So I made it: UltraMax MegaRover 2



Its cute! So I edited it and gave it eyes:


It also has a station, that landed the rover and would of currently had a use if I PUT AN ANTENA AND A DOCKING PORT ON IT. Maybe I should just crash it...


I also put a small comunnication sat on the rocket, but I don't have a pic of it... You can see it on the top of the craft though.


It has 4 of the 3x2 panels. You can as well see it during first aerobraking attempt:


I decided to make it a patch in MS paint.


The name is inspired by the Pathfinder (obviously). I think of sending one on Eve, Moho, attempt for Jool's moons, Eeloo, Ike, many places around Kerbin and on the Mun/Minmus. That means it should be everywhere! I hope it has enough fuel with that upper stage though...

Yep, thats it for yesterday. Now: Old pics:

1. Some of my first ever planes. I was inspired by Jacksepticeye's planes.





2. Mun/Minmus things.

I think thats one of my first attempts at a Mun mission, during launch. The lifter is unknown, and I remember that something went wrong on launch...


My first ever rover I call it "Tesla Mun". I also launched the same, but for Minmus. "Tesla Minmus" Didn't land properly and lost one of its energy generators and its rear wheels.


Fun fact: The design was originally called "UltraMax MegaRover", but was later renamed "UltraMax MegaRover moon edition"

Looks familiar, huh? Just like the "UltraMax MegaRover 2"? Yeah, coincidence.

That might be my first successful Mun mission:



And my first Mun and back mission. I used the soviet two seater, because why not?:


And if I quite know right: I have screenshots (from the achievements) from my fist kerbal mission there, but I haven't moved them to my laptop. Me smol brain moment.

And of course: The Mun ground station expedition 1:



This is just from the Apollo-style docking. Wow! Such a low altitude!

For the landing I told myself: "North or South pole because why not?" And I got the South one.


Many wanted to see the "Old style rocket":



Tested on Minmus, probably able to land on the Mun and hopefully put a Science Jr on it.

3. First orbital EVA

Sure, its not my first, but its one of the first:



4. Boom on shuttle attempt.





5. Duna

Yeah, here is my first Duna landing, the Kerbiking 1

Get it? funy because Viking 1. Haha! (pls kill me for my bad jokes)


This is my first Kerbals on Duna attempt. In fact, the docking was the problem because I ran out of MP. Its the same rocket as the Mun station: Expedition 1


Oh, and the first rover on Duna. The skycrane decoupling went bad and...


6. Jool

Now, moon flybys are BORING. Here are some of the probes I sent there.




7. Easter eggs



8. Kercury Greenstone

(kill me for bad jokes)


9. Others




I'm almost completely sure that this is going to be on a new page. Bet!




Edited by Aerodynamic Kerbal
oh well no new page :(
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14 minutes ago, Axelord FTW said:

I VERY much doubt you found 90% concentration of ore. Best you can find is around 15%, even with the resource abundance slider having been put all the way to 11 when starting a new save.

I think the actual.concentration is 5 or 6 percent.  The 90% slider in the tracking station is confusing.

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My game seemingly broke today. I was about to do a launch when the kraken destroyed my rocket. I reverted to launch and then after a while loading, Kerbin was invisible, part of my rocket was missing, and it kept happening each time I reloaded. I closed the game and hopefully it will fix itself by tomorrow.

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27 minutes ago, Scarecrow71 said:

I think the actual.concentration is 5 or 6 percent.  The 90% slider in the tracking station is confusing.

Was that the highest on the whole of Minmus? Since you're using the Survey Scanner, I'm guessing you don't use ScanSat. You can get much, much more precise 'map' view of the concentrations with it, but that's up to you. Even within a single 'concentration' zone you can find peaks and troughs with the surface scanner module. Ideally, you pick the best zone, land a rover with a SSM and drive it around until you find the ideal spot. Personally, anywhere else than on Minmus' flats, geography also plays an important role and I'll forgo a few extra% of ore for a better spot. I've never really cared that much before but my current save is the first time I invested so much effort on ISRU on worlds other than Minmus.

Speaking of which, I did a major overhaul of the Duna factory (all modules except the core), and launched two 'missions' from it. First is the needed relay to call home, and second is a return craft to Kerbin which will carry samples (like Blueberries, which are needed for a contract). Everything was stuffed into a reentry capsule which will arrive at interplanetary speeds and, hopefully, not burn up.


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1 hour ago, Axelord FTW said:

Was that the highest on the whole of Minmus? Since you're using the Survey Scanner, I'm guessing you don't use ScanSat. You can get much, much more precise 'map' view of the concentrations with it, but that's up to you. Even within a single 'concentration' zone you can find peaks and troughs with the surface scanner module. Ideally, you pick the best zone, land a rover with a SSM and drive it around until you find the ideal spot. Personally, anywhere else than on Minmus' flats, geography also plays an important role and I'll forgo a few extra% of ore for a better spot. I've never really cared that much before but my current save is the first time I invested so much effort on ISRU on worlds other than Minmus

I'd have to look at the map again to see where the biggest concentrations are.  And a rover with the surface scanning module is the next thing I'm doing.

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On 12/25/2021 at 5:37 PM, swjr-swis said:

Today I continued work on a plane prototype I started, the SWiS Fury multi-role aircraft. Coming along nicely, still some final touches left.

Sent Jeb and Bob off to do some testing and finetuning. Jeb decided on a River Run; Bob got a bit more than he bargained for.



Screenshots of a slightly earlier prototype, showing the general design.




Testing a different loadout.




Why were you doing this in 1.3.1

3 hours ago, Axelord FTW said:



Nice engine effects, is that waterfall or real plume. 

i use waterfall

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3 hours ago, SSTO Crasher said:

Why were you doing this in 1.3.1

I'm glad you asked. [deep breath]

The answer is simple: best-performing fastest-loading version of KSP by a long shot, and the only one that manages to stay alive, lagless, and glitchless, through hours (and day)-long sessions of constant scene changes (ie: iterative edits, tests, reverts, and back to editing of craft).

Would I love to have some of the new gadgets and QoL stuff of later versions (like for this one plane, the separate deployment/authority sliders for control surfaces)? Of course. But aside from the aggravation from half-implemented half-bugged features, the game just simply won't run problem-free for the extended sessions and many scene changes I usually do. I downloaded 1.12.3 a week ago, and after the second time of having to restart it through just the very start of a build session (I started this plane in 1.12.3), I was too annoyed and just fired up 1.3.1 again. I had to rebuild the plane entirely from scratch, but boy was it worth it for my peace of mind.

Side bonus: once finished, most 1.3.1 craft work and perform with only minimal adjusments in any of the later versions, including consoles and the many diverse modded installs in the wild, so for sharing compatibility to the broadest audience it's hard to beat.

As far as I'm concerned, the question isn't why was I doing this in 1.3.1; the real question is why isn't everyone else. At least until we get a decently finished version...

[/semi-unsolicited rant]

You did ask.

Back to doing some more River Runs in my plane. In 1.3.1. :wink: (spoiler: Val and Lisfel actually make it to the end)


Craft file: https://kerbalx.com/swjr-swis/SWiS-Fury-MRAC

Edited by swjr-swis
added published craft link
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Launched a space hotel:



Nuclear powered, capable of holding 50+ customers plus the crew with full life support and multiple docking ports for expansion. I immediately used one up sending up a Universal Docking Adapter with some supplies and station keeping fuel:


The Jr. compatible airlock extends to provide clearance for Falcon class spaceplanes to dock in comfort, and also works with my Cannonball Mk1 crew pods if one needed shelter in an emergency. To prevent any "whoopsies", there is a red/green status light on the airlock:



The main docking mechanism is for the Skua class heavy shuttle, seen here approaching with the first 28 tourists to visit the hotel:


Fireworks to celebrate the grand opening:






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5 hours ago, SSTO Crasher said:

Why were you doing this in 1.3.1

Nice engine effects, is that waterfall or real plume. 

i use waterfall

Das waterfall indeed. If I'm using Nertea's engines, might as well use his engine effects.

CURRENTLY: Rover on Eve. Had a contract for ChemCam scan of Peak Ejecta, a place I'd never been to before. Made a new rover, and constructed it on Gilly. Getting it exactly on target would have been more trouble, but I had way more dV than needed so I effectively stopped cold in orbit above where I wanted to land. With the contract being done, I'm off for a little ride for extra science. Also, I used to thumb my nose at fuel cells (and still vastly prefer fission reactors for anything substantial), but they're real useful for stuff like rovers. One RTG for constant power, and a fuel cell for uphill battles and large science transfer.

I've been to Impact Ejecta and Peaks now. Highlands, Midlands and Lowlands next. It's a very long drive to the next nearest biome after that, but the rover autopilot is very useful.

EDIT: Highlands and midlands done, now a 20min drive to the lowlands. Afterwards, the shallows. That will be it. 


Edit2: There was a very small Shallows biome not too far from me, actually. So that got scanned too! I also now realize the large scanning arm was broken at some point, though I have no clue when. Thankfully I'd already done a scan of all three surface features.
Final results: 





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In my career game, I wanted to build a rover and send it to Minmus so it could start exploring and find the best place(s) to drill for and mine ore.  I was hoping to be able to find some place close enough to Prophecy I (the current outpost on Minmus in the Flats), but after multiple attempts at building a rover I realized I did not have the right parts/pieces to put this together.  Specifically, I was missing the Composites node in R&D, which would give me plenty of structural pieces with which to build a decent rover.  I tried to build one using the Grip Pads, which semi-worked...but I couldn't attach them to the inside of any cargo bays in a way that made the rover useful.

And so, the engineers at the Las Kerbas Space Center decided we needed to find a way to gain some science to unlock new technologies.  After spending a few hours of wading through the endless piles of paperwork that astrophysicists end up creating, they came across a contract sent to them by the World's First Record Keeping Society to send a rocket to Eve, do a fly-by, and come home.  This was just the motivation they needed to put on their thinking caps and get to cracking.  After several frantic meetings and joint sessions, they presented VISION I to the world:


Vision I spent just over a year in space in LKO before setting off for Eve.  Bob took a great photo for his vacation album once he was about an hour out:


Bob wanted to get a shot while near Eve, but the flash on his camera wasn't working properly, and being on the darkened side of the planet it just wouldn't take.  He also failed to get a shot of the capsule once it got back to Kerbin, primarily because he doesn't think about stuff like that.  (READ:  I took the screenshot and then promptly copied something else before I could post it to Imgur cuz, well, I'm an idiot.)

I walked away from this mission with 1046 science, which allowed me to unlock Composites (and a couple of other nodes).  I now have the pieces to start building a decent rover, which I will do next!


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When one has 'played' KSP for any length of time, the Kerbin equatorial belt becomes very, very familiar.

A little while ago, I set a KAC alarm to go off every 2 days, referring to my KISS space station, which is in a 45-degree incline.  Generally I dismiss the alarm, especially if busy.  But occasionally I do switch to the Kerbal International Space Station[1], and enjoy a strangely fresh, unfamiliar view of wherever it happens to be.


It's quite fun to try to deduce the location (without reference to the KER lon/lat display) -- and therefore a good way to become a little more familiar with Mother Kerbin.

It does also often suggest places to go explore...

[1] 1 of 2 KISS space stations in operation: the other one is in a 180-degree incline (i.e. westerly direction) and provides a fascinating (albeit short-lived) view as it flashes by opposing traffic at a 4km/sec closing rate.

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Put a few relays in orbit of Duna. The one long-range relay that reached to Kerbin did the trick for ground communications, but sending missions to Ike from Sandsail was problematic since coverage would be spotty at best, and nonexistent on the far side of Ike. That done, I got a small survey rover up to Ike for a contract, and likewise on Duna, where it is currently clipping about at 125kph westward. It's incredible how good the MJ rover autopilot is. The only thing that can happen is a damn surface feature being in the way. I've rolled over a few blueberries and the worst that happened was the rover doing a few hundred meters on two wheels like this was a weird bollywood action-musical movie.

I actually sent a crewed mission to Ike yesterday from the Sandsail, and they brought back 90 pieces of data, which was transferred to the return craft currently in orbit, waiting for a window to Kerbin.



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